Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Careful, you might end up on a coin

International Asymmetric Biowarfare Correspondent for Abel Danger

Sir Oliver Klosov

What would you do if you were sitting and this was the presentation?
One mans enemy is another mans neighbor...

Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. recently sounded the alarm over the U.S. Agency for International Development's "Diia e-governance" app in Ukraine, which allows citizens to anonymously "report" their fellow countrymen to the regime in Kiev for being "Russian collaborators."

The app was discussed in a Twitter thread earlier this month posted by The Grayzone editor Max Blumenthal, who claimed that the app "not only forces Ukrainians into a digital ID panopticon, it encourages them to snitch on fellow citizens, reporting them as Russian collaborators so they can be arrested and disappeared." Oh sure, nothing could possibly go wrong with this idea....

Reacting to the news of the app, Kennedy, the nephew of President John F. Kennedy, suggested that the tech marks how "totalitarian" the USAID has become since being created by President JFK to help poor countries.

Samantha power, who was instrumental in Obama's abuse of FISA to spy on political opponents, is now head of Biden’s USAID and road-testing a mass surveillance and spying app so Ukrainians can anonymously report each other to the government, RFK Jr reminds us that:

"My uncle JFK started USAID to help poor countries develop and now we use it to stuff them with totalitarian spyware. This encapsulates what has gone so horribly wrong with what was once our leadership; we don't have leaders."

A staunch advocate for the restoration of civil liberties at home and abroad, Kennedy recently vowed to pardon embattled journalists and whistleblowers, namely Edward Snowden and Julian Assange, if he takes the White House in 2024.

In a May 2 tweet, Kennedy claimed that the United States government does not practice what it preaches when it comes to the First Amendment.

"Instead of championing free speech, the U.S. actively persecuted journalists and whistleblowers," Kennedy vowed to wield his presidential authority to pardon "brave-truth tellers" who expose U.S. government crimes and corruption, specifically mentioning Julian Assange and Edward Snowden.

"I'll pardon brave-truth tellers like Julian Assange and investigate the corruption and crimes they exposed. This isn't the Soviet Union. The America I love doesn't imprison dissidents.

But currently we don't have the America we love. We have a bloviated crime syndicate and a military, industrial, medical, insurance, pharmaceutical, weapons complex that wants to make us sick, charge us everything we have saved and fought for so they can fly around jets while we have to take a bus monitored by a surveillance app for our monthly government cheese and to stay not only in our lane, but not travel more than 15 minutes from our hamster cage.

It's coming...arm up...buy more ammo...go to the range...learn how to target prey, or be prey...we out number them...repeat after me...WE OUT NUMBER THEM.

Our "fully informed field":

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