Thursday, June 10, 2021

Research Article in Medical Journal Describes Whiteness as 'Malignant, Parasitic-Like Condition'

Editor's note: This is intentional, so we would ask, who is behind Dr. Donald Moss at the Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association considering the Jewish Sigmund Freud was there from the beginning offering his psychoanalytic skills to this organization at its founding? There is a clear historical record of how Jewish Marxists have been behind stirring up racial tensions between blacks and whites. These same Jewish Marxists unsuccessfully tried to debunk the material at the following link related to Israel Cohen. "A Racial Plan for the 20th Century" was said to have been a hoax started in 1957. Look around, does it seem like a "hoax" today where random attacks on whites are escalating?

Communism Hits South With Non-Segregation 

Source: Newsweek

BY JON JACKSON | June 9, 2021

A research article published last month in the Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association called whiteness "a malignant, parasitic-like condition." That description, along with other language in the article, has caused public anger, and the backlash against the author was evident on social media.
The article, titled On Having Whiteness, was written by Dr. Donald Moss, a white man who is a faculty member of both the New York Psychoanalytic Institute and the San Francisco Center for Psychoanalysis.

In the article, Moss wrote that "'white' people have a particular susceptibility" to the "parasitic" condition, which he claims "renders its hosts' appetites voracious, insatiable, and perverse." He explained he believed whiteness establishes "entitled dominion" that enables the "host" to have "power without limit, force without restriction, violence without mercy," and increases one's drive to "terrorize."

Moss has previously lectured on the subject of whiteness before On Having Whiteness was published in the bi-monthly, peer-reviewed Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association on May 27. In 2019, he delivered his theory describing whiteness as a parasitic condition as a plenary address for the South African Psychoanalytical Association, and he also lectured on it at the New York Psychoanalytic Society and Institute and at the Center for Modern Psychoanalytic Studies in New York.

Moss is the author of multiple psychology books, and a forthcoming collection he edited entitled Hating, Abhorring and Wishing to Destroy: Psychoanalytic Essays on the Contemporary Moment will be published this fall. Moss is also a founding member of a climate group known as the "Green Gang," which describes itself as a collective focusing on "climate change and its denial."

On Twitter, the response to Moss' article has been outrage with user comments like, "This racist vomit should be called out for what it is" and "[w]ith pretense of academic rigor by a fellow White. No surprise it's in a psychoanalytic journal."

Psychologist Dr. Philip Pellegrino tweeted in response, "How do my colleagues consider this scholarship?"

Continue reading at Newsweek

Editor's note: The way we see it is for whites to stop concentrating on blacks and Jews and start concentrating on themselves to strengthen their own mental, physical and spiritual condition as apparent in this short explanation of white circumstances. Say no. No is the most powerful word in the English language. Stop obeying orders. Stop saying "yessir." While reading this short summary below, think about how much damage to the white community Dr. Donald Moss discussed in the Newsweek article above has caused. Moss is a "yessir" man. The idea of "parasitism" has been flipped.

Source: Big Lies

Problems with Whites

June 5, 2021

Kevin MacDonald's views as whites having evolved in an individualistic way puts emphasis on reputation as an important fact, and the possibility of 'pathological altruism'. In my view, these can be replaced by something like 'obeying orders'. In small groups, everyone wants much the same things: food, warmth, shelter, amusement and education, water, child-rearing, security. There's a lot to be said for young people doing what they're told, and older people passing on their skills, and individualism when it comes to finding new ways to do things. Something of this can be felt in such things as village life, camping trips, carrying out projects. MacDonald does not seem to see that in much larger groups, 'obeying orders' can be counter-productive, as the jewish-media use of the phrase, and jewish-media censorship, suggests. Huge numbers of whites respond to such ideas as: "We're going to bomb and burn all these people!"—"Yessir." "You have to be nice to this other group whatever they do!"—"Yessir." "We need to tell lies about this, for their own good!"—"Yessir". "We must defraud the voters"—"Yessir". But, like parasitised ant colonies, there's a possibility that the subgroup issuing orders has other aims than helping local groups.

Simply put, whites obey well; when they try new things, they are at their best when working for their community; but when they try new things with other human or human-like groups, they can be ordered into harming their community.

Much of the media seems to be running this story but do not offer any counter argument as usual (Jewish-media censorship): 

Blacks continue taking down whites:

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