Monday, November 22, 2021

People in Respective Countries Need To Take it Upon Themselves To End This Madness

Editor's note: Australia is ground zero for this insidious global Covid medical tyranny initiating punishing lockdowns, curfews, mandated vaccines (injections), business closures, mandated mask wearing and now Covid quarantine camps. People living under respective governments must act to rebuild their societies after this continuing assault on their countries using the following 20 steps to end this insanity being forcibly put into place by governments that work for central bankers, technology cartels and pharmaceutical syndicates imposing this medical tyranny. Take note of the fact from this list of 20 steps to end this madness that in Australia the Covidcrats there are basing their quarantine decision on illegitimate and fraudulent Covid testing.

Australian Army Begins Transferring COVID-Positive Cases, Contacts To Quarantine Camps

Source: Brownstone Institute

Twenty Steps to End the Madness


Lockdowns, school closures, mask mandates, and all of the Covid-19 pandemic restrictive policies societies were subjected to over the last 18 to 19 months have all failed catastrophically. Governments did devastating things to their societies with illogical, unscientific, and unsound policies that will take decades to recover from. The costs have been staggering in terms of damage to mental health of populations, the consequential rise in hunger and poverty, the crushing effects on economies, the loss of education, escalated costs to healthcare and the delayed and cancelled care for non-Covid illnesses, and the impact on crime. Tens if not hundreds of thousands (and potentially millions) were denied treatment for other medical conditions.
Lockdowns did not protect the vulnerable, but rather harmed the vulnerable and shifted the morbidity and mortality burden to the underprivileged. We instead locked down the 'well' and healthy, while at the same time failing to properly protect the actual group that lockdowns were proposed to protect, the vulnerable and elderly. We shifted the burden to the poor (women, minorities, children) and caused catastrophic consequences for them.

In some sense, what we have done is actually perverse and sickening, with even calls from those more affluent groups to maintain lockdowns as they have 'settled' into quite a nice flow and structured life. They can walk their dogs, tend to the garden, and go for coffee as they wish. The poor were in the worst economic situation to afford the lockdowns and estimates are that it will be decades for them to recover. Wealth disparities placed those who were more vulnerable economically in a difficult position in terms of sheltering from the pandemic. It left them exposed.

Lockdowns badly harmed the elderly, leaving them confined in their nursing homes and extended the window of exposure to the virus for them. And they were subject to repeated exposure from staff who brought the pathogen into the confined settings and drove the hospitalizations and deaths. Lockdowns thus reduced the movement of the younger low-risk persons to the same level of movement and mobility as the elderly higher-risk persons and thus equalized the chance of infection between the low-risk and high-risk (young and old). This was catastrophic as it denied movement toward population immunity in most instances.

The lockdown was really the key feature of global governments’ Covid pandemic actions and really worked to disable societies. They turned out in all locations and nations to have been counterproductive, unsustainable and were meritless and unscientific. There was no good reason, no sound justification for this and particularly to harden lockdowns and keep them going after we quickly learnt in the spring of 2020 how to manage Covid and who was the at-risk group.

These unparalleled policy actions were enacted for a virus whereby the median/mean age of death began in February 2020 at about 82 to 83 years of age, and remains so in August 2021. Whereby this was similar to or greater than the typical life-expectancy in most nations of approximately 79 to 80. If you were high-risk and did succumb to Covid-19, you were at almost 100% chance of living past your expected life-expectancy. Covid-19, despite what the media would want you to believe and have stated for 18 months now, has not shortened lives in general.

So much societal damage for a virus with an infection mortality rate (IFR) roughly similar (or likely lower once all infection data are collected) to seasonal influenza. Stanford's John P.A. Ioannidis identified 36 studies (43 estimates) along with an additional 7 preliminary national estimates (50 pieces of data) and concluded that among people <70 years old across the world, infection fatality rates ranged from 0.00% to 0.57% with a median of 0.05% across the different global locations (with a corrected median of 0.04%). The rate of survival for those under 70 years is 99.5%. Moreover, the IFR has been shown to be near zero for children and young adults. While anyone is at risk of being infected, "there is more than a thousand-fold difference in the risk of death between the old and the young.

