Tuesday, November 30, 2021

This Is Real and It Is Happening Now - TerraMar: No Man's Land for Triangular Trade Including Children - FAA's Record of 704 Flights

Editor's note: The only way we the people can overcome this is to create our own private contracting societies to build new institutions, organizations and paradigms for our own future. We don's seek justice, to get even or revenge on these people. Their systems are all collapsing and we all know it. The most astonishing thing about all this though is the enormous amounts of money these people have such easy access to. No thanks, these people can keep their "Great Reset." We will build something better and it doesn't have to be "back" either. Consider too that there is going to be a concerted effort to make pedophilia "legal" so that the impact of this Maxwell trial will be less traumatic. The war continues...

Greetings to my friends in the resistance.

It's time to tie up some loose ends to see a despicable tapestry for what it is. Just as all eyes are on the Ghislaiene Maxwell trial the latest Covid Omicron variant is released into the news feeds because it sure didn't appear in Botswana.

You already know its bad, I'm here to show you how bad is really is. Let's start with a story. A story about Jeffery Epstein's madam Geslaine Maxwell. When Ms Maxwell was taken into custody she was asked three questions. The questioning went like this:

Attorney: Are you a citizen of the United States?

G. Maxwell: Yes.

Attorney: Are you also a citizen of England?

Monday, November 29, 2021

World Medical Association Chair Demands National Lockdowns, Compulsory Jabs, Fears COVID "Variant As Dangerous As Ebola"

Editor's note: The global psychopathic elite have now pulled all the stops out and are going for bust on their latest Omicron variant. Pfizer's CEO Bourla is telling us a new vaccine (injection) will be ready in 100 days "based on tests of the new Omicron variant." A new vaccine ready in 100 days with no testing trials? This global elite at war on us are using politicians and bureaucrats to hammer us into submission until we submit. To up the fear, these lunatics are now telling us this new Omicron variant could be "as dangerous as Ebola." No, what is dangerous are injections that are injuring and killing people and being blamed on variants. Makes us wonder what kind of a special dispensation Frank Montgomery at the World Medical Association (WMA) received from the globalists for his latest threat? It is no holds barred now as these bureaucrats (don't forget these NGOs as well) and politicians destroy the citizenry. Don't confuse Montgomery's warnings. He is warring on you on behalf of the globalists. 

Source: Mateus Research

World Medical Association Chair Demands National Lockdowns, Compulsory Jabs, Fears COVID "Variant As Dangerous As Ebola"

November 28, 2021

The Omicron variant was identified six days ago, initially in Botswana. Infections have been detected in South Africa, Israel, Hong Kong, Belgium, and the UK. So far, the spreading of the heavily mutated variant of the Coronavirus has resulted in a stark warning from one top medical official. 

Barbados celebrates as it officially becomes a republic, cuts ties with British monarchy

Editor's note: This is excellent news. More republics need to form breaking from the British monarchy. Well done, Barbados. Now just be on the alert for UK private mercenaries coming in to muck up your plans. 

Source: Global News
Barbados ditched Britain's Queen Elizabeth as head of state, forging a new republic on Tuesday with its first-ever president and severing its last remaining colonial bonds nearly 400 years after the first English ships arrived at the Caribbean island.

The new African virus mutation: right on time; a kindergarten covert op for the ignorant [and the moronic]

by Jon Rappoport | November 29, 2021

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There are no variants.

Because there is no virus. SARS-CoV-2 doesn't exist. I've spent the past year and a half proving that. [0]

But fantasies do exist. So do covert ops with intentions to deceive.

Thus, the "scientific world" is agog over the new South African variant, named B11529 (aka Omicron, Botswana). Woo. The ghost is coming out of the closet. Beware. COVID cases are rising… 

It's the Omichronopolous Version of Gates and Schwab - Omicron: Name Given to the Vax Damaged

GMO Vaccine People Belong to Patent Holder

Editor's note: Hey, got any human rights? What a bizarre thought: Human beings owned by a pharmaceutical cartel. Time to break free humans...take back the world you want...

Source: makow.com

November 29, 2021

Left, Dr. Chinda Brandolino, Argentine Medical Examiner & Family Rights Activist

Will the vaccinated and their children belong to Pfizer?

Brandolino--"When you modify the genome with an adenovirus vaccine, that vaccinated person is already a transgenic-- a trans-human person. According to what is legally established in international law, it will be the property of the owner of the patent.

"But the most dramatic thing of all is that because when trans-human, that person will not be considered human according to the Human Rights we know. The situation is extremely serious and I have the feeling that people do not realize the seriousness of what we are facing. 

Rome is The Problem

Editor's note: The Roman death cult gets a review.

Monday, November 29, 2021 | By Anna Von Reitz

Though we wish it were not true, and that our brethren in Rome were happy people content to enjoy life and the beauty of this planet without constantly craving the blood, sweat, and tears of everyone else, history has proven otherwise.

Rome has been the center of power, the Great Navel on this planet for the past two thousand-plus years, and most of the time, we've all been made miserable for its sake.

