Monday, April 15, 2024

Russia sells LNG worth €600 million to France while Russia locates and destroys French soldiers in Slovyansk

Editor's note: The Russians told France that if French soldiers or mercenaries were located in Ukraine, Russia wouldn't hesitate to attack them. Apparently, the Russians are alright with selling liquefied natural gas (LNG) to France but are not alright with French soldiers fighting along side Ukrainian soldiers. In fact, exports of LNG from Russia to France increased by 41 percent over the past two years. France's Macron talks tough on Russia, sends 1,500 French soldiers to Ukraine then purchases €600 million worth of LNG from Russia this year. With France purchasing LNG from Russia it only benefits Russia. This must really piss off the rest of Europe. It is hard to find out who these French soldiers were. Were they French mercenaries, the French Foreign Legion or French soldiers? Russia has already warned France that any mercenaries found in Ukraine would be targeted for destruction. It seems as though Russia is giving first aid to European economies as Europe finances Russia.

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