Thursday, June 9, 2022

Ending the Anglo-American Special Relationship

Editor's note: Something this blog has been behind since its inception: Ending British financial, corporate, banking, think tanks, Rhodes Scholarships, foundations and intelligence networks (Pilgrims Society control over the media) in America. As Americans we will all be far better off in the long run - and so will the world. We already know the "why" and that would be the Senior Executive Service (SES) and Serco.

June 9, 2022 | By Matthew Ehret

Why the Anglo-American Special Relationship Must End

Throughout the 19th century, Americans generally had a much better understanding of their anti-colonial origins than is the case today.

Even though the last official war fought between Britain and the USA occurred between 1812 and 1815, the British failure to destroy the United States militarily caused British foreign policy to re-focus its efforts on undermining the republic from within.

This slower attack from within required more patience, but was much more successful and led to the near collapse of USA during the Civil War of 1861-1865 when Lord Palmerston quickly recognized the Southern slave power's call for independence from the Union. Britain not only provided munitions, intelligence, and crown territories in Canada to serve as Confederate Intelligence stations, but nearly came in openly fighting alongside the Confederacy. This danger was only subdued thanks to Russia's intervention on the Union's behalf in 1863.
As the war raged, none other than Lord Robert Cecil (three time Prime Minister) told the British Parliament:
"The Northern States of America never can be our sure friends because we are rivals, rivals politically, rivals commercially…With the Southern States, the case is entirely reversed. The population are an agricultural people. They furnish the raw material of our industry, and they consume the products which we manufacture from it. With them, every interest must lead us to cultivate friendly relations, and when the war began they at once recurred to England as their natural ally."
War Plan Red

Britain's covert military support for the Confederate cause was exposed by the end of that war and led to Britain’s payment of a $15 million settlement to America as part of the Alabama Claims in 1872.

As the informative 2010 Lpac documentary "The Special Relationship is for Traitors" showcased, during the early 20th century, leading American military figures like Brigadier General Billy Mitchell understood Britain's role in supporting the Confederacy and Britain's manipulation of global wars.

General Mitchell fought against the "special relationship" tooth and nail and led the military to create "War Plan Red and War Plan Orange" to defeat Britain under the context of an eventual war between the English-speaking powers. These plans became official US military doctrine in 1930 and were crafted in response to Anglo-Canadian plans to invade the USA that had been drafted ten years earlier (known as Defense Scheme 1). Despite the name, it is admitted by even the most ardent anti-American historians that these plans were entirely offensive in nature, as no prior US plan to invade Canada then existed.
War Plan Red was only taken off the books when America decided it was more important to put down London's Fascist Frankenstein threat than fight Britain head on in WWII.

The Rhodes Scholars Take Over

Before the "Churchill gang" (that Stalin accused of poisoning FDR) could take control of America, Franklin Roosevelt described his understanding of the British influence over the US State Department when he told his son: "You know, any number of times the men in the State Department have tried to conceal messages to me, delay them, hold them up somehow, just because some of those career diplomats over there aren't in accord with what they know I think. They should be working for Winston. As a matter of fact, a lot of the time, they are [working for Churchill]. Stop to think of 'em: any number of 'em are convinced that the way for America to conduct its foreign policy is to find out what the British are doing and then copy that!" I was told… six years ago, to clean out that State Department. It's like the British Foreign Office…."

With FDR's death, these British operatives took over American foreign policy and wiped out the remaining pro-American forces in the State Department, disbanding the OSS and reconstituting America’s intelligence services as the MI6-modelled CIA in 1947.

Please go to Substack to read more.

The pirates in the City of London are a huge component of the globalist commercial warfare death cult central banking private corporate intelligence networks:

The Globalists Have Suicided the West and Themselves as Russia Becomes a Superpower Once Again


Today, Britain produces this guy:

If that "special relationship" is to end then Americans are going to have to recognize the Pilgrims Society networks and move to dismantle them. There is no better example of this than Senator John McCain who seemed to make a career out of sabotaging the US Navy and America. That was likely because he was related to King Edward I.

Commercial warfare model:

Move the peasants to North America:

There is great anticipation for a better America:

Note to readers: Google censors this blog.  Google also manipulates elections: WATCH: How Google Swings Elections

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