So if you want to understand the power dynamics of the current genocide, you must understand Rome.

And you must know that Rome is evil.

Big Pharma's Control Over The News

Source: Murrayville Family Chiropractic
November 28, 2021

Over the last 11 months, pharmaceutical companies have spent a stunning $3.2 billion on TV ads for drugs

The Never Ending Medical Tyranny

The Epitome of Arrogance

Editor's note: Enjoy the smug laugh displayed here by Fauci when the events of January 6th were set up by the FBI running operatives to ambush Americans when they showed up in Washington to protest. Fauci here is playing the dialectic theater against Cruz. A lot of Americans are likely thinking to themselves right about now that if a "civil war" (Federalist v Anti-Federalist / Vaccinated v Anti-Vaccinated) erupts who is going to have the guns pointed at them first? And did anyone else notice the commercial militia along with other agencies dropped $548 million on informants many who are committing crimes? How about that, Fauci? Put that in your Covid pipe and smoke it. 

The Shell Game Played with Your DNA, or 23 and Screwing Me

Editor's note: An interesting discussion took place between Greg Hunter of USA Watchdog and Karen Kingston on Covid-19 booster shots and also these "injections as bioweapons." More interesting is the discussion on the tech giant Qualcomm's investments. "A $500 million fund that has a partnership with Qualcomm that will map out all the genetic variations of Covid 19 is discussed. Furthermore, "Covid 19 is really just code for human beings, and they want to map out our genetic makeup." Why is Qualcomm that has invested millions in Israeli tech firms interested in mapping out the human DNA under cover of Covid-19? The following National Law Review is related because it is connected to privacy concerns and human DNA. One of the founders of 23andMe is Anne Wojcicki who is also the CEO of YouTube. Wojcicki married Google co-founder Sergey Brin in 2007 and later divorced. In 2018, 23andMe entered into a four-year collaboration with GlaxoSmithKline to "develop new novel medicines." BlackRock and Vanguard are the two biggest investors in GlaxoSmithKline.

Source: National Law Review

Thursday, January 23, 2020 | By Theodore F. Claypoole

So you want to know how much Neanderthal is in your genes.

You are curious about the percentage of Serbo-Croatian, Hmong, Sephardim or Ashanti blood that runs through your veins. Or maybe you hope to find a rich great-aunt near death, seeking an heir. 

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Omicondumb Salvo Fired at the Global Peasants

Editor's note: The UK at it again with another variant salvo fired at us from the City of London attempting to get their groveling politicians to start cracking the Covid whip: Why IS the Omicron variant so scary? Super strain has evolved to have ALL of the worst mutations of Alpha, Beta and Delta combined plus new ones that could make it the most infectious and jab-resistant variant ever. Here's a fun one: "This omicondumb f*cking variant or whatever the f#ck it is, I'm not...." How about that? The new Omicondumb variant has now been discovered in the UK. How fortunate. 

Hold Fast Earthlings! The Elites Have Reissued the "Great Narrative"

Source: New Eastern Outlook

November 26, 2021 | By Phil Butler
The "Great Narrative" is at hand! The author of the "Great Reset", Klaus Schwab just launched another initiative at his World Economic Forum (WEF) in the UAE. And the world should be dully impressed, I am sure, but most people of earth will not be. WEF and most other institutions are walking a credibility tightrope these days. And how many resets is this now? 

Saturday, November 27, 2021

I Hope My Government Will Let Me Go Outside Today.

Editor's note: Understand when these memes are considered that governments are warring on their populations in respective countries. That government warfare model on its citizens has its nexus in the home of the central bankers in the City of London (The Empire of "The City"). Omicron: more bullshit scaremongering and gaslighting from the City of London. It is going around the internet Omicron is an anagram for moronic. 

Listen to "Gumbie" in Australia

Editor's note: Australian NT Minister Michael Gunner, or "Gumbie" as he is called in the northern territories, is vying to become the politician with the most punchable face in Australia. This little maggot of a politician is having Australians rounded up and putting them in camps using military assets. Gumbie needs the army to transport 38 Australians to camps? This treasonous parasite is frothing at the mouth putting his communist decrees out. Is Gumbie jacked up on friggin' meth? Look at the eyes of this psychopath. Gumbie here is on the low end of the spectrum in the globalist's hierarchy who is barking at the Australian people. 

Friday, November 26, 2021

And These Maniacs Are Going to Start Injecting 5 Year-Old Children

Editor's note: Are you a parent? Are you really going to subject your children to a lifetime of injections? Need evidence?

