Thursday, June 23, 2022

"Z" Gets the Middle Finger

Editor's note: This is the US Naval Attaché at the US Embassy in Moscow, Captain Dale Samuel, demonstrating "American exceptionalism" on a Moscow street. Apparently, as the naval captain was "creating a safe space" in Moscow, he was also upset that Moscow changed the address of the US embassy in Moscow where the naval captain hangs out at to "Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) Square." Russian humor at its best. Or, it could be said this is an attempt at a return to a Pax Americana (now an impossibility) after reading A quick update from Andrei, with a few additional notes. Hard to tell with this naval captain though. He could be a victim of his own government's deception operation on Ukraine through NGOs. Tensions as well as hatred of Russia are mounting as the US unravels in a precipitous rapid decline on Russia: Moscow vows response after US bars Russian aircraft from picking up diplomats. As stated by Kremlin spokesman Dimitri Peskov, there is nothing to talk about with the west as the Russians trust nothing coming out of Washington DC.

Source: E Prime Feed

Naval attaché of the Embassy of the United States in the streets of Moscow shows the middle finger

June 24, 2022 | By Brown
Photos have appeared on social networks where the naval attache of the US Embassy in Moscow and first-rank captain Dale Samuel shows the middle finger.

Photos have appeared on social networks where the naval attache of the US Embassy in Moscow and first-rank captain Dale Samuel shows the middle finger. Whether from a car window or riding a bicycle, an employee of a foreign diplomatic mission blatantly demonstrates his lack of respect for others.

In the footage, he deliberately stops at the pole to film his middle finger next to the special military operation symbol "Z" pasted on the pole.

The average American by nature has always been moderately shy: he speaks loudly in public places, ignoring others, he can throw his feet in his shoes on the table in front of the interlocutor. And Dale Samuel, although a diplomatic worker, is a former US military man. What could be the demand for this?

In the footage, he deliberately stops at the pole to film his middle finger next to the special military operation symbol "Z" pasted on the pole.

It’s hard to understand what's on the mind of this American warrior. You might think that Dale Samuel decided that since the US is openly trading arms with Ukrainian nationalists, and still hanging around Moscow so freely, the citizens of Russia deserve his contempt.

The behavior of the American attache has already been noted in the Russian Foreign Ministry. Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova commented on the online footage in a playful verse on her TG channel: "No laws have been written for the State Department: ambassadors are burning bridges until everyone is expelled. from Moscow, using fingers, asphalt and poles."

Foreign diplomats are usually simply expelled for such actions. But in this case, the American diplomat also violated Russian law, and his actions fall under Article 280.3 of the Russian Criminal Code of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ("Public actions aimed at discrediting the use of the Russian Armed Forces Federation for the purpose of protecting the interests of the Russian Federation and its citizens, maintaining international peace and security, or the exercise by state bodies of the Russian Federation of their powers for the stated purposes"). However, the US military attaché can only face deportation for such behavior. But will he be expelled?

Russian political scientist Sergei Markov suggested that the behavior of this American can be assessed unambiguously: "He does not represent a threat to Russia's security. He has a mental disability. What more can you expect from him?

Please go to E Prime Feed to read more.

This is Andrei Martyanov discussing the immaturity and the attitude of being "sore losers" represented by Captain Dale Samuel in Moscow:

Maybe this is why FBI agents are being hired on by Twitter? They also want to maintain control over the collapse:

Note to readers: Google censors this blog.  Google (digital Bolshevism) that is indistinguishable from the CIA also manipulates elections: WATCH: How Google Swings Elections

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