Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Covid, Cybernetics, And The New Normal

Editor's note: This is the biosecurity state and it appears that the vast majority of people simply cannot grasp the real dimension and consequences of what is being installed. The following material lays it out and then we have sourced links to evidence to show that this digital global techno fascist neo-feudalistic system is being constructed as we are converted to digital citizens. National borders will be eroded and our connections to whatever we think the state is will be commodified and digitized. This is the technocracy being built and nobody knows who the new digital corporate rulers are.

Source: Wrench In the Gears

June 5, 2021
This is a guest post written by a humanities teacher and freelance writer who holds a masters degree from the School of African and Oriental Studies, a public research university in London. It lays out over fifty concerns regarding pandemic policy implementation and plans for a cybernetic future, full spectrum dominance of life on the planet by defense, bio-tech, and finance interests. I'm glad to be able to share my platform so this detailed analysis can be more widely distributed. 

In light of the political and economic developments which have transpired since Covid-19 was first declared a pandemic, it is becoming clearer by the day how this public health crisis is being exploited to usher in a new global system of technocratic population control and compliance.

We must wake from our stupor and identify what is shaping up to be an incredibly dystopian reality.

I invite everyone to consider how in one fell swoop, this pandemic has served as a catalyst for the following:

Accelerating a multilateral drive towards a global surveillance apparatus and control grid where digital health certificates tied to blockchain technology will be used as a cover for the biometric ID of every vaccinated person on the planet

Scaling the adoption of blockchain technology to lay the global infrastructure for Social Impact Investing, enabling global financiers to use the aggregated data harvested through blockchain's interoperable ledger to efficiently track the impact of their investments and interventions for returns on investment

Encouraging nations to enlist in the UN's E-Government Development Index (EGDI) through the rollout of digital IDs, which will not only enable citizens to access public e-services but more importantly determine their value as human capital by global financiers

Promoting biometric passports (Digital IDs) to manufacture consent for a social credit system-akin to the Chinese technocratic model-which will presage a new era of thought control, by managing, monitoring, punitively profiling and predicting the trustworthiness of citizens through an overarching system of punishments and rewards in a future which will resemble a behaviourist panopticon

Encouraging impact investors to risk score citizens through coded interventions and preference specific behavioural outcomes on e-wallets, forcing citizen compliance and group-think on a range of metrics tied predominantly to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), such as education, healthcare, climate security and employment.

Controlling a person's access to strings attached Universal Basic Income (UBI) and social welfare which will be distributed via blockchain ledgers and conditioned on the compliance with behaviour management systems overseen by social impact investors, thus undermining the ability of cryptocurrency recipients to make autonomous economic choices

Enabling a form of collectivist planning of the world's economy which will undergo a top-down reorganization by an unelected minority, who will seize control of the global means of production, distribution and ownership

Centralizing power in the hands of 'stakeholder capitalists' under the guise of reinventing capitalism to make it fairer and greener, using deceptive slogans like 'Build Back Better' 

Aligning global investments with the UN's SDGs so that new international markets can be built on the disaster and misery of millions of people suffering from the pandemic

Redirecting the flow of global capital by configuring asset allocations as Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) compliant to achieve achieve predetermined outcomes for profits

Facilitating pay for success government contracting where the 'green' interventions and pre-emptive investments of stakeholder capitalists which are aligned to the UN’s SDGs will accrue massive rates of return, thus advancing the UN Agenda 21

Using the Internet of Things (IoT) infrastructure which has significantly expanded as a result of remote working to monitor our digital footprint and drive profitable investments for predatory social impact investors by making the world's population fuel for an emergent social impact economy

Crafting specific legislation and standards for companies to integrate an ‘impact’ framework and measurement system within their core operations which will permit harvesting data extracted from the Internet of Things (IoT) to not only surveil the planet but also establish new markets for vulture philanthropists

Entrusting stakeholder capitalists with managing debt operations and pandemic relief packages as part of an unprecedented fiscal shock therapy, where entire nations risk being hollowed out of sovereignty through global 'structural adjustment'

Exploiting global poverty by shifting the mandate on eminent domain, resulting in the mass confiscation of private property and thus reversing the democratization of home and land ownership

Precipitating the greatest transfer of wealth in history, with corporations eliminating competition and aggregating the market share of many unviable small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) which have been driven into bankruptcy

Squeezing the property-owning middle classes who will have little choice but to settle for debt release in exchange for total asset forfeiture in the years ahead

Using the furlough scheme as a phased introduction for a guaranteed basic income to pacify the civil unrest which will naturally accompany massive layoffs caused by lockdowns

Narrowing the scope for self-sufficiency by significantly increasing dependence on government subsidies, which will lead to a highly stratified neo-feudal order

Expediting the march towards a cashless society by fuelling an enormous reliance on technology, causing the masses to recoil further from paper money

Heralding a Bretton Woods moment which promises to transform the operation of international banking and macroeconomic cooperation through the future adoption of central bank digital currencies which will interface with health passports

Monetizing on the data from our transactions, which will no longer remain anonymous in a cashless society

Exposing creditors to central bank manipulation through a reshuffling of capital, bail-ins and coercive burden sharing agreements once digital currencies are integrated into the international economy

Restructuring global profit centres to open new equity markets tied to preventative healthcare, thus radically overhauling the global approach to public health to feed global impact investments

Crossing the threshold into biocapitalism where our cellular structures will be mined for health data to feed futures markets in human capital. Genetic engineering tied to quarterly returns. Just wait and see.

