Sunday, December 17, 2023

The acquisition of unearned power will have fatal consequences

Editor's note: A fight is coming. That is inevitable. You will have to decide how you are going to fight it. The American people are up against a "government" that has been largely privatized explaining the acquisition of unearned power by people inside these federally subcontracted corporations like the TSA and the FBI. What US corporate appointed executives who hold power have done is to convert any American citizen (see Lies of Every Shape, Sort, and Kind) for even the tiniest infraction into a "domestic terrorist", a "belligerent" and an "enemy combatant" if you dissent. And make absolutely no mistake about it. This is going to get very serious. And another thing: Trump isn't coming to save anyone. Only you can "save" yourself and that is not an easy task. Your best option is to disengage from all this then disappear into a world of your own making that you create.

Where to Hide – & What to Consider

Source: Forbidden Knowledge

Lara Logan's Rest of the Story: Clay Higgins 

December 16, 2023

This latest episode of Lara Logan's Rest of the Story documentary series about the events of January 6th features Louisiana Congressman Clay Higgins, who was a police captain and crime investigator for many years.

Based on all the evidence that he has seen, Higgins believes that the January 6th Capitol Riot was staged and fomented by the FBI.

Higgins says that there were two buses that were the first to arrive at Union Station in Washington DC on January 6th at 5AM. They had been sloppily painted white and had no markings and they were loaded with large, strapping men who stayed inside the buses, as did the drivers. Higgins believes these men were all FBI assets.

He also refers to as-yet unreleased J6 footage he's seen of police officers – Capitol Police or Metro Police or both – entering rooms and coming out dressed as Trump supporters and construction workers.

Higgins says that the FBI had already been infiltrating online chat groups of people who were chafing against the COVID lockdowns and mandates, many of them peopled with Trump supporters who later attended the January 6th rally. So many of those who attended the January 6th rally had already been under FBI surveillance for months.



Lara – studio intro

We're breaking with our regular series to bring you a rare, in-depth interview with a man who is no stranger to controversy and doesn't seem to give a damn what people think of him. Clay Higgins has gone from cop to congressman. And along the way, did things law enforcement officers don't normally do, like the way he delivered his message in crime stopper videos that earned him the name the "Cajun John Wayne."

If you look him up online, you'll find no shortage of articles condemning Clay Higgins as a far-right conspiracy theorist, peddling in crazy, unfounded ideas about January 6th. Then again, these are the same people who told us Hunter Biden's laptop was Russian disinformation and President Donald Trump was a Russian spy. Simply put, they often lie and we don't care what they think.

We know we've been deceived about January 6th because the narrative has shifted. For example, we now know from court cases and the FBI itself that the bureau did have undercover assets on the ground. That's one of the reasons we wanted to speak to Representative Higgins. He's one of the few in Congress who's challenged the insurrection narrative from the start and as a former law enforcement officer himself knows a thing or two about investigations.

Powerful people who dominate the flow of information don't want you to hear what he has to say or what he's learned over the past two and a half years. That alone seems like a compelling reason for us to find out.

(Interview begins)

Lara: This is a letter from Bennie Thompson, who was chairman of the January 6th Select Committee, and he sent this to TSA, to the Honorable David Pekoske, who's the administrator for TSA.

They want a briefing on "efforts to address the travel of white supremacists and other domestic terrorist groups. Options for quickly denying air carrier service to individuals posing a potential threat, and current status of efforts to identify and add to watchlists." How far does this go?

Clay: That letter was the beginning of an executive action by the TSA to use its authority to instruct America's air marshals to track and follow Trump supporters that have been charged with no crime. They were guilty only of – of arriving by air into D.C. on January 4th, fifth or sixth. And those – those manifest were turned over to the FBI.

The FBI went through those manifest. And every American that they identified, that the FBI identified as a Trump supporter, that was on those manifest was added to the FBI's suspected domestic terrorist watch list. The FBI create the profile on those people – a suspected terrorist profile, and then the TSA administrator used his authority to instruct air the Marshals of America to track those Americans wherever they fly and

Please go to Forbidden Knowledge to learn more.

Here is one example of how the US corporation functions is with executives appointed to positions of power like Mary McChord who is an American lawyer, national security analyst, and former government official:

Mary McChord: Deep-State She-Devil

This is the kind of shit Americans are going to have to come to terms with by the people in Washington DC who have become an imperial power among themelves based on greed, unearned power, utterly arrogant behavior, total disregard for law, criminal activity and depravity:

It doesn't matter who you are including a journalist reporting on the events of January 6th. The weaponized DoJ can go after you with impunity. The courts American dissenters will be dragged through like this journalist at Blaze Media, are "special limited jurisdiction" courts. They are not courts of "general jurisdiction".

Any American can be placed on a "terrorist watch list" for any reason or infraction the imperial US corporate fascist state determines as a threat to its existence:

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