What is the way forward? What are the steps required to end this madness now and make sure nothing like this happens again?

1) No more one-size-fits-all approach; instead, encourage an age-risk stratified 'focused' protection approach, focusing only on those who are at risk; leave the rest of society alone, and definitely our children.

2) We need encouragement for elderly high-risk and vulnerable persons in the society (those with underlying medical conditions, obese persons to protect themselves); double and triple down protections in nursing homes, long-term care facilities, assisted-living facilities, care homes, in private households etc..

3) Allow physicians to exercise their best clinical judgements in how they can best treat their patients and cease the threats of discipline and punitive actions for not following the approved political line on matters of natural immunity and vaccine safety. Medical license boards around the country and the world have threatened countless medical providers with punitive actions for informing patients. The doctor-patient relationship used to be sacrosanct but that has been taken away. This has resulted in a neglect of early sequenced multi-drug treatment (combinations of antivirals, corticosteroids, and anti-thrombotic, anti-clotting drugs).

4) We need urgent PSAs on Vitamin D supplementation, on reducing obesity and on the positive impact on risk of healthy lifestyles, nutrition, exercise etc..

5) Message to the population that we are not all at equal risk of severe outcome or death if infected, such that there is a 1,000-fold difference in risk between children and older adults; 16-year-old Suzie who is in good health is not at the same risk of illness as 85-year-old grandma who has 2 to 3 medical conditions.

6) No mass testing of asymptomatic persons, only testing of symptomatic, ill/sick persons, including where there is a strong clinical suspicion; with this, stop contact tracing where the virus has already spread extensively as it confers no benefit; these have been harmful.

7) No isolation/quarantine of asymptomatic persons, only isolation of symptomatic ill/sick persons, including where there is a strong clinical suspicion; no isolation of asymptomatic persons at borders; these have been very harmful.

8) No mask mandates, no mask use in school children, no mask use outdoors (it is nonsensical), make case-by-case decisions based on risk.

9) No school closures, no university closures, nor forced quarantine of people in contact with those who test positive.

10) No lockdowns whatsoever (and ever in such situations), no business closures; open society fully immediately. The crushing harms and devastation from lockdowns as we have seen far outweigh any benefit and the harms are most pronounced among the poorer in society who are least able to afford the restrictions. The lockdown itself kills people, destroys families, prevents education of our children; child abuse was missed by closed schools (and remote schools) and the lockdowns promoted child abuse; lost jobs cause stress in the household and with closed schools, children are vulnerable as the visibility is gone and this is catastrophic. There is near zero risk to children from Covid and we are harming them by school closures; it was one of the most devastating misapplications of public policy. Most of the decisions made by the governments and their medical advisors were irrational, specious, and in most part reckless and have caused far greater harm. Countries like Australia, New Zealand, and Trinidad and Tobago of the Caribbean are test case examples of all that goes wrong with nonsensical government lead responses and policies with unqualified illogical and irrational Covid advisors, ministries of health officials and leaders, medical officers of health and a corrupted media running interference. These nations have leaders in Prime Ministers who should be fired from office for they exact an unbearable tool on their public, being highly inept, uninformed, irrational, and near dictatorial in actions that have no scientific basis. They devastate their people and leave them in a state of constant lockdown and reopening with no end in sight. They are incompetent for they fail to read the science or understand the lockdown data or evidence across 19 months now that it does not work in any manner, and it results in suffering of the people.

Please go to Brownstone Institute to read more. 

This is what has to be done all across America:

EXCLUSIVE: Over 500 Vanguard Employees Stand Together For Medical Freedom Against Covid Mandates

Do we know on a far deeper level what is really going on with this Covid attack on civilization? From what we have seen happen in Europe and Australia does anyone think under these circumstances governments are there to protect you against this insidious destructive assault?

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