Thursday, March 10, 2022

What Inquiring Minds Still Want to Know Is Did the Coronavirus Bioweapon Originate in Ukraine

Editor's note: This video clip was sourced from CONFIRMED! UKRAINE HAS US-BACKED BIOLABS and it is suggested the sourced material be read for context. Russia is confronted head on by the US-based "deep state" (Peter Dale Scott) in all of its profanely disgusting secrets. The deep state however one wants to define it, is the US government taken dark with no one understanding how it actually functions. The original coronavirus tweaked bioweapon to knock down an initial number of people to kick off the global COVID pandemic then as time went on the bioweapon became basically inert like all coronaviruses do as spring arrives.

What is not being told to the American people, is that now we have both Russia and China having established a prima facie case (a Latin expression meaning at first sight or based on first impression) proving that "the Covid virus was deliberately created in a Pentagon secretly funded bioweapons lab and specifically deployed in order to seize power from President Trump in the 2020 election." There is absolutely no way in hell the criminal "deep state" will allow open and transparent cooperation between America and Russia in trade, technology and agricultural exchanges. We are now in an all out information cyber war, or total cognitive warfare

Uncovered Web Pages Show Barack Obama Led an Effort to Build a Ukraine-Based BioLab Handling 'Especially Dangerous Pathogens'

BREAKING: Documents Reveal US Department of Defense Was Funding Ukrainian Biolabs — Russia Releases List of Biological Agents Tested in US BioLabs in Ukraine, Including Salmonella and E. Coli

US-Funded Bio Labs in Ukraine Conducted Research Into Bat Coronavirus, Russian MoD Says

Russian MoD on US Biolabs: One Goal Was to Create Bioagents That Can Target Certain Ethnic Groups

Concise summary of events leading up to Operation Z:

Cutting Through the Fog Masking 'a New Page in the Art of War'

Ukraine competed at the 2019 Military World Games held in Wuhan, China from 18 to 27 October 2019. According to the official results athletes representing Ukraine won five gold medals, 13 silver medals and 15 bronze medals; instead, the medal count appears to be 32 rather than 33:
A vector? A vector from a US bioweapons lab in Ukraine to Wuhan?

If people can recall clearly enough, there were many images of a coronavirus as well as sanitary gloves and protective suits all using the blue and yellow colors. The same colors of the Ukrainian flag. Yellow representing cowardice and blue representing the blue sky. Cowards looking up at the blue sky.

Others are catching on too to the blue and yellow colors...


Inquiring Minds Want to Know: Did the Coronavirus Bioweapon Originate in Ukraine?

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