Friday, March 25, 2022

British-Americans (NATO) Pushing Hard For a Ground War in Ukraine - NATO's Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg's Platitudes of Bullsh*t

Editor's note: Russia has completed most of its military objectives in Ukraine and this leaves eastern Donbas. NATO (British-Americans) are working overtime to get a ground war going in Ukraine. Besides NATO's Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg saber-rattling about Russia's nuclear threats and his empty platitudes of bullshit, the British-Americans and NATO want a ground war in Ukraine to wear Russia down. Think about that for a moment: a ground war in Ukraine inside Europe. The consequences would be catastrophic for Europe. Millions of Ukrainian refugees flooding Europe through the complicit criminal eastern Europe state of Poland. Our recommendation: with very few exceptions discard western media and observations about what is going on in Ukraine. NATO is nothing more than a weapon systems sales organization with Stoltenberg managing the sales division

NATO Wants a Ground-War in Ukraine

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