Thursday, April 11, 2024

The Bolshevik FBI Has Gone Rogue

Editor's note: The FBI has and will come after anyone it considers a threat and they will do it with impunity armed with FISA. If you want to understand the dynamics of what has happened inside the FBI over the past 40 years or so, then you need a review lesson given by KGB Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov with his warning to America back in 1984. Understand the FBI today is employed with people who have been thoroughly indoctrinated into the Bolshevik and Marxist mindset and ideology (ideological subversion) coming out of American - what were once "American" - institutions that have been thoroughly subverted. This isn't going to be turned around either. 

Two FBI Agents Call for the Agency's Abolition After Revealing That It Has Adopted "Marxist Culture" and Basically Gone Rogue

Is Wray at the FBI a corporate Bolshevik? Makes you wonder doesn't it? Or is he a proxy front man to put a glossy goy face in as the FBI's frontman?

The fascists win:

Need a reminder?

America's real antagonist has always been the British. That is ultimately where communism and the Bolshevik ideology originated from that was first tested and used to smash through Russia:

Despite what people think they know about U.S. Senator Joseph R. McCarthy, he drew up a list of Jewish communist agitators and Bolsheviks and that is why he was politically destroyed after McCarthy was vectored by powerful Jews including Bernard Baruch:

FBI archives:

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