Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Buckle Up, Things Are About To Get Very Real – COVID Genocide To Become the “Elvis Presley of All Holocausts”

Editor's note: Some back-to-back updates that will explain much that is going on in our world implemented partly by Operation Chaos and MKNAOMI (and the gnostic esoteric central bankers). In all wars the participants are split in two (this is fundamental and critical knowledge you must understand) to get them to destroy each (debtors) other. This central banking favorite tactical financial ploy throughout history is called the "Great Reset" today. 

A pandemic of the vaccinated

And to keep the REAL pandemic going, we must have vaccine mandates and passports and crackdowns on the unvaccinated

by Jon Rappoport | November 23, 2021

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Daily Mail, November 18, 2021: "Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said waning immunity from the initial shots is leading to a rise in severe cases among immunized Americans. 'What we're starting to see now is an uptick in hospitalizations among people who've been vaccinated but not boosted'…"

NY Times podcast, November 12, 2021; Fauci states: "They are seeing a waning of [vaccine-induced] immunity not only against infection but against hospitalization and to some extent death, which is starting to now involve all age groups. It isn't just the elderly."

Translation: The vaccine is severely injuring and killing MANY people, but of course we're calling those injuries and deaths "COVID-19 disease." Also, our solution to this catastrophe is piling on MORE injections (boosters), which will hospitalize and kill even MORE people. 

The dailyexpose.uk has the much deeper story: 

"The public are being repeatedly lied to by elected officials, unelected advisors, and the mainstream media, with all of them claiming that the world is currently experiencing a Pandemic of the Unvaccinated. This could not be further from the truth."

"But the lie has now been used to justify locking down the unvaccinated in Austria, and locking the unvaccinated out of society in Australia."

"Now Germany is about to follow suit, Scotland is about to ban the unvaccinated from pubs and restaurants under the advice of a qualified nutritionist posing as a Pandemic expert who goes by the name of Devi Sridhar, and the authorities and media in England have gone into overdrive on the advice of the 'nudge unit' to sway the population into supporting a lockdown for only the unvaccinated."

"But it all makes absolutely no sense because official Public Health data shows that over the past three months… two-thirds of Covid-19 hospitalisations [people who get very sick from the shot] have been among the fully vaccinated, and a frightening 91% of Covid-19 deaths [people who die from the shot] have been among the fully vaccinated, and projections shows things are about to get a lot worse."

"…in the week beginning November 6th a total of 773 Covid-19 hospitalisations [people injured by the shot] were confirmed in Scotland. Of these 137 were among the unvaccinated population, whilst 363 were among the vaccinated population.”

"…the fully vaccinated accounted for the majority of hospitalisations [in Scotland] between October 16th and November 12th, and again by taking into account hospitalisations as far back as August 23rd we can see that things have been getting progressively worse for the fully vaccinated by the week."

"In the week beginning August 21st the vaccinated accounted for 68% of hospitalisations, but fast forward to the week beginning November 6th and we can see that the vaccinated accounted for 73% of hospitalisations."

"The worst week so far for the vaccinated however, in terms of hospitalisations, came in the week beginning October 16th which saw the vaccinated population account for 79% of Covid-19 hospitalisations [people injured by the shot]."

"[In Scotland]…the fully vaccinated accounted for the overwhelming majority of Covid-19 deaths [deaths from the shot] between October 9th and November 5th 2021. But by also taking into account the number of…deaths by vaccination status as far back as August 14th we're able to see that things are getting significantly worse for the fully vaccinated population by the week…" 

Please go to Jon Rappoport's blog to read more. 

Covid is the Latest CIA-Planned Genocide

November 23, 2021

This excellent video shows how the COVID GENOCIDE is based on a combination of the two widely-known, notorious CIA projects called MK-ULTRA and MKNAOMI.

Just as AIDS never really existed, neither does COVID really exist. The only thing the power-elite want you to BELIEVE is that you "need" to take the genocidal COVID JAB (so that they can KILL you, just as they killed the 25 million Africans with "AIDS by smallpox vaccine" and the 9 million homosexuals with "AIDS by HepB vaccine followed by AZT mustard-gas".

The "Deep State" consists of all the individuals and organizations committed to carrying out the globalist totalitarian agenda of the central banking cartel rather than the national interest or public good. Intelligence agencies like the CIA are prime examples.

By Patrick O'Carroll

On 3 Aug 1977, Stansfield Turner testified to US Congress about the CIA Project MK-ULTRA.

The first 10 minutes of the above video shows how, in the scope of Project MK-ULTRA, the US regime obliged the Zionist-controlled mainstream-media to insert subliminal messages as mainstream Tell-Lie-Vision-Stations were shutting down, and during the playing of jingoistic songs, and during the hypnotic state of any US viewers who were half asleep, or were falling asleep in front of their Tell-Lie-Vision-Sets. These were the following subliminal messages:

The first 10 minutes of the above video shows how, in the scope of Project MK-ULTRA, the US regime obliged the Zionist-controlled mainstream-media to insert subliminal messages as mainstream Tell-Lie-Vision-Stations were shutting down, and during the playing of jingoistic songs, and during the hypnotic state of any US viewers who were half asleep, or were falling asleep in front of their Tell-Lie-Vision-Sets. These were the following subliminal messages:






This happened in the 1960s - 1990s and it was depicted in John Carpenter's 1988 movie "They Live".

