Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Ireland: Pharmaceutical Corporate Prison - We All Need to "Unlock" Ireland First - Free Ireland NOW From the Pharmaceutical Syndicates

Editor's note: The global fake Covid pandemic with lockdowns and forced mask wearing has been particularly vicious on the people of Ireland and they need help. The likely reason probably has to do with Ireland being a major nexus for the pharmaceutical industry with Ireland-based drug manufacturers exporting an estimated $85 billion annually in drugs. Ireland has been injected with roughly $1 billion in investments into the drug industry. Ireland's government and the Irish media are all corporate connected pimps for the pharmaceutical industry explaining why they have been  extraordinarily nasty on the Irish people. The Irish government has set up favorable tax conditions for pharmaceutical firms building a large bioscience industry in Ireland. All of the major US pharmaceutical corporations are parked in Ireland. 

Global Dose: Focus on Ireland

People of Ireland

Tuesday, June 1, 2021 | By Anna Von Reitz

I know you are scared. I know you are weary.

This entire nasty pandemic "live exercise" has impacted everyone in different ways, and for you, it has been most difficult --- causing an odd mix of fear and doubt and anger.

And now the gears are shifting more and more toward righteous anger, because you realize that the bullies have nubbed things again, and that the average people are being targeted again, and you are just about full-up with it. 
Many of you are at the point that I was at forty years ago, when I stood in front of the mirror as a young woman and knew that I couldn't face a life spent living in fear of my own employees.

There comes a time when you'd rather die than put up with the crap anymore.

I passed that marker forty years ago.

So listen to this American song by Toby Mac called "Help is On the Way (Maybe Midnight)". Here are the lyrics:

"It may be midnight or midday; he's never early, never late. He's gonna' stand by what He claimed! (I) Lived enough life to say-- I heard your heart, I see your pain.... out in the dark, out in the rain.... feel so alone, feel so afraid--- I heard you pray in Jesus' name: It may be midnight or midday. It's never early, never late. He gonna' stand by what He claims. I've lived enough life to say ---help is on the way! -- (roundin' the corner!) Help is on the way (comin' for ya!) Help is on the way (yeah, yeah) I've lived enough life to say .... Help is on the way.

You need three Irishmen born on the land of a county, who know their family lineage back to 1850 and know that their ancestors were living in Ireland at that time, willing to step forward and Declare that they are living Irishmen and heirs of the land and soil of their Counties and Country, and willing to record that statement on the international land records. If all your land recording offices are closed down, you can use our Land Recording Service.

These three men can then act as the Founders of your own International Trade Bank, and its wholly-owned subsidiary Commercial Bank. These two banks can then form a bank treaty with The Global Family Bank and be in a direct network with the American States and Nations Bank and other National Trade Banks worldwide.

This will then open up your access to all the pre-paid credit you are owed and yes, all the programs and help and support that you need to have secure and happy lives.

Just keep your heads together and find three solid sensible intelligent men willing and able to stand up for the kith and kin and country.

Beyond that, you will need four volunteer employees -- a bank steward, a bank fiduciary, a bank comptroller, and a bank director.

That's it. Seven people and the will to save yourselves.

When you've found those three solid good men to act as Founders of your National Trade Bank and decided on a name and rustled up four volunteers who have the needed skills, send me an email with the subject line "Ireland" and we'll send you the paperwork.

Help is on the way. 

Ireland is the world's biggest pharmaceutical industry corporate prison...

Cindy Connolly travelled to Dublin from the UK to care for her 79-year-old father who suffered an adverse reaction to Pfizer's Covid 19 vaccine (injection). She had a valid NHS negative Covid-19 test result but was placed in a quarantine hotel. She was transferred by ambulance to the Mater Hospital after developing chest pains from the stress of being jailed in her room and her treatment at the hands of security staff in Dublin's Croke Park Hotel quarantine facility. Cindy spoke with Richie Allen of Europe's leading independent radio show:

This is so f*cked up on so many levels where the media are targeting individuals...because in Ireland there is no mafia said the mafia.

BRILLIANT: Dr. John Lee, Prof of Pathology UK - Unlocked Documentary here:

This wealth was also generated out of the pharmaceutical syndicates:

Related to Ireland:

Irish Business Owners: Consider Your Next Move With Extreme Care

Ireland has been weaponized alright. And the Irish people are going to be mercilessly victimized:

Ireland's pharmaceutical syndicates are likely sending Irish police/military through their lackey's in the Irish government after those who reject what is happening in Ireland.

This happened last year 2020 in August:

Dr Dolores Cahill Speech in Dublin Destroys Gov't Argument for COVID Lockdown, Masks and Vaccines

More from Dr. Dolores Cahill on this idea that magnets are adhering to the arms of people who have been Covid injected:

Joe Biden loves Ireland does he?

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