Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Elephant In the Room: The British-Rothschild Sabbatean Frankist [Satanist] Pilgrims Society Guiding Hand

Source: AIM

Secret Sabbatean Frankist "Enlightened Despotism" of the British Pilgrims Society
March 22, 2022

BBC documentary (2002) on mind control inadvertently revealed the secret Sabbatean Frankist "enlightened despotism" of the British Pilgrims Society based on Sigmund Freud's theories of psychoanalysis and animal sex that underpinned the First Imperial Press Conference, 1909 and the formation of the Empire Press Union, now BBC, NYT, WaPo, Reuters, Associated Press.
Earlier, Privy Councilor Cecil Rhodes, Lords Lionel/Walter Rothschild, Sir Arthur Balfour and necromancer publisher W.T. Stead (the "father of tabloid journalism") envisioned "Government by Journalism" as a Pilgrims Society vehicle for socialist "control of the masses".

In this BBC piece, "Bernays' concept of democracy" misdirected attention away from the true British Pilgrims Society Rothschild controllers of communist mind control. That is, by personalizing the culpability on two dead men, Freud and his nephew Bernays, the BBC essentially exonerates their controllers – The British Pilgrims Society and its financiers, the Lords Rothchild and their American minions like J.P. Morgan, J.D. Rockefeller, A. Carnegie, Columbia Law, Harvard Law, David Sarnoff, W. Churchill, F.D. Roosevelt, or now T. Blair, B. Johnson, M. Pompeo, Peter Paul Montgomery Buttigieg, K. Harris, H-B. Clinton, etc.

Historically, the producer says that these mind control techniques' started in America and were exported to Britain.

This is a diabolical deception. The British Pilgrims Society, through the Tavistock Institute, London, led the way after copying the techniques of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in Germany. Their description of "the rise of business" implies that it is a modern development. No, Lord Rothschild and Cecil Rhodes conceived their "new world order" Imperial corporatism a hundred years earlier (FROM THE BRITISH and DUTCH EAST INDIA COMPANIES FORWARD)

RIGHT: "Great swamp of unconscious desires"

LEFT: "Collective awareness against self-interest"

BOTH THOUGHTS WERE/ARE DRIVEN by the same Freudian Sabbatean Frankist satanism of the British Pilgrims Society – They controlled both sides of the argument.

This film flip flops. On the one hand, it indicated that the 1987 British Election was "the end of elitist politics" when Tony Blair was elected. In fact, it was the opposite. Tony Blair is a member of the British Pilgrims Society and runs his multiple billion dollar Tony Blair Institute/NGO (2016). On the other hand, it said that citizens should have the illusion of societal control, while being given "doggie treats" by the self-anointed elitists.


"Let business do it, because business is better at responding to needs, wants and desires."

*To rule, power players must control all sides of an argument: thesis, antithesis, and synthesis.

Freud's satanic psychoanalytical vision of human beings as mere sex-crazed animals persists to this day. It is the polar opposite of Genesis 1:27 – it implies that God is an animal.

SUGGESTION: When viewing this documentary, focus on the useful facts, not necessarily on the producer's conclusions. The producer systematically fails to disclose the elephant in the room: the British-Rothschild Sabbatean Frankist [satanist] Pilgrims Society guiding hand. This is a deception technique: reveal truths, but draw spurious conclusions that direct the reader's attention away from its true meaning, thus rendering the reader impotent from attacking the true source of the problem being observed.
Adam Curtis, producer. (2002). The Century of the Self (4 Parts, 3 hrs. 53 mins.). BBC. (2.7 GB). Reproduced for educational purposes only. Fair Use relied upon.

Full HD video of all 4 parts of BBC Documentary.

Below is the full video broken in to four parts:

Please go to AIM to learn more.

The following is an example of the right and left dialectic discussed above that has been used to weaponize the human psyche to war on itself.

Here is some demo material on how this cult is organized:

Mentioning a "satanic" cult that rules the word without mentioning the British neutralizes correct analysis. 

Don't let the reference to "Satan" freak you out too bad or anything like that. Think of "Satan" as a means to break down natural resistance to the technocratic tyranny being implemented.  This is an image of Jacob Rothschild with the occult artist Marina Abramovic. We suggest not spending too much of your valuable energy trying to figure this out and exposing all this. You would be far better off living on the supposition these people don't exist and then go about building local culture and alternative networks and organizations to build your own future absent of these stunted souls.

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