Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Germany Goes Wehrmacht 2.0

Editor's note: To give an idea just how large €100 billion (US$107.35 billion) is, Russia's military budget for one year is 4.1 per cent of the Russian GDP (2021), or $65.9 billion. A little suspicious and ominous in the least considering Germany's Chancellor Olaf Scholz announced this expenditure only days after Russia's "special operation" in Ukraine that started on 24 February 2022. The goal of Germany is to "field the largest army in Europe." Now all Germany needs is another Hitler and it should work out great for Europe. Field the largest army for what purpose? It sort of makes you think rather than negotiating with Russia for gas with Nord Stream 2, Germany is rebuilding its Wehrmacht to go steal the gas from Russia with a big army? Who will the German military swear an oath to this time? The political forces that have caused Germany's complete strategic shift against Russia are astonishing. 

Source: DW

Germany: Coalition government, CDU agree €100 billion military boost

The center-right opposition has backed the German government's plans to massively increase military spending. The plan was sparked by the war in Ukraine and will help the country meet its NATO commitments.
The coalition needed the support of the center-right opposition for the huge hike in military spending

Germany's coalition government and the conservative CDU/CSU alliance on Sunday agreed on the details of a €100 billion ($107 billion) boost to the country's military spending.

After more than three hours of talks in Berlin, both sides finalized the plan to create a special fund for the armed forces.

Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht called it an "urgently needed step." In a statement posted to Twitter, she said: "Finally, we can equip our troops as they deserve and as they urgently need to ensure national and alliance defense."

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz also called the special fund "a huge step" for the security of Germany and Europe. "With 100 billion, we ensure that the Bundeswehr can fulfill its defense mission better than ever before," he wrote on Twitter.

Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock has welcomed the agreement. It is "a good compromise, one in which we ensure that NATO can rely on us," she said on German public broadcaster Deutschlandfunk on Monday.

The proposal needed a two-thirds majority in both parliamentary chambers, so Chancellor Olaf Scholz sought pre-approval from the center-right opposition parties.

The massive investment in the German armed forces was sparked by Russia's invasion of Ukraine on February 24.

Please go to DW to read more.

However the US "deep state" (Peter Dale Scott) is defined its influence over Germany seems to be apparent by now with Germany's Chancellor Olaf Scholz blaming Russia for the food crisis. Anything else Germany that flipped on Russia would like to blame on the Russians as Germany's Scholz is confident Russia will not win the war in Ukraine? Germany's Scholz is now blaming Russia while western ports block Russian ships from docking. Whatever happened in Germany with Gerhard Schröder's relationship with Russia came to an end and now it is looking as though Russia and Germany are headed towards confrontation with this recent announcement to drop €100 billion on the German army. The Germans are even stripping Gerhard Schröder of his €400,000 worth of state privileges that go with his former office. There was absolutely no way the UK and the US were going to allow a German-Russian alliance matching Germany's industrial capacity with Russia's resources beginning with Nord Stream 2.

The Russian "special operation" in Ukraine is in fact about Germany:

US and Germany agree to supply advanced weapons to Ukraine

This news source is US CIA:

Who is playing who here in this providing weapons to Kiev?

Germany held back weapons for Ukraine – media

How long are we going to be forced to stare into the abyss of killing in Ukraine?

Here we go again...

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