Thursday, December 14, 2023

The depth of Evil is breathtaking

International Asymmetric Biowarfare Weapons Inspector for Abel Danger

Sir Oliver Klosov - this is jack's lack of total surprise

Hamas was invented by the CIA and MOSSAD (even provided cash to Hamas) to counter the PLO and the aspirations of Yassir Arafat to strengthen the region known as Palestine (invented just like Israel if you look back far enough) so isn't it curious that the weapons provided to get rid of their invention is entirely too familiar to what is happen in Ukraine in a way since, like Ukraine, the population is not dissimilar to the people living there for generations. And in Ukraine the people of Rus (look it up) evolved throughout the region and are all in a fake country partially created by the soviets, but Russians not the less. Hatfields and McCoys come to mind?

But the depth of the Evil that created Project Ukraine (dumping ground for US war contractors) is succeeding in a plan that they have NOT revealed but almost...almost by the idiot US corporation puppet Lindsey Graham beholden to war contractors who make his bank account bulge:
"You're killing Russians and it's the best money we have ever spent."

What would Dmitry say?

~ Klosov  

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