Sunday, March 20, 2022

Can We Verify If Fahruddin Sharafmal Is a Khazar?

Editor's note: We give Fahruddin Sharafmal one week before Russian military intelligence locates him and delivers a missile package to his front door. This is how Nazi Khazars think. The core of the Nazi regime came out of Ukraine and the Khazars.

Source: pIndia

Ukrainian TV show host Fakhrudin Sharafmal cites Nazi ideologue Adolf Eichmann to call for extermination of all Russians, including children

The Ukrainian TV host said if someone kills their parents, the children will grow up and take revenge. However, by killing children, they will never grow up, and the nation will disappear.

16 March, 2022 | OpIndia Staff
Ukrainian TV show host Fakhrudin Sharafmal calls for genocide of Russians, especially kids

As Russia takes control of Ukrainian cities nearly three weeks after launching a "military operation" in Ukraine, the Ukrainian population are resorting to desperate measures to stop the advancing Russians.

The Ukrainian population are baying the blood of not just the Russian forces, but the west-backed regime is now threatening to carry out a genocide of Russians after Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that they would 'demilitarise' and 'denazify' Ukraine. On similar lines, a Ukrainian TV show host last week was seen calling for genocide against Russians, especially the Russian children.

Fakhrudin Sharafmal, a broadcaster at Channel 24, did a show in which he was reportedly heard saying that he was ready to personally kill all Russians, not only invaders who came to Ukrainian land, but also everyone else, along with their children.

Quoting the Nazi ideologist Adolf Eichmann’s statement – 'In order to destroy a nation, you must destroy, first of all, children,' Sharafmal said, "I know that as a journalist, I have to be objective, I have to be balanced, in order to report information to you with a cold heart, but to tell you the truth, it's very hard to hold on now, especially at a time like this, and since we are called Nazis, fascists, and so on in Russia – I will allow myself to quote Adolf Eichmann, who said that in order to destroy a nation, you must destroy, first of all, children.

The Ukrainian TV host said if someone kills their parents, the children will grow up and take revenge. However, by killing children, they will never grow up, and the nation will disappear.

"The Armed Forces of Ukraine cannot kill Russian children because the rules of war forbid it, and it is prohibited by various conventions, including the Geneva Convention. But I am not from the Armed Forces of Ukraine. And when I get the chance to take down Russians, I will definitely do it. Since you call me a Nazi, I adhere to the doctrine of Adolf Eichmann, and I will do everything in my power to ensure that you and your children never live on this earth so that you can feel what it is like when innocent civilians die and bear all the pain and suffering," the angry TV broadcaster said.

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