Thursday, June 9, 2022

What More Can Be Said?

International Asymmetric Biowarfare Correspondent for Abel Danger

Sir Oliver Klosov

I have for months tried to ring the bell, light the candle in the steeple, town crier etc. but you know what is, not just not quite yet, is happening.

I'm just keeping my powder dry now...its only a matter of time.

This says it all:
"The conditions for political violence are already all around us: The decline of state effectiveness and democratic norms. The rise of political factions that are not based on issues, but on ethnic identity and the preservation of racial and ethnic privilege. The existence of ferocious splits between urban and rural people. The existence of conflict entrepreneurs — political leaders and media folks who profit from whipping up apocalyptic frenzies. The widespread sense that our political opponents are out to destroy our way of life."
Come and take it liberal pukes...

A challenge as political violence and chaos increases with each passing day in what remains of civil America:

More here:

Video: Kyle Rittenhouse Challenges Joe Biden to 'Come and Take 'Em'

This is how it is done on the battlefield so take lessons...

In Video: Group Of Ukrainian Servicemen Destroyed In Severodonetsk

Understand that leftist violence goes unpunished:

The final countdown...when the shooting starts it won't be so glamorous...

Note to readers: Google censors this blog.  Google also manipulates elections: WATCH: How Google Swings Elections

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