Monday, June 27, 2022

DeSantis: Friend or Foe

Editor's note: If readers are interested in learning more about Florida's Ron DeSantis, the following reports show the connections back to the Pilgrims Society and how this private intelligence network is connected to the Sabbatean Frankist death cult explaining the British control over Israel. This may provide better insights into Ron DeSantis being a friend or foe?


Ron Desantis: Israel First, Colombia Second, America Last
June 24, 2022 | bannedhipster | 11 Comments

If it's the 70s all over again and Biden is Carter and Desantis is supposed to be Reagan, that means it is back to covert wars in Latin America over who gets all the cocaine money.

Madison Cawthorn didn't know the half of it.

It was called "Iran Contra" and they even published Oliver North's dairies about the "kilos" of cocaine he was flying into the United States. George H. W. Bush invaded Panama and arrested Manual Noriega who died in prison in 2017.

A star player was Oliver North's secretary, Fawn Hall, who – you can't make it up, I couldn’t make it up, I'm not that creative – eventually got addicted to cocaine whe she married a Jewish trafficker who had been the manager for Jim Morrison’s band The Doors.

Yes, as much as you don't want to admit it, Dave McGowan was right about everything. Jim Morrison was a spook, and the entire "Sixties Generation" thing was nothing more than a media campaign to discredit opposition to the Vietnam War, and the boomers fell for it harder than they fell for 9/11.

So Desantis is giving speeches about "Colombian-Americans" and how upset they are that a Leftist has won the elections in Colombia, which means the Cocaine Money is now going to the people who are not allies with Ron Desantis, Jewish organized crime, Israel, the CIA, and the Republican party.

The American Left, including the mainstream of the Democratic party, is more or less openly on the side of the Latin American Leftists, or at least prefer to embrace them as opposed to attempt to overthrow them. Castro and Chavez were beloved by the Signaler Left, one way to prove you were "really left" is by verbal support for Castro and Chavez.

You see, the Empire works like a pair of divorce lawyers working together. One goes to the wife and does everything to encourage her to go scorched earth. Then the other lawyer works on the husband, trying to gin up as much hostility as possible. The two lawyers divvy up the money.

So the Republicans will side with the Business Elite of Colombia and provide international cover when they send in the death squads. If a Leftist wins, the Democrats will side with them, providing cover for their corruption and giving them positive international media coverage and publicity in elite academia. The Latin American Leftist Elite will be invited to Manhattan cocktail parties with Leftist Jewish Elites.

This isn't a "conspiracy" it's open. The Republicans have the International Republican Institute and the Democrats have the International Democratic Institute, and they work with whichever "side" wins an election in Latin America.

Occasionally one side will step aside and let the other side assist the preferred side to do whatever dirty work they are doing, mostly stealing billions of dollars but never forget the human trafficking and death squads.

The Empire is realpolitik, obviously. This is Imperialism 101. No different than Alexander the Great or Genghis Khan, but less showy.

When checked in Asia the Empire starts to shore up the near provinces.

Trip to Israel by Florida governor and Cabinet weakens once-proud open government

Are there any Americans who can stop foreign agent Ron Desantis? Considering his public subservience to the foreign state they must have something really, really bad on him.

Not just Jeffrey Epstein bad … Kevin Spacey bad.

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