Conditioning the globe for inevitable top-up vaccines to deal with resistant variants as a test bed for piloting next-generation experimental gene altering therapies and personalised healthcare based on nanotechnology and neurotechnology

Amplifying the lingering threat of deadly variants to justify unfettered access to our bodies through intrusive pharmaceutical interventions, such as wirelessly networked medication consisting of wearable, implantable and ingestible technologies in "smart" environments, eventually integrating humans into the Internet of Bodies in a biosecurity surveillance state

Holding freedom and liberty to ransom by making our inalienable rights including property ownership, education, banking, work, travel, housing and special movement and access privileges conditional on the acceptance of medical interventions with potentially devastating consequences for our health, personal agency and bodily autonomy

Loosening the statutory constraints on state surveillance activities, thus encouraging the normalisation of authoritarian public measures and the return of 'Big Government' in the absence of any executive accountability

Reforming governance models by undermining the principles of self-determination and national sovereignty and legitimating the governance of unelected bureaucrats and private regulators (technocracy) who operate without a mandate and rely on emerging technologies instead of the rule of law to maintain public order and control

Socially engineering the public by convincing them that suffering and deprivation through draconian lockdowns and social distancing is for their own betterment, thus cementing acceptance of a new protocol which can be activated in response to any sensationalized public health threat-real or perceived-which will pave the path for future 'climate lockdowns' under the pretext of 'saving the planet' 

Exploiting fear and hysteria to recalibrate the public's distaste for measures traditionally associated with totalitarian regimes, such as invasive technologies for pandemic preparedness, militarised officers to ensure quarantine compliance and operational use of drones for policing the public.

Re-writing the rules of the digital ecosystem by significantly expanding the tentacles of Big Tech and monopolising the information pipelines through mass censorship of dissenting voices which do not conform to the mainstream narrative

Suppressing the freedom of association/assembly by prohibiting demonstrations and protests in many parts of the world, thereby criminalising and immobilising effectively anything that amounts to collective resistance against the 'new normal'

Destroying the current city space by clearing out offices and non-essential businesses, allowing Big Tech to restructure entire neighbourhoods and rebuild urban centres as carbon-neutral, high-tech digital surveillance panopticons called 'smart cities' under the benevolent guise of environmental sustainability and public health, as part of the UN Agenda 2030

Encouraging the framing of urban planning ordinances and statutes so that cities are controlled by cloud-based applications and embedded sensor networks which can predict the behaviour of entire populations, through scanning copious volumes of data for behavioural patterns and real-time tracking of citizens

Assigning citizens virtual perimeters in real-time (geofencing) inside future smart cities based on biometric data and algorithmic predictions, where GPS coordinates linked to nano-robotic biosensors can track compliance with wearable technologies to alert authorities if non-compliant citizens stray beyond 'safe areas'

Legitimising the eco-propaganda of 'green' capitalists by stoking mass fears of zoonotic illnesses owing to human activity and in order to drive a wedge between wildlife and rural human settlements

Promoting the World Bank's One Health program by monopolising the discourse on decarbonisation as well as containment strategies and preventive disease mitigation for zoonotic illnesses, to justify the uprooting of indigenous people from their territories, thus legislating the separation of humans from nature and paving the path for the annexation of rural settlements

Advancing agendas like the New Deal for Nature in the name of biodiversity, to move rural inhabitants into mega housing complexes, vacant office spaces, abandoned retail floors and devalued properties all of which have been induced by lockdowns , as part of an urban densification strategy to integrate the masses into algorithm driven public spaces and controlled habitation zones in future smart cities for full spectrum surveillance, resulting in the mass land theft of original inhabitants

Incentivizing agribusiness and tech giants to transform and privatise the global food supply system and push plant based synthetic meats as part of the 'green farming' agenda pursued by climate cultists, which will decimate regenerative meat and dairy farming practices and displace entire livestock farming communities

Ushering the growth of a digital 'platform economy' where tech titans are the primary beneficiaries of the seismic changes and disruptions to the way we trade, work and socialise

Diminishing the footfall of traditional brick and mortar businesses and institutions through social distancing and lockdowns in order to change the muscle memory of consumption habits and consolidate the gains of online business giants

Restructuring employment protocols in a way that minimises human contact in order to accelerate the relentless march of workforce automation, which will be touted as not only more scalable but also safer and greener in a world threatened by viruses and environmental crises

Marking the transition of Artificial Intelligence (AI) from pilot programmes to large-scale operations at organisational and industry levels in the next decade, which will bankrupt many businesses which are unable to integrate AI into its operations

Propelling the role of disruptive technologies leading to the dramatic downsizing of the global workforce which will threaten hundreds of millions of blue and white collar jobs, resulting in the greatest and fastest displacement of jobs in history

Forcing a global economic underclass into micro-work contracts and low-wage jobs in an emerging gig economy, much of which will involve telepresence labour using haptic robotic controlled technologies to advance the next era of globalisation

Promoting social distancing and lockdowns as a safer, cheaper and 'greener' means of reimagining business models, to fuel dependency on digital innovations and e-strategies

Please go to Wrench In the Gears to read more. 

Dr. Simone Gold | The Fight Against Medical Corruption:

All of the links below are related in some respect to the points discussed above: 

The country of the Philippines has always been a dysfunctional country:

Philippine Prez Duterte Threatens to Jail Antivaxxers and 'inject vaccine in their butts'

Building global systems:

Eugenics, The Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Clash of Two Systems
Neo-feudalistic digital serfdom:

Europe will be implementing a digital centrally controlled digital currency:

EU central bank official says digital euro will be safe and private

From the WEF framing their argument in their favor:

New report shows why fighting climate change and nature loss must be interlinked

Blacks all across America have become economically and financially disenfranchised from this system and have no stake whatsoever in this "highly advanced" technocratic fascist corporate digital system being constructed including centralized digital currencies, social impact bonds, data collection, mass digital surveillance and medical apartheid (Covid injections). Their only response is increasing violence, crime, drugs, forming gangs for self-survival and racially motivated murder.


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