Sunday, April 21, 2024

There are only corporations and intelligence agencies

Editor's note: However you interpret Tucker Carlson in this interview with Joe Rogan, Carlson drops some hard facts. Carlson states that he has been told by US congressional members, even members of the intelligence committee, "they are terrified of the intelligence agencies." One reason to be terrified is because the intelligence agencies can plant kiddie porn on their computers. Well, none of this is nothing new actually, not when you realize the CIA from its inception in 1947 culminating its power at the time was behind the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. If that wasn't a lesson in being terrified for US government officials and "elected representatives" nothing is. The current US senate and congressional members are nothing more than highly paid corporate bitches (Mike Johnson is "another deep state sleeper") for US corporations and the intelligence agencies that protect those corporations (see New FISA bill includes "vast" expansion of surveillance powers, forcing U.S. businesses to "become NSA spies"). There is no US government. There are only corporations and the intelligence agencies. Something else is going on here though with Tucker Carlson talking about "demons" and "aliens." Is Carlson being used to gradually bring the alien/UFO disclosure narrative out into the public?

Who is this guy and is he making decisions for the intelligence agencies? 

Intelligence agencies literally make life and death decisions for the US military often compromising them:

Gaetz report: US troops stranded in Niger… can't get mail, medicine… massive State Department cover up…

Considering this report linked above released by Rep. Matt Gaetz, if you are in the US military, are thinking of volunteering for the military or know someone who is going to join the US military, you really do need to listen to this message:

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