Monday, May 31, 2021

Wuhan Lab, bioweapon, gain of function, but…the SARS-CoV-2 virus doesn't exist in the first place

Putting the paradox together

by Jon Rappoport | May 31, 2021

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What I'm about to lay out might seem "too staggering to believe."

Fortunately, what people do or don't believe isn't the issue.

And with that, here we go. Buckle up.

For the past year, I've been presenting evidence that the SARS-CoV-2 virus doesn't exist. It's never been proven to exist. [1]

Those who claim it does exist have two legs to try to stand on. One: the virus has been isolated (discovered). [2] And two: its genetic sequence has been found. [3] [3a] 

However, the mainstream scientific definition of "isolated" turns out to mean: "We have the virus in a soup in a dish in a lab. The soup contains all sorts of material. We never extracted the virus from the soup." In other words, "isolated" means its opposite.

In the soup, in addition to the purported virus, there are human and monkey cells, toxic drugs, chemicals, and other genetic material. When the cells begin to die, researchers assert (with no proof) that the cause of cell-death must be the virus.

Therefore, the virus IS in the soup, and it is deadly.

However, the drugs and chemicals could be killing the cells, and the cells are being starved of nutrients, so that could certainly account for their death.

Bottom line: There is no proof of isolation. It isn't even close. There is no evidence that the purported virus is in the soup.

I've published a typical account of virus-isolation from a study, and Dr. Andrew Kaufman did a step-by step analysis of this process and tore it to pieces. I published his analysis. Dr. Kaufman showed there was no merit to the claim that SARS-CoV-2 had been isolated. [2]

What about the genetic sequencing of the virus? You can't sequence something you haven’t isolated (discovered). To claim you have sequenced it would be like saying, "We have a generic fragment of iron dust, and we know it comes from a 1932 Ford Moon Rover fender." There was never a 1932 Ford Moon Rover.

Researchers presume, assume, guess, pretend that "SARS-CoV-2" WOULD HAVE certain pieces of genetic material, and referring to libraries which contain data about such material, they use a computer program to cobble together pieces of data and present a genetic portrait of "SARS-CoV-2." [3] [3a]

If we were discussing a science fiction novel about a virus, we might say, "That's an interesting genetic sequence. An interesting castle in the air."

Now—to bridge over from this part of the article to the Wuhan lab, gain of function research, tweaking a coronavirus to produce a dangerous entity, we need to know one thing:

Mainstream researchers—virologists, molecular biologists—BELIEVE they are working with a real virus. Most of them certainly believe this. They are married to their fallacious and fantastical processes of proving a given virus exists.

And because they believe, so do politicians and public health officials and military leaders.

Therefore, we could certainly say, if the evidence is convincing, that there has been an effort to ramp up the function of a coronavirus in Wuhan.

But EFFORT and TRYING have nothing to do with the truth.

Based on unproven and untenable beliefs, people have TRIED TO DO all sorts of things. And some of those people have CLAIMED that they SUCCEEDED.

Therefore, it's really quite easy to see how a) the virus has never been proven to exist and b) some researchers have been trying to ramp up the function of a fantasy they call a virus.

"But…but if the virus doesn't exist, what are these researchers in their lab in Wuhan doing? What are they working with? What's going on?"

Yes, I like that question. But you see, in the Church of the Virus, the inner sanctum, the holy of holies—THE HIGH-SECURITY LAB—is not open to you or me or anyone from the outside.

We (and dissenting scientists) can't look over researchers' shoulders. We can't film every step they take. We can’t stop them at any point and make them explain what they're actually doing. We can't say, "You just fabricated a conclusion out of thin air, so justify it." We can't challenge their ironclad beliefs about the truth and validity of their procedures as they're actually carrying out those procedural steps.

"What? You call that isolation? You didn't isolate anything. You just stirred the soup in the dish. Explain yourself. And the gene you say you just tweaked? What gene? Let's go back over that again. You just fiddled with DATA about a gene in a so-called virus. Makes no sense. Let's review that move. Let's break it down."

No, we can't do any of this.

Instead, we're supposed to have faith in what these researchers have faith in.

If this amounts to science, Kool-Aid is the nectar of the gods.

"Excuse me, Doctor Towering-Arrogant, but you just plugged your latest 'finding' into a computer program, which is supposed to spit out the genetic sequence of the 'new tweaked virus you just created’."

"Yes? So?"

"First of all, you're working with DATA here, not actual physical material. But we'll put that aside for the moment. I want to know exactly what's in this computer program. These five people standing with me here in the lab? They're software pros. They have no allegiance to any government or funding entity. I want them to take the computer program apart and analyze it."

"I'm not responsible for the program."

"Who is?"

"Colleagues. I don't know them personally."

"Well, get them in here now. All research stops until we have them here in the lab. They'll open the whole computer program to the light of day, explain it, and then I'll have my people go through it with a fine-tooth comb."

"That's outrageous. Why?"

"To see if the program is credible, or just another fantasy constructed to give the false appearance that you're actually sequencing something."

We're not permitted to do that, either.

We're in Church. We must accept all the prescribed articles of faith.

For those people who not only claim SARS-CoV-2 was tweaked or invented in a Wuhan lab, but was made deadly there…they should consider the extraordinary lengths to which public health officials have gone to FALSELY pump up COVID case and death numbers.

None of that pumping would be necessary if an actual PANDEMIC virus existed and were loose in the world.

During the past year, I've covered all the criminal schemes to inflate case numbers. To cite just one scheme: Running the PCR test at an unconscionably high sensitivity has automatically created millions and millions of "positive COVID cases." In concert with this fraud, the CDC has changed its definition of "a case," so people who test positive but remain healthy with no symptoms can be counted as “COVID cases." [4] [4a] [4b]

Please go to Jon Rappoport's blog  to read more. 

It is likely Fauci isn't going anywhere.

Summary on the hyperlink below: Dr. Kary Mullis - who was awarded a Nobel Chemistry Prize - has always stated that the RT/PCR test being used worldwide by the WHO and government health agencies to test for COVID 19 was never to be used for infectious diseases. In this short video he explains why and says that - using certain protocols or "tweaking" the RNA sequences - they can come up with any result they want. The World Health Organization and governments worldwide (funded by Bill Gates et al) are engaged in a massive global deception against all peoples, to destroy the global economies and impose a tyrannical planetary regime and full spectrum dominance through surveillance systems designed to control our every move. Lockdowns, face masks, social distancing and mandatory RNA vaccines with digital tattoos. All based on a hoax test and skewed statistics. Are you angry yet? You should be.


Is the story line being prepped for excusing their way out of destroying millions with the Covid injections? "We caused everyone's body to produce only the spike protein while not realizing it was the spike protein that was doing the damage, NOT THE VIRUS. ONCE AGAIN, YOU SAW IT HERE FIRST, that's EXACTLY what they are going to say."     


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