Sunday, March 27, 2022

Pirate City of London: Setting Russia Up for a False Flag Chemical Warfare Attack in Ukraine

Editor's note: If you listen very carefully to the UK spook Hamish de Bretton-Gordon ("the chemical warrior"), then compare his analysis as a "chemical weapons expert" to what the Russian military has accomplished in Ukraine, it is the difference between night and day. This is what the Phoenician velvet-tongued vipers out of the pirate City of London do so well: set one country up against another country. In this case, the US against Russia. Bretton-Gordon's Order of the British Empire should indicate pretty straight forward what is going on here. The spooks running private intelligence networks are going to set Russia up with a false chemical weapons attack in Ukraine. Get ready because the UK power structure running the pirate City of London want a long dragged out ground war in Ukraine. And to get this done they are using the "nuclear threat" that is being talked about all across the news spectrum. Why would Russia use chemical weapons in Ukraine when they are now mopping up Ukraine and arresting the criminal fascist maniacs? If you want to understand what the criminal psychopaths did in Ukraine and what they are doing now before the Russian military started removing them, have a look through Shocking Evidence of Ukrainian Regime's Essence. This while the majority of the Ukrainian people have welcomed the Russian military as liberators?

UK Spook Set to Repeat Chemical False Flag Ops vs Syria in Ukraine

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