Wednesday, March 16, 2022

The Pirate City of London Strikes Americans

Editor's note: Look at the pirate City of London first when you are trying to understand why you are going to be paying increasing prices for natural gas, food (including food shortages) and gasoline. The City of London's central banking commercial death cult warfare model has targeted Americans for elimination. The Russians are the least of American's problems right now as we will see. Debt bondage slavery is the problem. It is time we face this fact then begin to learn how to remove ourselves. We then set out to build new systems and institutions, healthy tribes and communities outside of centralized command and authority. The pirates in the City of London are behind the outright stealing of Russian assets. That is what pirates do. The 200 year British war against Russia continues.

Source: LaRouchePAC

The City of London's Murderous Sanctions Policy: Targeting the American People!

By Brian Lantz | March 12, 2022
A screenshot of a Google search taken March 12, 2022.

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We all see the escalating prices at the gas station, and most know the increasing prices of heating oil and natural gas to heat homes. That is not new to anyone. It was happening in big leaps well before the present Russia/Ukraine war. Joe Biden and his Green City-of-London controllers created those leaps by launching an assault on fossil fuels worldwide and sending out the news that credit would not be issued for future production.

But now, you hear it again, as before: "Russia, Russia, Russia!" It was used in a soft coup against Donald Trump’s presidency as he fought to make this country sovereign again. Now, it is being used to get you to accept yet another manufactured emergency, and to blame it on Putin. But did you know that with the latest round of the Biden collective's sanctions against Russia, predatory commodity futures have skyrocketed—hyperinflated—around the world, putting even your family's food supply and your paycheck at direct risk? Did you know that the prices now put on raw materials needed for human survival have almost nothing to do with physical value, but with pure speculation on spot markets controlled by the globalist modern British Empire?

In one day this week, Tuesday, March 8th, the price of nickel on the London Metals Exchange more than doubled, and the global market froze. The London Bullion Market Association Gold Price "fix" has surpassed $2,000 per troy ounce. Did you know that some of Russia's biggest now-sanctioned mining and heavy industry companies are controlled by shares voted in London, and in London's "spiderweb" of offshore banks? Did you know that US wheat has risen to over $12 a bushel—an increase of 50%?

Price shocks are hitting everywhere—nickel needed for stainless steel and lithium-ion battery cells; futures in corn and soybeans; palladium & neon for semiconductors; aluminum and titanium for aerospace. Russia is a major producer for all of these and there are not ready substitutes. All of this has begun rippling through the physical economy and will rapidly raise the price of virtually every product. The shocks will soon be where you work and where you live.

The Biden collective's insane sanctions policy against Russia, Russian leaders, Russian commodities, and Russian trading partners, is not hitting Russia—they figured out long ago how to survive a maximum sanctions regime. Rather, the sanctions are targeting the American people. The sanctions are further triggering a chain reaction crisis across the debt-sodden, globalized ,and "financialize," world economy. Having sought and provoked an insane wartime confrontation with Russia in Ukraine, the modern-day British Empire of monetarism is now an existential threat to both the national and economic security of the United States – and the world.

"Eating Comes First!"

Take the price of fertilizers to our farmers. These prices already had exploded in 2021. But as of March 2, 2022, according to the US Department of Agriculture, three kinds of fertilizer had "dramatically increased" further in price: the cost of urea is 149 percent higher, liquid nitrogen is 192 percent more expensive, and anhydrous ammonia is up 235 percent. Russia is the world's largest exporter of urea and second largest exporter of potash, another key fertilizer ingredient.

The big reason for speculative rises in fertilizer prices is the surging futures price of coal and natural gas—fueled by actual physical shortages. (It is natural gas, or gas derived from coal to produce ammonia, which is used to synthesize urea.) With the Biden collective cutting off the 8% of US oil that has been coming from Russia, and natural gas futures prices in Europe five or six times that in the US, these prices were going up, and fertilizer plants have been shutting down due to rising costs. Many fertilizer retailers to farmers won't even give prices and commitments to their farm customers, since they can't get product secured. In Arkansas, the price of urea reportedly went from $400 per ton to as much as $1,000 per ton already in February. Where possible, farmers are now substituting poultry litter for fertilizer, but the problem is that the supply of poultry litter is far, far short of farm demand!

