Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Singularity Technologies Building the "Collective Intelligence" For the WEF

Editor's note: So much of what we are being transitioned to can be traced to Israel including the WEF's frontman Klaus Schwab who holds an Honorary Doctorate of Philosophy of Haifa University, Israel and an Honorary Doctorate of Philosophy of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beersheva, Israel. Yuval Noah Harari who is Israeli recently discussed matter of factly, "what to do with all these useless people." Then we have Jeffrey Epstein with his connections to the daughter of Robert Maxwell, Ghislaine Maxwell, and their connections back to Israel. All this technology related to "the entirety of the earth being reconstructed under the symbol of Solomon's Temple."

Source: rattibha.com

By Schwab @Schwabrealhuman | 28 Feb 2022

You are being prepared for convergence into a "World Brain". Biometric ID and total enslavement are only the next phases in a plan that dates back to 16th-century alchemy.

Buckle up.

From the 1930s and onwards, a philosophy professor named Oliver Reiser (1895 - 1974) wrote a number of books and articles where he described how humanity would evolve into an interconnected collective organism he called "the World Sensorium."
A collective organism into which all mankind would be converged through technology. The idea is related to H.G. Wells' 'World Brain' as well as Jesuit priest and evolutionary scholar Pierre Teilhard de Chardin's 'Noosphere', from his work 'The Future of Mankind'.

The evolution of this organism would be directed by a world government and united by common beliefs. A world religion. In Wells' conception, there would be a "World Encyclopedia" that would determine consensus reality.

The entirety of the earth would be reconstructed under the symbol of Solomon's Temple, not of stone in Jerusalem, but electromagnetically. This would be done through a worldwide system of satellites and antennae. Through the use of something called "Radio Eugenics"

This meant that evolution would be controlled by hot-fixing and updating human gene expression remotely. This concept immediately brings to mind my research on the Ebner effect.

It also reminds us of the many studies that demonstrate the molecular, morphological, biochemical, and mutagenic effects of EM fields.

This video is titled "Magnetogenetics: remote non-invasive magnetic activation of neuronal activity with a magnetoreceptor"

The central belief of Reiser was that geomagnetic forces were directing the evolution of species based on a very specific complex cyclical process. He also envisioned a "memory field" around the Earth which he called this field the "psychosphere".

Though this idea will be dismissed as "pseudoscience" by the redditoid, this is indeed yet another example that such creatures only care about the consensus of the "cult of domesticity".

It appears Reiser was either a visionary genius or he had access to arcane information— Yes, you read that correctly "Probable mechanisms of the magnetic field influence on gene expression and virus-host interactions"

Reiser called his overarching vision "Cosmic Humanism" and the project went by the name Prometheus-Krishna. He was inspired by Alice Bailey's neotheosophy—telepathically dictated to her by mystic beings—and the principles of alchemy, in which man is transformed and perfected.

Reiser frequently published articles in the theosophical Lucis Trust newspaper 'The Beacon' and the last chapter of his 'Promise of Scientific Humanism' was titled, "The New Alchemy" He is... extremely explicit.

Reiser's last book Cosmic Humanism and World Unity was published by the think tank World Institute in New York, founded by lumber magnate Julius Stulman. An office was also located in Jerusalem.

Stulman doesn't have a wiki page but he is not forgotten—

After Reiser's death, the network he created was inherited by Ervin László. The Hungarian systems philosopher popularized Reiser's ideas with his book 'You Can Change the World'. László describes an assemblage of NGOs promoting sustainable development, using the Internet.

The theosophically oriented László was a member of an environmental think tank called the Club of Rome. This think tank was responsible for the idea of using climate alarmism to corral humanity into global governance.

This message was also integrated into the World Future Society whose members included Al Gore, the New Age guru Barbara Marx Hubbard, Alvin Toffler, and Willis Harman of the Stanford Research Institute.

Incidentally, the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) was instrumental in the CIA's Stargate Program, which researched man-machine interpolation, astral projection, and remote viewing.

Part One Of a Series

In their infamous document 'Changing Images of Man', SRI very explicitly illustrates the power structure—the decentralized network of NGOs populated by actors with shifting, multi-tiered allegiances—which László proscribes.

The plan for a cybernetically controlled world organism has in recent decades been disseminated throughout these networks. The events of the past two years are a testament to that. If you would like to know more—

In regard to Russia's military invasion of Ukraine, it is beneficial to recall a certain context

If you would like me to put more on the timeline, retweet this thread to show there is interest. Ervin Laszlo served as one of the referees for SRI International's project, Changing Images of Man at Stanford University in 1970. This was part of a series called Explorations of World Order where Ervin acted as editor.

This series was published by Pergamon Press, the publisher for the Club of Rome. Pergamon Press is a scientific publishing house founded by Robert Maxwell, the father of Ghislaine Maxwell. As we all know, Ghislaine Maxwell supported Jeffrey Epstein in his vision— a dream shaped by futurism, eugenics, and human evolution. Epstein claimed to have funded many prominent researchers, some of whom now deny taking any money.

Epstein's Zorro Ranch was located in New Mexico for a reason, so he could be close to the Santa Fe Institute where he was a donor and frequent visitor. The Santa Fe institute specializes in complex systems research.

Jeffrey Epstein Chose New Mexico for a Reason

One of their main research projects is "machine-human hybrid societies". They are also focused on artificial intelligence and synthetic brains, all integral components for a global superorganism. These projects are part of a central research theme of "collective intelligence".

The president of SFI is David Krakauer, here he is at the World Economic Forum, Annual Meeting of the Global Future Council 2016. The Global Research Council is responsible for the "in 2030 you will own nothing" forecasts (threats).

The idea of "collective intelligence" is central to the World Economic Forum. Global Future Councils are, according to Klaus Schwab, a collective intelligence network made manifest in their "Transformation Maps".

These maps are created by co-curators (human brains) and augmented by "a machine curated feed of the latest findings and analysis from top universities and research institutions and are enhanced by technologies used in machine learning artificial intelligence".

Please go to rattibha.com to read more.

Deeper discussion on these topics above and more:

Reiser's book:
It was the Jewish Norbert Weiner who developed cybernetics:

The Jesuit Teilhard de Chardin was one of the first to begin talking about transhumanism:

Teilhard de Chardin and Transhumanism

Stephen Stulman tells a story of his father Julius Stulman about the pier transferring weapons to Israel:

What to do with all these surplus no longer needed human beings? The Covid injections have already started the depopulation process in full. Apparently, this Israeli thinks you are useless to the coming "collective intelligence":


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