Sunday, December 3, 2023

Rand put the capitalist beast on steroids

Editor's note: The question is did the Russian-Jewish Ayn Rand (born Alisa Zinovyevna Rosenbaum) put capitalism on steroids paving the way for finance monopolies such as BlackRock, State Street and Vanguard? Yes. In the image below Ayn Rand can be seen standing next to President Gerald Ford and Alan Greenspan (expand the green). Alan Greenspan was the 13th chairman of the Federal Reserve from 1987 to 2006. One theory is after being influenced by Ayn Rand, Greenspan allowed huge amounts of money to flow into Wall Street allowing these finance capitalists to run wild with Ayn Rand's theory of objectivism. Rand put the capitalist beast on steroids. Of course, corporations and finance capitalism prefer communism because it homogenizes markets and has a total monopoly over investment capital. 

Stephen Volk - Ayn Rand is Mother of Capitalist Collectivism (Communism)

In 1974, Ayn Rand and husband Frank were invited to the White House to attend
Alan Greenspan's swearing in as Chairman of President Gerald Ford's Council of
Economic Advisors.

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