Friday, April 19, 2024

America goes full Weimar: Who wants to fornicate with a dog or a horse?

Editor's note: This reminds us of that story some years ago that apparently happened at a location in Oregon this article briefly mentions. Some guy wanted to be anally poked in the ass (the medical term is acute peritonitis) while rolling in the hay with a horse named "Big D*ck." When the stud horse mounted the guy the insertion was so destructive the guy was killed after his internal organs were made scrambled eggs. It is really astonishing the shit (pun inended) people are into. We didn't republish this article for the sensationalism. It was republished to show how society is being fragmented and is coming apart at the seams when religion (spiritual degradation), ethics (disintegration) and morality (stunted) as well as a sense of right and wrong which separates us from animals has collapsed. If you want to have sex with a horse or a dog how do you get the animals permission? Humans are the only species who are adept at deception. Humanity is up for a reset and they are definitely going to get one.

"The only intimacy that separates the proud horse owner from the perverse horse fucker is the act of sex." –Charles Mudede

Source: Unz Review

Sex with Animals in a Weimar Democracy

By Pierre Simon | April 4, 2024 | 134 Comments
It is difficult to assess with certainty the popularity of zoophilia. The subject being still taboo in most civilized societies, no one would dare to publicly admit his sexual attraction for his goat, dog, or horse.[1] But judging by the thousands of porn sites devoted to this subject, sex with animals is more commonplace than most people would like to consider.[2] 

Sign of the times: According to the Daily Mail, erotic zoos where it is possible to have sex for a fee with a llama, a goat, or a sheep are more and more fashionable.[3] And according to RT, in Switzerland, sexual violence on horses is increasing at an alarming rate. In a landmark study, the first of its kind, on the sexual abuse of animals in the US, one of the most animal-loving countries in the world, scientists Andreas L. Beetz and Anthony L. Podberscek reported the bizarre case of a woman who sexually pleasured herself by inserting in her vagina a hamster trapped in a condom closed by a knot.[4] In France, couples pay prostitutes to have sex with a German shepherd or another large dog of the kind. Others ask their sex slave to perform oral sex on their dog. The whole thing is videotaped and broadcast to thrill seekers at parties organized for this purpose. Even the journalists who reported these facts for the Quebec television program, Les Francs Tireurs, were shocked, and that’s an understatement.[5]

In Justin Trudeau’s ultraliberal Canada, where boundaries, barriers, borders, and limits of any kind are considered inhuman, sex with animals is legally allowed, even encouraged, provided there is no penetration.[6] In other words, you can have your organ licked by your four-legged sex toy, but you cannot introduce it into its natural orifices. It is legally prohibited. How Mr. Trudeau will catch offenders is unclear at the present time. To be continued…

Jewish Princeton philosopher and ethician, Peter Singer, the supreme authority on the human-animal relationship, the Karl Marx of animal liberation, sees in zoophilia the end of speciesism, the equivalent of racism in humans. It is time to let go of the borders between humans and animals, as it is time to let go of the borders between people, says Singer roughly in these terms. Singer encourages to this end, any form of sexuality between species, including sex with chickens.[7]

As for Jewish homosexual pioneer, Frank Kameny, who is revered by homosexual activists for his role in pressuring the American Psychiatric Association to effectively reclassify homosexuals as "normal," he now says that sex with animals is perfectly alright, "as long as the animal doesn't mind."[8] How is one to know what the animal thinks about the matter is another Trudeau-type mind-boggling question that hasn't been answered yet.

Even the Jewish child psychiatrist, Boris Levinson, the instigator of the false allegations of pet therapy, a man who seems obsessed in his writings by the sexuality of young boys, recommended zoophilia with as much enthusiasm as Peter Singer and Frank Kameny:
[…] Every big city is filled with loners—men and women who spend their time contemplating an apparently hostile world. The wealthiest have pets as a lifeline. Some of these loners maintain an interest in sex, but without having an outlet. Masturbation, or even a more intimate relationship with their animals, should be considered desirable and normal.

In my opinion, it is ill-advised to ban sex between animals and humans. For a child, masturbation with an animal is preferable to solo masturbation. For the few women who secure sexual gratification by practicing cunnilingus with their pocket dog, animals play a role in mental hygiene in that they allow women to meet needs that would not otherwise be satisfied.

(…) To let off steam on animals serves to channel behaviors liable to be severely punished legally. The voyeur, for example, instead of becoming a peeping Tom who embarrasses women or couples engaged in sexual intercourse, can openly and without shame observe these behaviors in his pets. He can even masturbate at the same time without endangering public peace and morals.[9]
Mr. Kenneth Pinyan (1960-2005), a long-term Boeing engineer, saw life exactly like Jewish promoters of zoophilia, Singer, Kameny, and Levinson. Indeed, M. Pinyan, also known as Mr. Hands, adored crossing the barriers between species by letting a horse sodomize him. The poor man died of acute peritonitis when an overly vigorous stallion oblivious of limits perforated his colon.[10]

From a practical point of view, sex with animals is no picnic. Before having sex with your favorite "furry lover," one should know that several infectious diseases, and even cancer, are transmitted from animals to humans through sexual relations. Inserting your penis in your sheep, goat, or dog's vagina without a condom is a dangerous enterprise. Wounds of all kinds are also to be feared if you make your pet lick your sex, unless, of course, you get your veterinarian to declaw and extract the teeth of the slave toys you want to use for that purpose. As for sex with farm animals like horses, it is pure madness to indulge in this kind of undertaking. Sex with horses is a dangerous business. They can kick, buck, bite, or perforate your colon. Mr. Kenneth Pinyan, also known as Mr. Hands, whose exploits were recounted above, knew all about it, that's for sure!

Please go to Unz Review to continue reading. 

The UN hey? We guess with the current circumstances with America going full on Weimar you can just about fuck anything you want to with complete impunity and without consequences:

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