Saturday, May 13, 2023

"A traitor is everyone who does not agree with me." ~ King George III, Joe Biden, and Volodymyr Zelensky

International Asymmetric biowarfare Correspondent for Abel Danger

Sir Oliver Klosov

In a recent article by State of The Nation article our path forward was clearly defined and its time for our self-preservation to come to the fore...we face an existential threat by these people trying to kill us all:

Pope Francis, Benjamin Netanyahu, Bill Gates, George Soros, Anthony Fauci, Jacob Rothschild, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Al Gore, Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris, Janet Yellen, Warren Buffett, Larry Fink, Jamie Dimon, Christine Lagarde, Tim Cook, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, Larry Page, Sergey Brin, Rupert Murdoch, Michael Bloomberg, Volodymyr Zelensky, Justin Trudeau, Emmanuel Macron, Rishi Sunak, John Brennan, James Clapper, Michael Hayden, John Bolton, Victoria Nuland, Merrick Garland, Antony Blinken, William Burns, Adam Schiff, Bernie Sanders, Lindsey Graham, Mitt Romney, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Elizabeth Warren, Gavin Newsom, Kathy Hochul, Eric Swalwell, Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger are just a few of countless criminally insane psychopaths and genocidal warmongers who have been outed for the multiple crime sprees against humanity.

The attitude and actions of King George III and his parliamentary aristocracy leading up to and during the rebellion are consistent with the attitudes and actions of our current day monarch – Joe Biden – and the Deep State ruling elite who lord dominion over us lowly peasants. It was duly noted King George battled bouts of mental illness from 1765 until his death in 1820 just like Biden's bouts of mental illness until his death perhaps this year if we are lucky.

But some will not stand for the current paradigm because if you don't stand for something you will fall for anything.

But there was a time when men were strong and brave...
Benjamin Franklin | Biography, Inventions, Books, American Revolution, & Facts | Britannica

In 1770, Franklin was 64 years old, suffering from gout and bladder stones. With life expectancies of less than 40 years in those days, he had far outlived most, while accomplishing more as a scientist, writer, publisher, and statesman than almost anyone in history. He had every right to just live out his remaining years in peace and tranquility. But instead, he risked it all on helping birth a new nation, using all his wisdom, guile, and political acumen to help guide the younger revolutionaries Adams, Jefferson, Washington, among others.

He was 70 in 1776 when he signed the Declaration of Independence and died in 1790, shortly after the U.S. Constitution was ratified in 1789. He spent his twilight years working tirelessly to birth this Republic. As I and many others enter our 60s, it feels like it is too late for us to make a difference in helping change the course of our troubled nation. But Franklin should be an inspiration to all real patriots fighting impossible odds to try and defeat an arrogant brutal regime bent on crushing those who believe in freedom, liberty, personal responsibility, and a Constitution written in the blood of patriots 250 years ago.

When narrow minded linear thinkers scoff at the notion of the common people rising up and taking down a corrupt, evil, traitorous government, which no longer works in the best interest of the people, but for their own enrichment, I must anchor my thinking in the cyclical nature of history and inevitability of the existing social order being swept away in a river of blood during Fourth Turnings. The acolytes of the regime in political offices, government bureaucracy blood suckers, the media propaganda outlets, the woke military, and corporate boardrooms scoff at the thought of losing their wealth and power.

They control the narrative. They control the technology. They control the government. They control the media. They have superior firepower in the hands of their police and military mercenaries. Their hubris knows no bounds. Their comprehension of history and human nature is non-existent as their sociopath desires overwhelm their ability to think critically and see what lies ahead.

No matter how far advanced the world has become technologically over the last 250 years, one thing never changes – human nature. Technological progress has certainly made it easier to kill each other today than during the American Revolution. "Smart" phones, the internet, and 70-inch HDTVs have made it far easier to amuse and distract ourselves, and effortless for Bernays' invisible government to control and manipulate the masses through propaganda and psychological exploitation, as proven by the last three years of this fake covid crisis. As Huxley pointed out, technology is just making us go backwards more efficiently.

Technology hasn't made us smarter. Technology hasn't made us kinder. Technology hasn't made us less violent. Technology hasn't made us less likely to kill or wage war. Technology hasn't made us safer. Mankind is just as prideful, greedy, wrathful, envious, lustful, gluttonous, and slothful as they were in centuries past. Human nature never changes; therefore, we can analyze the actions of King George, Lord Dartmouth, General Gage, and other key characters of the American Revolution Fourth Turning to assess how Biden, Schumer, and Miley will react and over-react to events unfolding during this Fourth Turning. There are numerous parallels between the political, societal, and military dynamics of the American Revolution Fourth Turning and our present day Fourth Turning, which is accelerating towards its bloody climax, yet to be labeled by future historians – if there are any historians left to write the history.


Those people and more mentioned above want to annihilate humanity. Think they are joking or this is not real? Listen...

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