Tuesday, December 19, 2023

What did you base your decision on?

Editor's note: Knowledge is power. Take it back. This all comes down to the central banks with the BIS in command and control now consolidating power.

Dr. Mike Yeadon Comments On: "The Culling, Who Is Involved, and Who Needs To Be Removed From Their Positions for Treason, and Murder"

"One of the best summaries of the wider plan...None of this is speculation. It's written into "public health" legislation." - Dr. Mike Yeadon


By Dr. Mike Yeadon | December 19, 2023

One of the best summaries of the wider plan, something of history of control, the antecedent law changes that brought us into my lifetime and the final few adjustments that make legal what's happening today.

Time and again I see people working diligently with lawyers and taking various runs at what are merely peripheral matters and won't make any difference to the wider public regardless of outcome.

It's depressingly simple, in that without question, the most potent basic tool the perpetrators use is fear, greatly amplified by a combination of unwillingness to look into anything at all and of an astonishingly strong drive to obey instructions from deemed authority figures (even if they're corrupt, incompetent and obviously lying).

The most recent developments which make this a very likely endgame is the method of despatch of millions with plausible deniability coupled with ubiquity of the "glowing satanic rectangles" that most of spend a big chunk of our existence staring into.

Knowledge is power. Forewarning enables planning.

There's no likelihood that this will not continue and I'd argue it's a reckless bet of your and your family's freedom and lives not to recognize this endless fear & perpetual "pandemic" lies as the means whereby the perpetrators intend to take us all down.

There's no rational motive. They do not "need" to do this. In place of motive, I believe we're seeing the work of evil forces through the coordinated acts of those at or representing others at global fora, especially UN, WHO, WEF, BIS, etc. [Editor's note: All these corporate entities are headquartered in Switzerland.]

None of this is speculation. It's written into "public health" legislation.

In many occasions, a rational person would look at what is legal under "public health emergencies" and conclude it would be far better for everyone, even those who die (pretending for a moment that the hobgoblin scenarios were real, which they're not) that to accept the total loss of human and constitutional rights that are thereby swept away, notionally to protect you.

Best wishes,



It was a total military psychological warfare operation ran through the military and intelligence agency control over the media to capture your mind. Will these people be held accountable? Are we going to see multi-billion dollar lawsuits against these people?

This is a related discussion with Maria Zeee uncensored interviewing Todd Callendar and Lisa McGee – WBAN & Human Hacking Proof – How Far Does It Really Go?


Commercial warfare: Create the disease then create the injection, create the disease then create the injection, create the disease then create the injection... 


US corporate national security compromised:

Were these two US Army drill instructors Covid injected?

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