Saturday, March 19, 2022

The Social Contract Is Broken

International Asymmetric Biowarfare Correspondent - with the stomach for it

Sir Oliver Klosov
We are living in a time with a broken social contract.
How so you may ask?

If you are in a contract that the other side breaks the contract are you still bound to terms of that contract?
In moral and political philosophy, the social contract is a theory or model that originated during the Age of Enlightenment, It produced the magna carta, common law and the establishment of the constitution and bill of rights of our republic of America, It is a contract established between the government and the governed granting the legitimacy of the authority of the state to govern the lives of the people…for a safe and fair life.

In point of fact in this republic the individual is the sovereign not the government. We don't like tyrants or kings here and we abhore despots, like Biden and the shadow Obama crew ruling without legitimacy.

But it should be obvious that the era we have now entered is one in which the lawless have taken over. Their minions are in place in local and federal government, department of justice, police and industry and they do not obey an​y law. They violate inside trading laws, they steal private property with debt instruments, destroy wealth with inflation and deflation and illegally collect the most intimate details of your life; fed to think tanks to overpower you with psychological warfare and narratives to trick you to behave. This is far worse than at any time since Hitler and Stalin but these moves are so underhanded it makes Hitler and Stalin seem like a street thugs.

They have convinced or coerced a planet to inject themselves with a suicide device, more potent and more profitable than any bullet or nuclear weapon. This is the world we live in, it is a living tyrannical matrix using the face of caring empathy but these bastards care not about us, we are just their cattle in feed lots and pens.

But this breaks the social contract and now laws mean nothing and evil is cut free to do whatever it want by using the power of the military and its elicit bureaucracy. Evil is now producing lawless mandates (to force the lawless vax made by lawless people who will get away with murdering a huge portion of the population because only the lawless are enforcing us to die.) - that is happening now - it is pure chaos. The people that are to be feared the most now are the authorities. Don't expect them to care about your vax dead kid. Expect them to laugh at them.

The lawless HATE YOU. They see good people as a challenge to their ability to rape murder and steal everything possible.But what about investigations into who committed so many murders? The complicit media news anchors that instilled fear of a virus with 6/10 of one percent lethality to gratefully take their suicide injection? That will not happen, because those who did that are farther up the chain and are too well protected by the broken justice system all the way up to the supreme court. there are no laws to obey when those that make the laws don't obey them...we are in uncharted territory.

We have lawless doctors taking people from car accidents who are fine, and setting them up as cash cows to be milked for every last dime possible until their demise in the name of Covid, with the end being murder for a total of about $200,000 to the doctors including all the "care" they gave while murdering someone, and NONE OF THE HOSPITALS OR DOCTORS DOING THIS ARE EVEN BEING QUESTIONED. The get a pass...That's serious lawlessness.

We have lawless teachers corrupting the kids while themselves breaking deviancy laws and NOTHING HAPPENS. That's pure lawlessness. And the teachers HATE YOU. They obviously hate the kids too but that's a different story - war is war.

We have elections being obviously and arrogantly stolen with countless witnesses coming forward saying it was stolen, and the "justice" system is so lawless and on the side of the thieves they will not even hear a case. It's not that Trump did not have a case - unilaterally, across the board, there was so much lawlessness at every level that not one judge out there would even take the case except for two on the supreme court and that was not enough . . . . lawlessness ruled -

How come Hillary and Hunter are not in jail, let alone papa Quid pro Joe? The answer is easy: Because criminals rule the roost at all levels, because there is no justice now. These authorities represent a complete breach of contract with the American people. How far does a nation have to fall where the police can just rob armored trucks and get away with it? ( I won't even insult Mexico by their level of theft by comparison, that's even below Venezuela - I don't even know of a country where police can do that, not even complete shitholes like Botswana. How far has America sunk? ANSWER:

Now the lawful WILL go to jail or not able to work for refusing a lawless shot. They can't fly many cannot go to a coffee shop, They will go to jail for growing a garden in their front yard for not obeying laws enacted by local petty tyrants

How can a garden to feed your family be illegal???

People and priests go to jail or socially ostracized and cancelled on social media for speaking up about the lawlessness or objecting to government policies. They will go to jail for whatever anyone makes up to put them away, in a lawless system that absolutely despises the lawful, the American government at all levels, federal state and local, is like the space port at mose isley in Star Wars about which Obi wan declared:

"You will never see a more wretched hive of scum and villiany",

we are there.

What can we do? That's hard to say, because "People who only wanted to be left alone" ignored the problem for FAR TOO LONG. We sure as hell cannot vote, petition, or protest our way out of it. That leaves very few options, none of them pretty. But the social contract is nullified and because of that the people have to obey any laws, there are none.

We the people must once again make the laws and enact the punishment of the lawless. A new Independence Revolutionary Army, An American IRA is the first step and can be organized locally to take all 3,143 counties back under a republic of Law…common law, not the commercial law currently in the courts. We are not corporations or corporate entities…that horseshitl legal trick must end.

Some have suggested that the only solution now is to drag these criminals out of their ivory towers, government and tech gods office buildings and county courts into the street and shoot them in the forehead leaving them to bleed out on the concrete. I can't advocate that for obvious reasons...government edicts prevent me. If If we don’t take care of this situation, they will re-group and try another tactic. Ron Paul once said there are solutions, but few people have the stomach for it

Do you want to die from the edicts of these phony fake caring empathetic criminal actors or do you have the stomach to change it?

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