Abstract 10712: Mrna COVID Vaccines Dramatically Increase Endothelial Inflammatory Markers and ACS Risk as Measured by the PULS Cardiac Test: a Warning

Do Not Comply – Do Not Show Your Papers – New "Normal": Goal Posts Keep Changing – COVID Injections Are the Precursors to the Digital Technocracy – Anyone in This "Reset" Earning Under $20 an Hour Will Be Eliminated – COVID Law Up for Vote in Switzerland

Editor's note: Solution: Do not comply. Listen carefully to what this overweight repugnant banker is telling you in this clip from the home office of BIS in Basel, Switzerland. After listening to his flatulence, go to They Need Your Children - A New Financial Reset Is Imminent and listen carefully to how this woman describes the financial reset (under cover of Covid) and what it means to your personal liberties and privacy. Or what's left of them. Can you see what is happening here? The more the natural human resistance is to these encroaching total surveillance digital systems including vaccines (injections) and a planned new monetary system, the more the "Covid cases soar." This also includes mainstream media sources now rolling out the new Covid variant "Omicron." And if you are a careful observer, notice how all of this originates out of the central bankers nesting hive in the City of London.

Insurance Corporations Invested in Pharmaceutical Cartels

Editor's note: People need to understand that many of the big insurance companies are invested in pharmaceutical firms. For example, India's Life Insurance Corporation (LIC). Millions of Life Insurance Corporation's 290 million policy holders have likely received Covid injections. Why would BlackRock take an "anchor book allocation" position in an initial LIC IPO? Will there be no payout on those policies in the event of deaths from injections but disguised deaths induced by vaccines? This argument is going around. India's LIC holds 3.3% of Pfizer stock. These corporations are behind the Democrats and Burke in New York is Secretary of the Majority Conference sitting on the Science and Technology Committee. This video clip was sourced from: New Bill Would Deny Insurance Coverage to the Unvaccinated

Serco: Without Covid There Can Be No Profits

Editor's note: One of AD's highlighted UK corporations in the news making it big off Covid. Serco is running the Covid testing facilities in Australia and the UK. Testing that has been shown to be fraudulent. 

Serco hands frontline staff £100 bonus as profits roll in from Covid-19 and immigration work

By Oscar Williams-Grut | 15 November 2021 

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Vetting For Competence?

Editor's note: Isn't this just splendid. A Marxist with a previous arrest for petty theft who is hiding her PhD thesis on Karl Marx who wants to end private deposit banking while wanting to destroy oil and gas companies is moving to become the head of the Office of the Comptroller of Currency (OCC). OCC is a federal agency and Oamarva wants to start a new federal agency to fund green projects. This isn't just a red scare. Read Omarova's paper also linked below. Turning over all accounts to the Federal Reserve? Talk about consolidating all monetary power? What are the Democrats telling the American people? That Omarova would be a "tough regulator over banks." This is part of the central banks' centralization of the monetary system to consolidate all monetary power which is unprecedented in history. 

News update for 7 December 2021: "No Longer Tenable" - Biden's Marxist 'Lenin Award'-Winning Banking Pick Pulls Out

Source: Washington Free Beacon

Biden Nom Saule Omarova Stole Hundreds of Dollars of Merchandise From a T.J. Maxx

The Lenin Scholar is slated for a confirmation hearing Thursday
By Chuck Ross • November 17, 2021 

Can We Stop With the Irrational Blood Libel Hatred Against "Whites?"

Editor's note: This is news from awhile back from Gateway Pundit but brings us to the white-hating racist Darrel Brooks who drove his SUV into a parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin intentionally steering the vehicle in a zig zag direction to run over and kill as many people as he could. Who knows what was running through Brooks' mind with his involvement in his occult rap music including lyrics of hatred towards whites. There is information there were two others in the car with Brooks. Who were they? His CIA handlers? Imagine for a moment the possibility Brooks sat listening to Carol Baker at the CDC last year saying: "We'll just get rid of whites in the US." Using the description white is a misnomer. They aren't "white". They are Spanish, French, Norwegian, Irish, Swedish and German all with their own unique languages and cultural history so stop using the term "white." As far as we are concerned Carol Baker at the CDC has blood on her hands. 

Source: Gateway Pundit

"We'll Just Get Rid of All Whites in the United States" – CDC Chair of Advisory Committee on Immunizations Lashes Out at White Americans (VIDEO)

By Jim Hoft | May 16, 2020

America Is Now Moving Rapidly Towards Catastrophic Political Failure

Editor's note: As we can see from Florida's Governor Ron DeSantis, the American people no longer have confidence in the leadership of America including that of President Biden and his useless VP Kamala Harris. They have lost all credibility and the Democratic Party and their criminal backers will implode. The Democratic Party and their corporate private intelligence operatives do not trust American military members because they know at some point the very real possibility exists guns will start to be pointed at them. The feeling is across the board these people including Biden and Harris on down are completely useless. Keep in mind though, this "uselessness" has probably been intentionally engineered to collapse the US government even faster. More uselessness is evident with Biden and Kamala being out of the loop when the "US" (who exactly makes these decisions) is gearing up to send more weapons to Ukraine.

Why Are We As Americans Allowing George Soros To Destroy America?

Editor's note: Steve Bannon blames George Soros for Waukesha, Wisconsin parade murders.

'Ideological Fanaticism': The Folly of Seeing Human Systems as Hardware

Editor's note: The Judaic supremacist mafia and Israel-firsters behind GW Bush's administration were behind much of what the following material outlines.

By Alastair Crooke | November 22, 2021

The 'meme-politics of lockdown and vaccine mandates' may be fading, but the inflation meme and the economic aftermath meme has only just begun.

