Sunday, November 28, 2021

Hold Fast Earthlings! The Elites Have Reissued the "Great Narrative"

Source: New Eastern Outlook

November 26, 2021 | By Phil Butler
The "Great Narrative" is at hand! The author of the "Great Reset", Klaus Schwab just launched another initiative at his World Economic Forum (WEF) in the UAE. And the world should be dully impressed, I am sure, but most people of earth will not be. WEF and most other institutions are walking a credibility tightrope these days. And how many resets is this now? 

With half the world wondering if their COVID-19 shots will protect them, and the other half convinced world health institutions want to control us like robots with vaccines, the big money is talking about reglobalizing the globalized community they sold us on over thirty years ago. Now, according to the WEF, the Great Narrative initiative is defined as:
"A collaborative effort of the world's leading thinkers to fashion longer-term perspectives and co-create a narrative that can help guide the creation of a more resilient, inclusive and sustainable vision for our collective future."
But wait a minute Houston, there's a problem. What were our leaders doing, exactly, for the last three decades? Did they pull the wool over our eyes and rake in the trillions while the rest of us just played the blind mice? Was there ever any real effort to collaborate to help humanity? Let's consult Google, and use a custom search, just to see.

Hmm. Interesting. Back in February of 1999 UN Secretary General Kofi Annan spoke of the WEF, Davos, and the UN partnering with business in order to – "initiate a global compact of shared values and principles, which will give a human face to the global market." It turns out, Annan's words were prophetic with regard to how business and the elites ended up seizing on the opportunities globalization presented. The former Secretary General had this to say on the fragility of that Great Reset:
"Globalization is a fact of life. But I believe we have underestimated its fragility. The problem is this. The spread of markets outpaces the ability of societies and their political systems to adjust to them, let alone to guide the course they take. History teaches us that such an imbalance between the economic, social and political realms can never be sustained for very long." 
Now, I could claim that COVID-19 is the straw that finally broke the globalization movement’s back. But this would not be accurate. You see, the cooperation never did extend to society. We were just the worker bees and consumers who powered the big rip off. And Kofi Annan's words prove conclusively, that the elites who run this shit show we are in now knew all along what they were doing. And now, decades of misery and manipulation later – and the Davos geniuses want a "do over."

In 1996, Klaus Schwab was on his soapbox pushing globalization forward as fast as he and his associates could make it go. Interestingly, the "narrative" back then was exactly the same as we hear, see, and read today. Also interesting, his how the attempted pirating of Russia was key in the strategies being developed. In an article for the International Herald Tribune, the WEF founder and few of his henchmen fanned the proverbial civic flames of outcry, just so: 
"Public opinion in the industrial democracies will no longer be satisfied with articles of faith about the virtues and future benefits of the global economy. It is pressing for action."
The Davos Pact, who in Russia can forget that? In an heroic surge to prevent those pesky Communists in Russia from usurping free enterprise, the boys from west of the Siverskyi Donets River got Boris Yeltsin reelected so the mafiosos and western pirates could carve up Russia for good. Don't take my word, read what the WEF said about it here. 1996 was also the year the WEF went online in what became known as the information superhighway. The breadth and depth of these people's bullshit can only be fathomed by researching each-and-ever-single initiative or "narrative" they preach.

Take 1997, for instance. This was the year Klaus Schwab and his benefactors sought to reinvent the term "Davos Man" into some kind of wise Solomon superhero bent on helping humanity. They wanted to shed the brand Harvard University political scientist Samuel P. Huntington burned into the global elites when he insisted the Davos Man, "…has little need for national loyalty, view national boundaries as obstacles that thankfully are vanishing, and see national governments as residues from the past whose only useful function is to facilitate the elite's global operations."

The new Davos Man became, as Schwab so tenderly put it, "a Davos Man or Davos Woman should be a blend of global, national and local identity." This new breed of economic superhero was to be a kinder, gentler, Wizard of Oz, something straight out of a J. R. R. Tolkien story. The World Economic Forum story of greed and elitism is told well via the organization's various websites. As the liberal elite have sopped up unbelievable fortunes from the globalization charade, so has the WEF expanded its headquarters, put into the mix unscrupulous people like Hillary Clinton, and made alleged global compact each and every year since.

Please go to New Eastern Outlook to read more. 

Editor's note: The following image is not of Klaus Schwab in the bridal gear but it does a good job illustrating how bat shit crazy these self-appointed global elite are who are connected to the central banking infrastructure. There is an alleged list of Greek named Covid variants including the most recent Omicron variant put out by John Hopkins University and the WEF. "Fact checking" sites are telling us this list was not generated by Johns Hopkins University and Schwab's WEF outfit, but if a careful review is done to fact check the "fact checking" sites, often connections can be made to pharmaceutical companies and related organizations sponsoring these fact checking sites to control the narrative.


In the inbox: That's not Klaus Schwab in that bridal outfit.

CAUTION: the following image has an obscene picture of Klaus Schwab but this type of thing has to be posted so people realize what kind of nutcases are pushing the great reset and everything Covid related.

November 27, 2021

Editor's note: In a clip awhile back, Schwab at the WEF mentioned something about the "world becoming an angrier place" over the implementation of his (central bankers) "Great Reset." Schwab got that wrong didn't he? They are loosing the narrative. The more the absurdity of this narrative the more people will become cognizant of what is going on like in Holland. People in various countries like in Holland are on the verge of open revolt and violence against their government that is warring on them on behalf of the central bankers Klaus Schwab represents implementing their "Great Narrative" operating undercover of Covid including the introduction of variants.

What Schwab & Co. are doing is locking people into "Plato's cave" eviscerating people of their natural ability to survive and create. With a Covid injection rate of 85%, maybe the people in Holland are becoming fully aware that in Europe, 31,014 people have died and there are 2,890,600 injuries resulting from the Covid injections registered on the European Database on Adverse Reactions? Have a look at what the people in the Netherlands (with an 85% injection rate) think about this "great narrative":

It is being alleged the anagram for Omicron is moronic. There might be some element of truth in that anagram considering the UK's latest reporting on the Omicron variant. If you believe this news out of the UK's Mail Online (British intelligence) it might be a good indication you need your head examined.

Note the needle is in the red on this news from the UK's Mail Online...

A timely Christmas message... 

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