Friday, May 5, 2023

Americans need a "Promethean call to arms" to prevent them from being sublimated by the Chinese

Editor's note: We should all be watching very closely the long term strategy being implemented by China but more importantly those behind the CCP. Michael Yon joins The Alex Jones Show from the Darian Gap to expose the weaponized migration being exploited by the Communist Chinese (CCP) to "take over the United States." As Yon points out in this interview, many Chinese are very rude and aggressive. It must be understood by Americans the Chinese CCP in their elitist hierarchical structures on down have an acute racial outlook peculiar to the Chinese and this "racist factor" is going to clash with Americans in a huge way as increasing numbers of Chinese migrate into the US. This was confirmed in a DoD study titled The Strategic Consequences of Chinese Racism: A Strategic Asymmetry for the United States.

The US congress and senate are useless when it comes right down to it. In this clip, DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas (DHS corporate mandate: secure the borders) testifies before a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on migration into the US. Americans are going to have to determine who it is Mayorkas answers to who are allowing America's southern border with Mexico to be left practically wide open. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is a federal law enforcement agency under the U.S. Department of Homeland Security ($103 billion budget FY 24 with 240,000 employees). ICE has 20,000 employees with a budget of almost $8 billion. Honestly, what the hell are these roughly 260,000 federal employees doing? It's a bureaucratic army. What we also have here are these federally subcontracted private corporations in control of migration into America and these bureaucracies are at war with each other.  Then layer on top of this the twisted state of affairs going on in the US military. Does the US leadership even know its ass from a hole in the ground anymore to allow this costly mess to continue? These private corporations, financial institutions and central banks have completely taken over the direction of the country of America and they are colluding with the CCP. 

Here is a strategy individual Americans who are concerned can be applied to retake America (World State of Emergency):

What are the five technologies China must dominate to break free from monopolistic control?

If the US military were really fighting for your freedom (instead of slamming through other countries killing thousands) this is what it would look like. As it stands right now the US military and its leadership at the Pentagon are incompetent and are an abyssal and embarrassing failure demonstrated in Ukraine that continues to vacuum billions of dollars out of the US economy.



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