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Buckle Up, Things Are About To Get Very Real – COVID Genocide To Become the “Elvis Presley of All Holocausts”

Editor's note: Some back-to-back updates that will explain much that is going on in our world implemented partly by Operation Chaos and MKNAOMI (and the gnostic esoteric central bankers). In all wars the participants are split in two (this is fundamental and critical knowledge you must understand) to get them to destroy each (debtors) other. This central banking favorite tactical financial ploy throughout history is called the "Great Reset" today. 

A pandemic of the vaccinated

And to keep the REAL pandemic going, we must have vaccine mandates and passports and crackdowns on the unvaccinated

by Jon Rappoport | November 23, 2021

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Daily Mail, November 18, 2021: "Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said waning immunity from the initial shots is leading to a rise in severe cases among immunized Americans. 'What we're starting to see now is an uptick in hospitalizations among people who've been vaccinated but not boosted'…"

Michael Bloomberg Owns Johns Hopkins University (Dark University Designing a Dark Winter)

Editor's note: Policy studies at Johns Hopkins University are financially sponsored by the Jewish Michael Bloomberg. Michael Bloomberg is considered a "technology billionaire," and in 2018 donated $1.8 billion to the university. Prior to this donation of $1.8 billion to his alma mater Johns Hopkins University, Bloomberg dropped $1.5 billion into the university's coffers with sundry donations prior to these donations. It would be a huge mistake to underestimate Bloomberg's control over what becomes public policy coming through his "philanthropic" control over Johns Hopkins University. This isn't straight up philanthropy. This is weaponized philanthropy shaping markets for global investors.

What Bloomberg represents (Bloomberg LP's co-founder is the Jewish computer scientist Charles Zegar) is transnational global finance capital using data analytics through this medical tyranny we see unfolding to shape vaccine markets. We are being distracted from what is really happening. Anything coming out of Johns Hopkins University related to Covid is therefore a total go on vaccines (injections) for children and endless boosters for adults. Why? Because they fucking love you that's why. If you want to understand how this "brutal game" is being played including Johns Hopkins University (read: CIA) participation, read Will Bloomberg's Municipal Technocrats Undermine A Progressive Presidency? Who scripts these speeches Biden presents? A "dark winter?" We just know these people are going to unleash a smallpox attack on the population. We are being psychologically primed for an attack.

Tucker Carlson Today - Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Interview - 11/15/21

Editor's note: The CDC is not a regulatory agency. The CDC is a vaccine (injection) company with a $12 billion budget spending $4 billion of that budget on injections. From this point forward our battle cry is LIBERTÉ! – LIBERTÉ! – LIBERTÉ!

More: Robert Kennedy Jr Describes The Global COVID-19 Censorship Designed By Government, Big Pharma and Big Tech

It Is Time For Arrests - The Time For Peace Is Over

Editor's note: If your county sheriffs do not cooperate remove them and replace them. It is now time to start making arrests. Any politician going along with this tyranny needs to be immediately arrested. Arrest them all. After they are arrested then it is time to elect a new government. When a new government is formed let that new government decide their fate. This is serious. We go to guns now to make arrests to end this. The people have been called forth. It is time to act. When the government turns against its citizens that government must be removed. 



The governments are beginning to go totally rogue because peaceful protest does not cut it.

November 22, 2021

People are sending me emergency messages from Australia (where this site has thousands of readers) saying they are starting the roundup and opening the camps. An Australian that did not write also posted to a forum, slamming the forums for banning anyone who speaks about taking direct physical action to stop the roundup on the grounds that they are "promoting violence". All anyone posting about taking action is doing is trying to find ways to push back tyrants with force because at this point they have to if they want to stay alive. For god's sake people - anyone who has a public communication venue WAKE THE HELL UP TO WHAT IS HAPPENING AND GET ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF HISTORY. Saving a forum is not worth allowing a genocide. 

Monday, November 22, 2021

How Benjamin Franklin Made New England Prosperous

The following historical story is taken from a radio address given by Congressman Charles G. Binderup of Nebraska, some 50 years ago, and was reprinted in Unrobing the Ghosts of Wall Street:

Colonies More Prosperous Than the Home Country

Before the American War for Independence in 1776, the colonized part of what is today the United States of America was a possession of England. It was called New England, and was made up of 13 colonies, which became the first 13 states of the great Republic. Around 1750, this New England was very prosperous. Benjamin Franklin was able to write: 

Global Preparedness Monitoring Board (GPMB) Bends Russia to Conform to Covid Tyranny

Editor's note: Here is why Russia suddenly did a 180 degree flip on its Covid response. The full story is here: A Bill Gates disciple in the Russian government? Related information here: Robert Kennedy Jr Describes The Global COVID-19 Censorship Designed By Government, Big Pharma and Big Tech 

Note: What the hell is that large symbol looking down on the conference table these people are meeting around supposed to represent?

Waukesha, Wisconsin: Retaliatory Hit by George Soros-Backed Democrats?

