Thursday, May 20, 2021

Stupid-19 and Fauchi Ouchie CDC Mask Confusion - Laugh at These "Experts" - It's All Theatrical B*llshit - There's Hope: Only 37.5% of Americans Have Been Injected - A Pandemic Virus That Doesn't Exist - We Are "One Spark Away From All Hell Breaking Loose"

Editor's note: What kind of stupid games are these people like Fauci ("we are play things of psychopaths" gaslighting the shit out of us permanently stuck in Stockholm Syndrome) and at the CDC (drug sales company) playing with people's lives? It is absolutely no business whatsoever to businesses to be privy to information as to who is Covid injected and who isn't. Even though masks are "mandatory" mask wearing cannot be enforced by any law. The people in Texas comprehend this is all theatrical bullshit. If there is any "confusion here with Fauci, that confusion is intentional. The intolerable absurdity of it all forcing people to wear masks as theatrics for a pandemic virus that doesn't exist. The upside is Americans now realize it is all theatrics considering only 37.5% have been Covid injected so there is still hope for us. How far is this all going to go? That's anyone's guess but we are one spark away from all hell breaking loose.

Source: Anti-Empire

Fauci Admits Wearing Mask After Vax Is Theatrical Even Though He Denied It Under Oath in March Blatantly contradicts what he hold when questioned by Rand Paul

By Thomas Lifson | May 20, 2021
Dr. Anthony Fauci ought to be the punch line of many jokes by now, and if he were a Trump loyalist, he would be. Only because the corporate media refuse to mock him can he appear in public without catcalls and derision as his lot in life.

Yesterday, he blatantly contradicted what he told Senator Rand Paul under oath in testimony last March: yes, wearing a mask indoors after being vaccinated is just theatre ("I didn't want to look like I was giving mixed signals, but being a fully vaccinated person, the chances of my getting infected in an indoor setting is extremely low."):

The big problem is that two months ago, Dr. Fauci testified the exact opposite under oath to Dr. Rand Paul (a doctor who actually treats people medically):

Sen. Paul is not amused:

Source: American Thinker

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