Monday, November 29, 2021

It's the Omichronopolous Version of Gates and Schwab - Omicron: Name Given to the Vax Damaged



Omicron symptoms match vax damage.

November 29, 2021

Omicron is nothing but a vehicle for blaming vax damage on a new variant. Everyone called this, it was not only me.



"It is "500 times more contageous than other variants" ONLY because all the vax damaged people are now going to start dropping like flies, no matter how well they hide Omicron is going to NAIL THEM as they cower in their homes to "avoid omicron" while the vax finishes it's dirty work under that name.

No loss of smell, no fever, no NOTHING. Just intense fatige and high pulse rate while your body struggles to function while being eaten alive by your immune system from the inside out, and attempts to push blood through 100 thousand RNA induced micro clots. Until the big one happens. The symptoms they are listing don't match what they advertised for Covid at all, they match vax damage - Loss of taste and smell are not symptoms of the new "covid" which obviously means it's not Covid. Smallpox without the pox is NOT smallpox. We are now in for a load of fun. Here we go.

We ALL SAID, this. EVERYONE. Not one alt media presense at all missed this. NOT. ONE. Every last stinking one said they were going to blame vax damage on a new variant, and HERE WE ARE. No wonder why the name is an anagram for moronic, you'd have to be an IDIOT to not see it is really the vax.

The people who took the shot are waking up, and Omicron sped up that process.

I am seeing on social media a lot of posts from the vaxxed now wondering what the hell they did. They are asking what the shot was for now that the government, which promised them full immunity from even one shot is nullifying their vax passports after getting two shots, demanding a third. Many of them are seeing vaxxed friends who were supposed to be protected now catching Corona, plus having tons of other problems and they are also realizing they don't feel the same anymore. There are still quite a few who "feel fine" but the numbers that are realizing something changed and they are not "allright anymore" is starting to look like a rolling snowball . . . .

Another thing I am seeing is people complaining about how "Omicron", which is an anagram for "moronic" has nullified all previous vaxxes. This time around however, they are questioning how the government could have a brand new vax ready for this totally changed virus so quickly. The changes (as seen on TV) are so drastic it is practically not even the same virus. According to myth. And in the past, "as seen on TV" was not always a hoax. That's where Dyson got started . . . . .

They are failing with their plan to murder whoever they want. I guess years of autisim woke people up to the vaxxes and enough were skeptical enough just because of that to plant a seed that may just grow into the future of mankind. Klaus, Gates, and others were smart enough to launch this campaign, but not smart enough to model out the victory they wanted. Here is the future:

Their future is now one where they maimed and murdered an ENORMOUS pile of people, a majority who have yet to die from what Klaus and others did, but will die. Everyone is going to see these people die, they are already dying in large numbers, and the survivors are going to know who killed off half of humanity. The enforcers are predominantly vaxxed. Even the enforcers who were stupid enough to allow themselves to be vaxxed are waking up. Gates, Klaus, Fauci and more are going to lose the support base that was going to enforce their mandates, partly because they killed it and partly because it woke up.

They will soon be living in a world where everyone knows what they did, while their support dwindles for doing it. How long until the mobs mow them under? Perhaps that antarctic base was not done so they could escape a disease they throw out to the masses, perhaps it is there just in case their plan fails and they have to run to it. Yes, it is there.

Don't believe the bunk about Israel locking it's borders for Omicron

YES, Israel locked it's border. First country to do it. Because it is THEIR hoax and THEY have to run with it and make it real.

It's the Omichronopolous version, pushed by A-Holes exactly like what is portrayed in the Adam Sandler music video Steve Polychronopolous. Caution, the video Steve Polychronopolous I can find to link is the dirty version and there will be ads, but I am pushing this a second time because the so-called "elites" are A-holes on this level, playing a much much bigger game than some stupid punk. Just take what you see in this video and apply it on a global scale. The attitude of the elite and what they are doing is THAT juvenile and THAT bad. Having the name of their new "disease" integrate into the name of an absolute A-hole is just too perfect to skip. The final words: "you think you're better than me? You're F***ING WRONG, DEAL WITH IT shows the attitudes of Gates, Schwab and Fauci absolutely perfectly.

Why is this video so perfect? Because it, in a very juvenile way shows:

False flags:

The way the elite take your stuff in the form of taxes and just throw it to waste
How they lie to do damage
How they absolutely thanklessly use resources
How they inflict needless pain just for fun (best example, the jab)
How they are absolutely dependent and eternally thankless
How they are not afraid at all to insult someone.
How they use the TV to "swear in front of your mother" by pushing the gay/trans agenda
How they believe they are superior.
And, their attitude: If you don't like it, stick it.

On top of all that, they really are a-holes, even worse than shown in the video, but the video is just too perfect at this point in the game, when they name a "variant" that blends into Steve's last name absolutely perfect. The Omicron version, an anagram for MORONIC, is just another insult like "shitforbrains" out of the mouth of mister Polychronopolis.

If you stripped the wealth away from Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab, and they actually had to integrate with real people, this video is EXACTLY the type they'd be, and they would be THAT OUTRAGEOUS. They already are in an even worse way, but they keep it hidden like perfect backstabbers.

More from Israel demonstrating the country isn't "locking its borders":

Isn't it odd these variants are always detected in Israel and in the UK first:

While it is being discussed above that the Omicron variant is the name given to the vax damaged, Israel rolls out this news that the vaccinated are protected from the Omicron variant:

The technology is being initiated in Israel first and they need the variants to build out the digital surveillance. This has nothing to do with a pandemic or a virus. That is all wag the dog nonsense. They need the variants to act as cover to build this technology. 

Rights Groups Petition Israel's Top Court Over Omicron Phone Tracking

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