Editor's note: From the war zone in America: Soros DA Released Christmas Parade Mass Murder Suspect Days Before Attack. Take note of the fact that it is the Democrat Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisholm calling for an investigation. When it is discussed Milwaukee County DA John Chisholm is Soros-backed (affiliate), what exactly does that mean? Whoever the intelligence operatives or provocateurs are behind this hit (including the jury tampering that went on in the Kyle Rittenhouse jury deliberation), it is further intended to touch off an all out race war in America. It is being intensely exacerbated by the "media." Both CNN and MSNBC are intentionally going out of their way to fan the flames of violence. The irony is wait until real white men stand up and collectively say to themselves enough of this shit. 

People in Respective Countries Need To Take it Upon Themselves To End This Madness

Editor's note: Australia is ground zero for this insidious global Covid medical tyranny initiating punishing lockdowns, curfews, mandated vaccines (injections), business closures, mandated mask wearing and now Covid quarantine camps. People living under respective governments must act to rebuild their societies after this continuing assault on their countries using the following 20 steps to end this insanity being forcibly put into place by governments that work for central bankers, technology cartels and pharmaceutical syndicates imposing this medical tyranny. Take note of the fact from this list of 20 steps to end this madness that in Australia the Covidcrats there are basing their quarantine decision on illegitimate and fraudulent Covid testing.

Australian Army Begins Transferring COVID-Positive Cases, Contacts To Quarantine Camps

Source: Brownstone Institute

Twenty Steps to End the Madness


Lockdowns, school closures, mask mandates, and all of the Covid-19 pandemic restrictive policies societies were subjected to over the last 18 to 19 months have all failed catastrophically. Governments did devastating things to their societies with illogical, unscientific, and unsound policies that will take decades to recover from. The costs have been staggering in terms of damage to mental health of populations, the consequential rise in hunger and poverty, the crushing effects on economies, the loss of education, escalated costs to healthcare and the delayed and cancelled care for non-Covid illnesses, and the impact on crime. Tens if not hundreds of thousands (and potentially millions) were denied treatment for other medical conditions.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

America: War Zone

Editor's note: In addition to the attack in Kenosha, Wisconsin more news from elsewhere in the war zone

The suspect in the Waukesha attack has a rap video where he sings about kidnapping and murder in front of the car he used to run down people, but don't let this distract you from America's real problem of white supremacy

Shots Fired As Flash Mob Raids Nordstrom In Upscale California Town

Police Declare 'Mass Casualty Event' After Black Driver Reportedly Drives Into Christmas Parade In Waukesha, Wisconsin

Archbishop Viganò Calling for 'Anti-Globalist Alliance' to Stop the Enslavement of Humanity

Editor's note: That "enslavement of humanity" has become so intolerable and disgusting to thousands of Americans that many of them have now taken it upon themselves to do something about it. They have left for Russia where Russia has become the "leader of the free world." Interesting and worth noting too, is that these Americans who have migrated to Russia didn't go to the Catholic Church for assistance or help, they went to Russia where the Russian Eastern Orthodox Church has strong deep roots. Archbishop Viganò in his talk, did not discuss the central bankers' control (consolidation of the coup) over the financial and economic circumstances that have created our debt bondage servitude and how it can be broken with insights such as this: Origin Begins at Fertilization - Catholic Church: Reform or Leave America

Source: 21st Century Wire

November 21, 2021 | By 21st Century News Wire
Previously 21WIRE reported on an incredible interview which took place between Inside the Vatican editor Robert Moynihan and Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò (image above) based in Rome, about a global takeover currently underway, waged by powerful financial and ideological actors, and with grave consequences for the future humanity should this new elite international combine succeed in its designs.

Technocrats Planning a Smallpox Release to Consolidate Their Gains?

Editor's note: Why is it Bill Gates is the only one talking about a smallpox outbreak? Nobody talks like that. Smallpox has been eradicated for more than 100 years and Gates talks about it like he is almost certain a smallpox pandemic is on the way. Computing and technology make gaming part of planning these attacks out so we should be highly skeptical of this smallpox threat with Gates running what he calls "germ games." Well, one reason he talks about smallpox is because the $319 million he dumped (brain washing) into various media sources will then repeat his smallpox narrative. Seeding the minds of the public. Do you know what this is called? It is called "racketeering." The global Covid planned "pandemic" is miserably failing. Are Gates and those who run his foundation connected to the pharmaceutical cartels and likely the military preparing for a second round? Gates and the vaccine (injection) establishment have been rolling out their lies for years and this story on Smallpox is no different. These people are not going to back down, not when the United States has been invaded and the White House taken.

There is no way possible for any of us to confirm one way or another two vials of "the most deadly strain of smallpox were found accidentally" in a Merck lab in North Wales, Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania is a completely captured communist state so expect almost anything to come out of that Bolshevik state. Any entity that released a "smallpox bioterrorism event" would face all out retaliation. This smallpox strain is considered so deadly there are only two facilities alleged to have them: a facility in Siberia and America's very own CDC in Georgia. Is there an ongoing investigation to determine how two vials (first it was two vials and now it is fifteen vials) of the most deadly smallpox strain known ended up accidentally being found on a shelf while someone was cleaning at the Merck facility? That is criminal negligence, a breach of national security and unacceptably irresponsible - if true. The concern is that these mandates are being rejected all around the world and to counter this a smallpox false flag might be initiated.

