Friday, June 11, 2021

The New Gold Standard IS The Great Reset!

Editor's note: Don't get conned by cryptocurrencies on the blockchain either.

Cryptocurrency & the WEF Plot?

Source: Real Currencies

by Anthony Migchels on June 8, 2021

Left/Above: They're all on the same team. They're a Cult of Ba'al and Moloch worshipers. They've been working towards World Government since the end of the Bronze Age. A 3000 year old campaign is coming to its terrifying conclusion.

The Great Reset is about the 'reset' of the Financial System. The follow up of the debt bubble, which cannot grow any longer. The coming Gold Standard has always been the Banker Plan, and will create the Greatest Depression, which will destroy what's left of the West.

By Anthony Migchels, for

Exposing the Gold Standard as the Banker Plan has always been a key purpose of this website.

This 2012 article, Phoenix Rising, The Return Of The Gold Standard, opens: What has been in the cards for decades is now fully on the agenda: the returning Gold Standard. Gold as currency is a weapon. It is a wealth transfer to those holding Gold and will precipitate a massive deflation. The ensuing chaos will help usher in their coveted New World Order and World Currency.
And this is exactly where we stand now. The New Gold Standard is only weeks away. The debt cannot grow anymore, and it will be forcibly made to stop. They're going to force a terrible deleveraging on the West, which is going to absolutely ravage living standards in the US, Europe, and Britain and its Dominions. The coming Depression is going to be genocidal, and will kill countless people, especially the old, and force many younger people to leave the West, looking for a semblance of a life.

What remains of the West will lie in ruins, and on the ashes, open World Government will come within five or ten years, likely preceded by the Greatest War.

Our Predicament

When we borrow $100k, the Bank creates $100k. The Money Supply grows with $100k. But the debt comes with interest, say with 5%, and next year, we'll have to repay $105k. But how can $105k be repaid, when only $100k was created?

It can't, and therefore there is eternal money scarcity in the System. The way this is solved in the current system is by having new people go into debt, and this has been the driver for eternal money growth since the War and Bretton Woods, and certainly since 1971, when Nixon closed the Gold Window, and money became fully 'fiat', in Austrian/Libertarian terms.

So money, and therefore debt, must grow about 8% per year. To finance economic growth, and interest payments on the debt. So the next question is, what does 8% per year look like, and it looks like this:
8% per year is exponential growth, and such growth starts slowly, then starts going more quickly, until it becomes really very steep, and we're now in the latter stages. US Federal Debt is now almost 30 Trillion, and 8% of 30 Trillion is about 2.4 Trillion. The latest Biden budget has an $1.8 Trillion deficit, and Janet Yellen wants to borrow even more.

Again, this has nothing to do with Covid. It's about keeping the Financial System sufficiently liquid.

But this is the real World, and US debt is now 130% of GDP, and you don't get to play 'the Hegemon' with such debt, nor do you get to sustain deficits nearing 10% of GDP.

The problem in the Financial System is, that the real economy simply cannot support this growing debt anymore. It's not even so much the debt, it's the interest on the debt. Usury. Even today we could pay everything off with what we lose to debt service in 20 years. We've paid more in Usury over the last 25 years than we currently have debts outstanding.

So the real economy cannot take on more debt, but money must grow, and therefore it's now the US Government that is playing 'debtor of last resort', that's where the maniacal deficits of the last few years (it began already under Trump) come from.

This is why the Crunch came back in September 2019. The economy can simply not create enough debt/money anymore, and this is creating very strong deflationary pressures, and it's against these deflationary pressures that the Fed’s money printing is directed.

In short: The West is broke. All the West. Europe is even worse off than the US. The Fed's balance sheet is now somewhere between 25 and 30% of GDP. The ECB's is a whopping 64%.

And this is what the Great Reset is all about: to end the growth of debt, and to force a genocidal deleveraging on the West.

The New Gold Standard

The difference between Gold and the current System is simple: under Gold they will just stop creating the money needed to finance interest payments and economic growth. But if money does not grow with 8% per year, we will have deflation of 8% per year. Only three years of it, and the economy will already be short 25% or so. And that is just the missing money growth. Debt will be so punishing (under deflation money and therefore debt becomes worth more in real terms), that people will be paying off everything they can, or default, or both. So that is going to make the deflation even much worse.

Call it hyper deflation, because that is what it is. And of course, as always, throughout history, they will sell it with fear mongering about 'hyper inflation', it's just another Orwellianism.

It’s still quite difficult to get a firm handle on what the coming Gold Standard will look like. In China, one can easily see a Gold backed, and maybe even convertible Yuan coming. And that it will start surging ahead of the quickly fading Dollar very soon now. They have huge undisclosed reserves, anywhere between 20.000 and 30.000 Tons.

All bought up while the Fed was conveniently keeping prices low. This is how the Banking Cartel has been planning to migrate its main power base from the West to East.

A big story is that the BIS is implementing Basel 3 this month. The BIS previously ended the Nikkei bubble overnight, in 1989. Simply by raising capital reserve requirements for Banks. Japan never recovered, and the Nikkei is still 40% under its 1989 peak. Thirty years of deflation has ravaged society there, and fertility is disastrously low, while families are falling apart.

It's always notoriously difficult to understand exactly what the Gnomes of Basel are up to, they always keep everything obscure with banker babble. But it seems that one implication will be that Gold derivatives can no longer be counted as assets on the balances of 'financial institutions'.

Please go to Real Currencies to read more. 


Do Not Take Usury! Do Not Speculate! Produce And Add To The Greater Whole!

It is long past time we create our own money. Just say no to Rothschild. Then use it to build new and better institutions and systems:

Related (bankers imposing communism):

You will own nothing and be happy:

Meet Your New Owners - "You Will Own Nothing and Be Happy"

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