The 2006 movie "The Good Shepherd" depicted how the CIA was formed in the Skull & Bones lodge of Yale University as a private army operating for "Illuminati" families such as Russell and Collins, although the CIA was funded by the very US taxpayers whom it was ordered to target for genocide.

Note: In general, movies tell the truth whereas the Zionist-controlled mainstream-media have for the past 150 years been the source of most Conspiracy Theories (like the one about Osama bin Laden dying twice, or the one about jet fuel bringing down skyscrapers, or the one about twelve Freemasons landing on the "Moon", where even WickedPedia confirms that the surface temperature is 130° C or 266° F).


Later, CIA project MKNAOMI was designed as a biological-warfare project for developing bioweapons such as AIDS, Ebola, Zika, COVID and for developing ethno-specific bioweapons (most of these patented by the Rockefellers and Rothschilds). These bioweapons mostly exist IN SILICA (as a computer model) and no one knows whether they were ever even isolated in a human being. See here: 

The Zionist PNAC Group is an offshoot of the powerful worldwide Zionist Freemasonic super-lodge HATHOR PENTALPHA. The Zionist PNAC Group planned the wars of the twenty-first century in the scope of its "Clash of Civilizations" doctrine fronted by Samuel Phillips Huntington, a member of both the Zionist PNAC Group and worldwide Zionist Freemasonic super-lodge HATHOR PENTALPHA.

In 2000, the Zionist PNAC Group called for the USA to deploy ethno-specific bioweapons in all its genocidal wars of the twenty-first century (which Zionist PNAC had already planned).

In Project MKNAOMI, the CIA mixed lab-grown toxins developed from leukemic cancer-tissue from sick cows, mixed with lymphonomic cancer-tissue from sick sheep. In the Strecker Memorandum, Dr Robert B Strecker MD and his brother, attorney Ted Strecker, proved how the US and British regimes had conspired with the UN's Worst Health Organization (WHO) and the Big Pharma Mafia to place the latter lab-grown mixture into:

+tens of millions of "vaccines against smallpox" (i.e. bioweapons) to start the still-running African HIV/AIDS Holocaust after 1975, in which they succeeded in genociding 25 million (mostly sub-Saharan) Africans.

+tens of thousands of "vaccines against HepB" (i.e. bioweapons) to start the still-ongoing homosexual HIV/AIDS Holocaust after 1975, in which they succeeded in genociding 9 million (mostly) homosexuals.

+AZT which contains chemo-"therapy" (the equivalent of WW1 mustard-gas) approved by the US NIH under genocidal eugenicist Anthony Fauci (who has been NIH director since 1984 and is of Swiss-Italian descent).

Just as AIDS never really existed, neither does COVID really exist. The only thing the power-elite want you to BELIEVE is that you "need" to take the genocidal COVID JAB (so that they can KILL you, just as they killed the 25 million Africans with "AIDS by smallpox vaccine" and the 9 million homosexuals with "AIDS by HepB vaccine followed by AZT mustard-gas").

US Patent 11107588, dated 31 Aug 2021, has 50 pages describing the nanotechnology and bioweapons that have already been deployed in the genocidal COVID JAB. If you take the genocidal COVID JAB, just consider how you may well be committing suicide.


The COVID GENOCIDE is the culmination of more than a century of preparation, through:

+ MK-ULTRA for mass-hypnosis and mind-control to ensure that all targeted victims BELIEVE the hoax.

+MKNAOMI for creating effective bioweapons to genocide the population at large, with testing and retesting of this same Modus Operandi over and over again in Africa, on homosexuals, and now on everyone.

Anthony Fauci who led the AIDS genocide of 9 million homosexuals by releasing tainted HepB "vaccines" in US cities with the help of his co-conspirators in the WHO and in the Big Pharma Mafia.

The 1954 Bilderberg Manual "Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars", which laid out the strategy for genociding 90 percent of the world population (see https://www.bitchute.com/video/0T5I1rAez3U0/ ).

The COVID GENOCIDE is so well prepared that it is now likely to enter the "HOLOCAUST CHARTS OF ALL-TIME" at #1 and to thereby become quite literally "THE ELVIS PRESLEY OF ALL HOLOCAUSTS". 

What does the Jewish Gottlieb who was director of the FDA and now a board member of Pfizer want?

Removing excess unwanted populations first:

Scotland's death rate is 30 percent higher than year over year and month over month:

Knock down entire swaths of the population any way that can be done under cover of a "pandemic". Now they will need a booster to "help them recover":

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