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Covid Injection Benefits: Soaring Covid Cases

Editor's note: Ever wonder why it's called "Yahoo" News. Because it's yahoo. In our humble estimation, Yahoo News has zero credibility. We aren't going to mince words. Take a look at the image used by Yahoo News in this article. Have you ever seen or read such horse shit crude propaganda in your life? See what the central bankers and pharmaceutical mafia are shoveling out expecting people to actually think this is what is going on with Covid? Split the population in two cleaving them right down the middle is as old as the Rothschild banking and financial interests. And to think there are "professors" in American universities who are completely oblivious to this. We don't need a lockdown for the unvaccinated. What we need is a total lockdown on central bankers. 

Source: Yahoo News

Europe's COVID crisis pits vaccinated against unvaccinated
RAF CASERT and KAREL JANICEK | November 20, 2021 

Avoid These Media Sources With Extreme Prejudice (Boycott) - Bill Gates Is the John D. Rockefeller of the Computer Industry

Editor's note: These media sources are toxic and totally corrupted and should be avoided if you are trying to understand what is going on in the world, your personal circumstances and Covid injections. Bill Gates is the John D. Rockefeller of the computer industry and instead of giving dimes to everyone he meets, Gates is giving out syringes. More here: Revealed: Documents Show Bill Gates Has Given $319 Million to Media Outlets

NPR- $24,663,066
The Guardian (including TheGuardian.org)- $12,951,391
Cascade Public Media – $10,895,016
Public Radio International (PRI.org/TheWorld.org)- $7,719,113
The Conversation- $6,664,271
Univision- $5,924,043
Der Spiegel (Germany)- $5,437,294
Project Syndicate- $5,280,186

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Rhetorical Fluff and Jewish Power - Internet Commentary: Useless

Editor's note: Remember way back in 2016 when this blog discussed the election of Donald Trump as being an ambush? Whether or not this holds true today is still up for discussion. Stay flexible. We are in flux. This essay by Paul Eisen comes highly recommended to put matters into better perspective for Americans on Jews. Please be sure to take in the video discussion at the end that will clarify further many facets of what the essay discusses. 

Source: Righteous Jews

Jewish Power 

By Paul Eisen - (August 19, 2004)

The crime against the Palestinian people is being committed by a Jewish state with Jewish soldiers using weapons displaying Jewish religious symbols, and with the full support and complicity of the overwhelming mass of organised Jews worldwide. But to name Jews as responsible for this crime seems impossible to do.

The future is always open and nothing can ever be ruled out; but, for now, it's hard to see how Israel can be stopped. After over fifty years, it is clear that Israel will only relinquish its eliminationist attitude to Palestinians and Palestinian life when it has to. This need not be through military action but it is hard to see how anything else will do. The conventional wisdom - that if America turned off the tap, Israel would be brought to its knees - is far from proven. First, it's not going to happen. Second, those who believe it may well be underestimating both the cohesiveness of Israeli society and the force of Jewish history which permeates it. Even more unlikely is the military option. The only force on earth which could possibly confront Israel is the American military, and, again, that is not going to happen. 

We Have an Infinitely Better Version of a "Metaverse" Sitting Outside Our Front Door

Editor's note: Good advice: Actual reality is infinitely preferable to the dystopian augmented reality of the Metaverse

You Will Own Nothing and You Will Be Happy Now Take Your F*cking Vax

Editor's note: The full story from where this image originated can be read here: How Is the Davos World Economic Forum Involved in the Coronavirus Pandemic?

Commercial Militia Makes Its Move

Editor's note: Unless you remove yourself from this debt bondage system you are considered property owned by these corporations.  If you war on that corporation you will be considered an "enemy combatant", a "belligerent" and a "domestic terrorist" in the eyes of that corporation. The commercial militia is run by the Senior Executive Service (SES) which is a foreign corporation (British) operating (corporate mafia rule) on American soil. Americans must understand this commercial militia (foreign corporation) is organized to protect the ruling elite's financial interests and stop being duped by it. These corporations are bastard offsprings of the pirate City of London. 

Source: Leo Hohmann

It Begins: FBI raids house, terrorizes family of mom who protested local school board, elections

By Leo Hohmann via Worldview Weekend Report | November 17, 2021

An FBI SWAT team raided the home of an activist mother of three in Colorado on Tuesday, Nov. 16, knocking down her door, bursting into the house with guns and handcuffing her while she was homeschooling her children. 

Fifteen million Jews, the vaccine, and the conscience to refuse

Editor's note: We have now arrived at the point where certain people have decided that their technology is worth more than murdering 5 year-old children with these Covid injections. 

by Jon Rappoport | November 16, 2021

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In the US alone, reported vaccine injuries have soared past 600,000.

