Friday, December 1, 2023

Hamas is the "cut" so put a gauze strip on it

Editor's note: In Hebrew Hamas means "violence." If it is correct that Hamas was originally the creation of Israel, inadvertently or not,  then this interpretation would be even more correct. According to the Gesenius Hebrew lexicon, the Arabic cognate of the Hebrew word hamas means "warlike valour" (noun form) or "to be active, brave, constant" (verb form). The Old Testament is fabricated text written by the Jewish rabbinate and scribes and depicts their God of war Yahweh. The Hebrew word Hamas comes from the Old Testament. Hebrew is considered a numeric language. Hamas adds up to a numerical value of eight. When it is translated back it also means "hell." Hamas is the "cut" so they had to put a gauze strip on it. If you have a cut a gauze strip is placed on it. When everyone is focused on the imagery and the story of what they are being told about the Gaza Strip, all they are telling you is that Hamas is violence that is taking place on the Gaza Strip (the cut). It has now been revealed that Israel is planing on a global assassination campaign of Hamas leaders. Violence begets violence and there you have the Old Testament. If you do not think that extreme violence isn't ingrained deeply in the Israeli psyche watch this. This story was captured from: Israeli stabs pregnant Palestinian woman to death (Graphic content).

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