Wednesday, December 27, 2023

News update from Gaza brought to you by Hamas

Editor's note: Does anyone seriously think Israel will "lose" this war against Hamas and Hezbollah? The US has drop shipped over 10,000 tons of military equipment (see Freedom — One Liberated Apple at a Time) into Israel since October 7. The Hamas attack on October 7 was planned and prepared well in advance to give Israel the pretext to level Gaza. Less manpower spent grading the place with CAT Bulldozers. If you are a Palestinian living in Gaza the message is clear: get out, leave or get killed. This is the "greater Israel project" in full motion creating the fulfillment of the Bunting map. Intel will receive $3.2 billion from the Israeli government as a grant for a new $25 billion Israel chip plant. Consider all those Israeli soldiers getting chewed up by Hamas in Gaza as Yahweh's sacrificial lambs for Intel and Israel. Need More? Visit the Talpiot archives:



Fulfillment of the Bunting Map - Trumpster: Mission Accomplished - Yes, But What Happened to the Technology? - Trumps Last Act: "Combat Anti-semitism" - Jewish Rabbi: "US Descending From the Stage of World History" - America's House Was "Burned Down" and the Thief Is Heading Back to Pan Eurasia

The US and global weapons industry would like to send season's greetings to Hamas and Hezbollah for making this season very merry and profitable:

Journalists, activists, reporters and researchers can bitch and moan, gnash their teeth and complain about the events unfolding in Gaza all they want but nothing will stop the plans of Israel with their western supporters especially the British:

"Israel is Wiping Herself Off The Map, Such A Country Cannot Be Allowed to Exist"

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