The well-known Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare study concluded that, in order to obtain a true number for such injuries, you would need to multiply the reported figure by 100.

First, it was two shots. But then the format was changed. There would be a booster. Then, not just one booster, but at least two. And for months, experts have suggested that the program will evolve into yearly shots. 

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Lets Protect These Unprotected Bricks In Kenosha

International Asymmetric Biowarfare Correspondent - Being a Good Citizen

Sir Oliver Klosov

It seems Police are reporting many piles of bricks appearing all around Kenosha right before the verdict in the Rittenhouse case.

Resist the never-ending mask mandate

Editor's note: The question now is how do we in order to survive remove this psychopathic predator elite who have taken over power unto themselves? They are setting up a segregated engineered society with one set of rules for themselves and another set of rules (laws) for the mass of society. These psychopathic power hungry people, who are not elected and do not represent anyone except powerful multi national corporations, are now separating people into those who are injected and those who are not injected. CDC's Walensky does not represent the American people. She was not elected to any office. She has usurped power working for corporate privateers and pirates acting in the best interests of these multi national corporations in an environment of profound secrecy with absolutely no transparency while ignoring the 93,331 drug overdoes resulting in death in the US in 2020. Walensky is telling us if you have the flu, a common cold or this released bioweapon called "Covid", it is advised to wear a mask. That is tyranny and a further dangerous precedent. This woman has totally lost the social contract with humanity and she needs to be held personally accountable.

Source: Spectator World

The CDC director has endorsed the idea of permanent masking to prevent the spread of the common cold and flu

November 8, 2021 | by Stephen L. Miller
CDC director Rochelle Walensky removes her face mask in order to spread her droplets to the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee (Getty)

FBI investigating vials labeled 'smallpox' found in lab near Philadelphia

Editor's note: This is a planted news story and likely fake. Nobody just happens to find two vials of Smallpox in a freezer laying around in a private lab waiting to be "discovered." The speculation now is the coming knock down of untold thousands of people from the Covid injections might be blamed on a Smallpox outbreak. The only repository for vials of Smallpox are in highly secured government locations/labs and not private corporations. Do you know what this is called if true? A "breach." Again, speculation: Will this Covid injection holocaust be blamed on Smallpox as news reports continue on Smallpox that are seeding the narrative through the complicit media? Deaths from Covid injections are going to really ramp up revealing themselves next year. Do people realize what this is all about? It is a declaration of war

Source: Yahoo News

By Jana Winter, Investigative Correspondent | Wed, November 17, 2021
A bottle of smallpox vaccine is held by a doctor at CDC headquarters in Atlanta in 2003. (Tami Chappell/Reuters)

FDA Asks Federal Judge To Grant it Until the Year 2076 To Fully Release Pfizer's COVID-19 Vaccine Data - Introducing the Covid Privateers - "Government" Protections Eviscerated - It's You Against the Covid Pirates - Your Papers Please - Deviants Running Big Tech - Governments To Be Collapsed and Run by Big Tech

Editor's note: What we are seeing unfold here are corporations run by privateers and pirates moving rapidly to collapse governments, get the entire population in respective countries either injected or triaged, and then eliminate politicians and government institutions/mechanisms so that these multi national big tech corporations can take over running countries and governments. There are no protections or mechanisms in place to protect people from the pirates and privateers running big tech and multi national corporations now. It's you against them. There is no longer any right to self-determination. And if you think you do have rights, you better demonstrate that right now.

Source: Injecting Freedom

The fed gov't shields Pfizer from liability. Gives it billions of dollars. Makes Americans take its product. But won't let you see the data supporting its safety/efficacy. Who does the gov't work for?

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Is This Normal Behavior With Children?

Editor's note: Guy is right, try explaining this away. And this: Non-binary professor advocates to destigmatize pedophiles in new book

Sunday, November 14, 2021

Robert Kennedy Jr Describes The Global COVID-19 Censorship Designed By Government, Big Pharma and Big Tech

Source: The Last Refuge

November 14, 2021 | Sundance | 135 Comments

Robert Kennedy Jr. is an ally in the fight against medical tyranny and by extension he has become a warrior against the global World Economic Forum participants who are attempting to reconstruct all global finance under the auspices of COVID-19 regulation. {Direct Rumble Link}

In this brief video Robert Kennedy Jr delivers a big truth. WATCH:

Marburg Virus? Are You Ready For The Next Big Plandemic (VIDEO)? - Endless Loop Between Illness and Injections - Branding Pandemics - Get Ready For Mass Hysteria

Source: Plandemic

By Nicole | 8 October 2021

You may have recently heard about the emergence of the Marburg virus as it is gradually creeping into press conferences and beginning to create waves both in the mainstream and alternative media. 

The Neanderthal/Khazar/Ashkenazi Connection? (Stop Blaming Jews) - Shearing DNA in Half - Human DNA Is Being Attacked

Editor's note: This material is going to make a lot of people extremely upset. 


