Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Foreign Combatants Stay Out of Ukraine

Editor's note: We are republishing this material because we want foreign fighters and mercenaries to stay out of Ukraine in this gruesome conflict. Three foreign mercenaries taken captive by the Russian military have been sentenced to death by firing squad in the DPR and are now waiting appeal. For whatever reasons foreign mercenaries go to Ukraine to fight with AFU forces against Russia they can only know. Whether it be for money, fame or Instagram and Tik Tok woke glory who gives a shit. Stay out of Ukraine. It is not your war. Russia is only finishing what Kiev under western control started. 


Source: South Front

"" – New Mercenary Search Platform In Ukraine.

The "" initiative has recently been in effect. This service offers mercenaries participating in the war in Ukraine on the side of the AFU to surrender voluntarily. Also, the site offers the "not indifferent" to report the data of foreign soldiers involved in the conflict, both those known to the Russian authorities and those unknown. Their mission is to return these people to their families and loved ones before they irreparably damage their lives and cease to exist in this gruesome conflict.

After studying the project website, the Southfront team concludes that it is quite interesting and noteworthy. At the moment, it is the only English-language resource with a similar purpose.

In order to fill the array of data, this resource needs the help of all sympathizers. Warfare continues now often because, in addition to mobilized citizens, mercenaries fighting for money, emotion, and beautiful photos on Instagram find their way to the front.

News update for 7 July 2022. More dead foreign mercenaries. Couldn't have happen to a better class of people.

News update for 5 July 2022. Russian military operations in Ukraine continue to either kill or force mercenaries out of Ukraine.

The Daily Beast can only be described as a leftist shit rag news organization. Russia does not have the death penalty for war crimes and for foreign mercenaries who are captured. The DPR does and they will not hesitate to use the death sentence if foreign mercernaries are captured in Ukraine. These two American mercenaries were captured in Kharkiv located in eastern Ukraine so it is likely that is considered the part of the DPR. If they are lucky and Kharkiv is not in the DPR then they might be released by Russia in a prisoner swap after interrogation. 

Execution-Happy Russia Snatches American Fighters in Ukraine

Two Americans Feared Captured By Russians In Ukraine

Here is another example of the kind of criminal morons and duplicitous liars in Kiev around Zelensky. Never mind the fact that Russia took hard lessons learned in urban warfare in the Chechen conflict.

Note to readers: Google censors this blog.  Google (digital Bolshevism) also manipulates elections: WATCH: How Google Swings Elections

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