Saturday, June 17, 2023

Newt Gringrich forgot a critical aspect of the FBI

Editor's note: Look Newt, the Americans can see the FBI anyway they want to but the one thing they won't see the FBI as for whatever reasons, is the FBI is a private, for-profit, foreign Municipal Corporation owned and operated by the Municipal DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE, another Municipal Corporation franchise. The FBI has to go and everyone is in agreement with this, but the problem is Newt, the FBI is another British imperial corporate overlay. Look Newt, if you are going to slam the FBI then please, by all means call this corporation out for the right reasons. It's not in existence to protect the American people. It serves the US corporation as its commercial militia.

Newt Gingrich has seen enough — the FBI has got to go…

The Dual Sovereignty Fraud

Friday, June 16, 2023 | By Anna Von Reitz

Information provided to H.E. Cardinal Mamberti and the Vatican Chancery Court regarding our Claim March 6 2005, January 19 2023 in seq:

In 1937, observing that our States were still not called into Session, the two colluding Municipal Corporations operating in the District of Columbia issued a declaration known as "The Declaration of Interdependence of the Governments in The United States".

This amounted to the two guilty Municipal Corporations declaring that, since the actual owners weren't at home, they were taking over and working together and awarding each other "Dual Sovereignty" --- that is, pretending that our Federal Employees had a right to inherit our property and establish dual claims on our purportedly abandoned assets, benefiting foreign powers.

There are numerous problems with this offer.

For starters, we were never provided with Notice of their activities or presumptions; instead, these claims and activities took place clandestinely and privately, with no Notice to the General Public.

Both the guilty entities are Municipal Corporations and as such, have no sovereignty. Second, the elected officials and hired officers and employees of these Municipal Corporations cannot derive sovereignty from any other incorporated entity. Third, they have no use permits, much less valid ownership, of any land in this country.

Even their independent international city-state that is technically allowed under Article I, Section 8, Clause 17 of the Federal Constitutions is permitted as the City of Washington, not the Municipality of Washington. Additionally, it must conform to the intent of the legislation, and the purpose of the legislation, which is merely to establish a neutral Federal Capitol under the control of the American Federal Subcontractor --- not the Territorial or Municipal Congress Members.

The power-sharing agreements manifest in the Treaties ending The War of Independence are implemented via the Federal Constitutions, and there can be no doubt that the majority of the activities and authorities undertaken by the Territorial and Municipal Congresses since the American Federal Republic Congress stopped meeting in 1860, were never intended for nor vouchsafed to them.

The entire situation is purely self-interested usurpation by service providers providing themselves with service at the expense of their employers, all without the employer's knowledge or consent.

This accounts for the vast proliferation of "federal" and "state of state" government units and services and agencies and employees. The actual number of federal employees we might expect would be 2 to 5 million at most; instead, we find ourselves with 25 million federal employees, over 450 Federal Agencies, and unknown numbers of additional vendors and subcontractors.

We have already commented on the fact that all Federal Services are duplicated at least one layer deep, so that the Territorial Department of Labor is mirrored by the Municipal DOL, and we wind up paying for the same service twice.

In addition, more than 450 Federal Agencies, which are in effect subcontractors of our Subcontractors of our Subcontractors -- three layers deep, are hired by these Dual Departments to do the bulk of the work that they are supposed to be doing. So we are treated to the spectacle of our Subcontractors subcontracting out their work to Subcontractors, who then subcontract it out to private organizations that have no real attachment to any public office or function at all.

Astonishingly, the FBI, CIA, DHS, and numerous other high-profile organizations are private, for-profit, foreign Municipal Corporations owned and operated by the Municipal DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE, another Municipal Corporation franchise. These are all operated by Boards of Directors and have no more public office or authority than any other corporation.

We find ourselves being misrepresented and misaddressed by people who have no authority to even speak to us, much less any excuse for speaking for us. They aren't our subcontractors and we didn't delegate any public authority or office or power to them. We didn't agree to hire and empower all these Agencies, so that our actual Subcontractors could further offload their work and offset their liabilities.

All the Agency costs have been non-consensually passed on to us and the legislative authority vested in both the Territorial and Municipal Congresses has been exercised in Breach of Trust by unelected Administrative Agencies that have recklessly promulgated and enforced Administrative Code as if it were law.

This "mistake" was addressed by the Tennessee Supreme Court in Norton v. Shelby County in 1886, and we are still having to address this gross over-reach and misadministration by the guilty Municipal Corporations today. As recently as last year, 2022, a whopping 136 years after this matter was supposedly decided, the Territorial Supreme Court had to revisit it again in West Virginia v EPA, and once again, the Supreme Court had to tell Congress that it isn't allowed to give away its legislative responsibilities to subcontractors.

How many times does this have to be repeated until the Subcontractors, their Congresses, and their Agency Subcontractors get the message?

These double affirmations, 136 years apart, are small comfort to the millions of Americans and American businesses that have been railroaded through foreign Territorial and Municipal Courts and convicted of regulatory crimes that don't apply to them or their businesses in the meantime.

After 136 years the limitations of Federal Agencies and State-of-State Agencies should be set in cement, and available to recite chapter and verse by every schoolchild in this country. Instead, we are still being harassed and forced to fight over things that are: (1) obvious, and second, (2) already decided.

Americans who have recorded their choice of political status and brought it forward should never, ever be misaddressed by any Federal Agency or State-of-State franchise whatsoever, yet these private subcontractors of Subcontractors --- and sometimes another layer deep, and all non-consensually charged to us --- continue these practices of harassment with no granted authority or public office. They take refuge in the purloined foreign registrations foisted off on babies and on "implied contracts" and blatantly undisclosed contracts resulting from the non-consensual receipt of services and licensing.

Witness the scandalous "Marriage License" already exposed in our presentation about the Licensing Frauds promulgated against our people. Originally designed to criminalize marriage and limit the ability of Negro and Mulatto couples to lawfully marry, this horrible practice has ultimately led to the institution of Marriage being denigrated and reduced to the status of a business Joint Venture into which a venal Silent Partner, the Territorial Municipal Corporation's State of State franchise, intrudes itself --- and then uses its' merely presumed interest in the JV to seize the "products" -- the children.

That we have come to face this encroachment by incorporated entities upon the most sacred, common, and universal rights of humanity, and that undisclosed private contracts have been used to excuse this behavior much less promote the enforcement of any claims based on this "license" --- is reprehensible.

Continuing to use this example, the State of State franchises seize children and break up otherwise viable families on a regular basis as a means to make profit for their franchise. They charge completely outrageous sums of money for incarcerating children in institutions and foster care-- currently $6000 per day per normal child and $9000 per day for special needs children -- most of which goes into the pockets of the State of State and the Officers responsible for these kidnaps.

And what authority is there for all this? An undisclosed licensing agreement?

The Perpetrators openly admit that all of this has been done under a "Cloak of Secrecy" for "National Security Reasons" --- and they simply neglect to mention which nation's security would be at risk as a result of full and honest disclosure of the circumstance and the breach of trust and service contracts involved.

Please go to the The Dual Sovereignty Fraud article to learn more.

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