I received a message from Judgedredd and Christine Beadsworth

November 14, 2021

JudgeDredd knows about the Neanderthal/Khazar/Ashkenazi connection and has questioned whether or not the Ashkenazi, which draw their roots back to the last surviving pocket of Neanderthals in what became Eastern Russia (this is a fact, I published this years ago and may publish it again, the Ashkenazi are proud of this and believe the Neanderthal genes are superior, and they kept no secrets about it until there was backlash) ANYWAY...

The question came up: Do the Neanderthals have the name of God written throughout their DNA? There's a good chance they do not, and THAT is the reason they want us destroyed and us to have that wiped out of our DNA. 

Even Smart People Take the Vaccine (Injection) – "If You’re Not Going To Leave Me Alone Then Why Did I Get the Vax?"

Editor's note: Let this be a lesson to anyone taking the Covid vax. Since the vaccines (injections) destroy the immune system it is likely people will need the vaccines forever - until they die. Full story here:

WATCH: Jordan Peterson Brilliantly Exposes The Big LIE About Vaccines

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Bill Gates Speaks to Rt Hon Jeremy Hunt MP in Exclusive Policy Exchange Interview

Editor's note: No thanks, Gates, we don't accept your tech plans for our future. You can keep them. Go spend time on your $644 million yacht and retire then leave us alone. We do not consent and we do not want whatever it is you think humanity needs to be programmed with. You do not have our authority or permission. We the sentient and unvaxxed have decided we will from this point forward create our own future and that includes new institutions, healthcare systems and organizations to redirect humanity. Those who haven't been vaxxed. We will manifest our own destiny. In fact, why don't you take Klaus Schwab with you on your next cruise and drop him and his "Great Narrative" plans overboard. We do not need him either. 

Why Bill Gates Is Pivoting on Existing Covid Vaccines

Give It Up CNN, It's Over

Editor's note: It was said best by this comment: "When a horse gets a broken leg, YOU SHOOT IT. CNN has surpassed that by adding to it blindness, bloat and bot flies." If you work for CNN get out. Go to better news companies and ply your trade there. CNN is history. A history of lies, deception, deceit, falsified reporting and outright making shit up turning Americans against each other.

Report: Major Shakeup Coming To CNN — "Good Number" Of Staff Could Be Let Go

Bigger Than Bitcoin, Bigger Than Gold

International Asymmetric Biowarfare Correspondent - Ready to Donate

Sir Oliver Klosov

In this time where we are experiencing an extinction level event living through a horrible game to release an innocuous non-threatening virus to scare people to inject a gene-modifying spike protein code to make trillions of copies that kill the people too stupid or too blaze' to give a shit about tomorrow.

FBI Leaks Project Veritas' Private Communications To NYT - This Is a Huge Scandal

Exposed: Klaus Schwab's School For Covid Dictators, Plan for 'Great Reset' (Videos)

Source: R Air Foundation
By Michael Lord | November 10, 2021

Economist Ernst Wolff believes that a hidden alliance of political and corporate leaders is exploiting the pandemic with the aim of crashing national economies and introducing a global digital currency.

Bodies Hanging on Overpasses Are Coming to America As Drug Cartels Move Into Southern California

Editor's note: Read the full story here: California Desert Towns Struggle To Survive As Violent, Illegal Drug Cartels Take Over

Adam Schiff Was the Point Man for the Steele Dossier - Brookings Institute Stink Tank Was the Steel Dossier Nexus - Agent In Place John McCain Hands Off the Dossier - Hillary Clinton Fronted the Money - Millions of $$$s Wasted On This Nonsense

Editor's note: All roads lead to Brookings stink tank while Brookings honors the agent-in-place John McCain. Schiff gives a talk at Brookings on "protecting liberal democracy" - whatever the hell that is - while he shoves a knife in its back.


Source: Adam Schiff


May 27, 2017

Washington, DC – Today, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), the Ranking Member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, delivered a foreign policy speech at the Brookings Institution – "The Rise of Autocrats: The Role of Congress in Protecting Liberal Democracy." 

What's With The Swiss Anyway? - Abys and Wyss - A Swiss Billionaire Corrupting America? - Why Is It Billionaires Have An Affinity For Marxism (Communism)? - Democrats Are Enemies of America Corrupted With Dark Money - Burbank with a Baedeker: Bleistein with a Cigar

Editor's note: Switzerland is a bank with an army attached with bank accounts cutting checks to communists. Do you know what the easiest way is to steal value from the productive class? Tell them your organization is working for "equal rights for all" and "protecting the environment" (Bolshevik sloganeering non sequiturs). Those coded twilight language phrases should by now have you running for the doors. The snake oil pitchman and leader of the global biological and germ warfare on humanity Anthony Fauci, was spawned out of Switzerland traced back to the Abys aristocratic banking family leading us to the abyss. If a billionaire comes to you and says he wants to fund an organization to "protect the environment", slam the door in his face. Abys and Wyss: Two Jews from Switzerland and the origin of the World Jewish Congress.

Source: The Washington Free Beacon

Swiss Billionaire Bankrolling Dark Money Group Pushing for Biden Climate Initiative
By Alana Goodman | November 12, 2021 
Looking into our circumstances...