As a consequence, food prices at the grocery store, rising rapidly, will now rise even faster, and that is along with growing physical shortages. Russia and Ukraine supply 30% of global wheat exports, and with sanctions and the effective closing of Black Sea ports, the wheat futures price, as of March 08, 2022, is $12.8650 per bushel, compared to a 2021 average of $8.3786. Russia and Ukraine also supply more than half the world's sunflower oil exports, and 35 percent of its barley. Think about it: who is making a killing, and who is the prey?

Build a Productive Nation Again!

Speculation now runs amok. The sanctions policies are driving half of the world away from the dollar as the international medium of exchange. With no other currency to replace it in sight, the Biden collective chose this week to backhandedly announce its backing for cryptocurrencies.

No wonder that the daily derivatives market in cryptocurrencies is already as large as the daily activity of the New York Stock Exchange floor!

In short, the British Empire-centered international financial oligarchy is doubling-down on global market speculation, while grinding the entire world economy to a virtual halt. Likewise, this same oligarchy shows no signs of giving up its "green" Malthusian agenda of global depopulation—be it through famine, disease, or war.

The actual war which will determine whether or not we survive, is not the shooting war taking place 6000 miles away in Ukraine. It is the political war to return this nation to economic sovereignty while defeating the globalists, starting with this year's 2022 midterm elections. The oligarchy fears the Trump movement and President Donald Trump as much as they fear Russia and China. Their imperial economy, which has been bailed out endlessly since 2008, is facing collapse. Their response is to bring the world to the brink of world war, or beyond.

That oligarchy controls Washington, D.C. and we must now drive the British Empire's 'Biden Democrats' and Republican 'RINO's' and neo-cons from this nation's capital! That also means we must bankrupt the Federal Reserve and the entire predatory, usurious international central banking system, and engineer a full return to the revolutionary national banking system of our founders and greatest leaders.

Listen in: The Global Oil & Gas Confab in Houston

This week is Ceraweek in Houston, Texas, the largest global confab of oil & gas companies, energy ministers, and market-makers from around the world. It is a timely window into the world’s unfolding and multidimensional crisis. Closed for two years due to Covid, Ceraweek is back—and contentious! Oil & gas producers, national oil companies from around the world, the proverbial 'Arab oil sheikhs,' national energy ministers, and the Biden collective's greenie reps are all there and fighting it out. Of course, the Biden sanctions policy is the elephant squatting in the middle of the room—the proverbial crap that hit the fan—as all hell has been breaking loose in global energy markets.

In Ceraweek sessions and in Hilton Americas Hotel hallway conversations and interviews, oil & gas CEO's sternly warn that without tangible commitments from the Biden collective, they cannot produce the quantities of oil and gas now suddenly demanded. Exxon's CEO promised that Exxon will increase Permian Basin output by 100,000 barrels a day, and Chevron's CEO promised an increase by 60,000 barrels a day—maybe by the end of the year. Meanwhile, the Biden suicide squad had just cut 600-700,000 barrels a day of imports of crude oil and other energy from Russia. About 8% of U.S. imports of oil and refined products, or about 672,000 barrels a day, came from Russia last year, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. Nearly 75% of the Russian products imported last year were petroleum products, rather than crude oil. This includes unfinished oils such as naphtha, fuel oil, and feedstock for refiners of heavy crude. Those products are cheaper than Russian crude and are utilized by U.S. Gulf Coast oil refineries. As is well known, Europe depends on Russian natural gas and oil. The globalized, financialized, speculative market has done its math and is bidding up oil and gas futures accordingly. As Lyndon LaRouche warned, the free trade, "invisible hand" is picking your pocket.

Please go to LaRouchePAC to read more.

The LaRouchePAC article republished above referred to Google under the image above. If you use Google as your search engine here are a few things you may wish to know in your search for information before using Goggle.

Google's Double Contradiction

The purpose is to destroy the Federal Reserve. Once the fed is destroyed then the central banks can initiate their CBDCs.


We are living in a debt bondage system and the only way to go about this is to understand what is going on then conduct your personal affairs accordingly to extract yourself from this commercial warfare system. The pirates in the City of London have a 500 year old system and it is working perfectly. They have no need to change it. What has to be changed is your attitude and relation to this commercial warfare system you are a debt bond slave for then remove yourself.

The Peoples of the Salmon in Canada are doing remarkable work at extracting themselves from the Canadian corporation and would be a good guide and inspiration:


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