Wednesday, April 7, 2021

War on Whites Intensifying

Editor's note: And they have control over the media and news...and Russia does not want this dangerous rabid ideology exported.
"That white person that you see calling himself a liberal is the most dangerous thing in the Western Hemisphere." ~ Malcom X 

The Anti-Asian Attacks Are the Pre-Show for Mass Anti-White Attacks

It's very difficult to say "this is the craziest thing I've ever seen" about anything these days, because everything is so gosh-darn crazy. But we must admit that the "anti-Asian hate crimes are white supremacy" narrative is so crazy that if it was happening in say, 2015, it would be the craziest thing you’d ever seen.

I've almost totally stopped using Google, as it simply isn't fit for purpose, due to the amount of alterations they've made to their algorithm for the purpose of arbitrating reality. I jump around between different search engines now, and none of them are as useful as 2015 Google.

I sometimes use Microsoft Bing, even. I think the situation with Bing is that they build an algorithm and then they are afraid to alter it for censorship purposes because it isn't good enough to withstand alterations.

Here's a Bing search for "anti-Asian":
You no doubt noticed that the top story, from NBC New York, features a picture of a black man running.

I had to go see what was going on on Google. Even they couldn't keep blacks off the first results, with the third top story showing a recent black gang attack on an Asian family.
The New York Times article that is the first Google result for "anti-Asian" actually lists the crimes.

Meanwhile, Newsweek on March 22 published an op-ed by one Craig Harvey, who is a "working scientist" (I don't know what that is), claiming that black attacks on Asians are a blood libel.
All good people should be furious at this spate of attacks. But what we shouldn’t do is use it as an excuse to blame Black people, as some have done.

In OpEds and articles critical of the media's coverage of the crimes, some have taken to insisting that the lion's share of the anti-Asian attacks have been perpetrated by African-American youths, based on a few widely-circulated videos on social media. These articles argue that the media has engaged in subterfuge to protect the racial identity of the assailants. "It is simply a fact that the demographic disproportionately most likely to commit hate crimes is African-American," as Andrew Sullivan put it.

The problem is, this just isn't true.

One recent study has provided the justification for the claim that non-whites where the majority of perpetrators of Asian-American hate crimes. The study was published in the American Journal of Criminal Justice in January, and it was based on data from 1992-2014. But the study clearly indicates that the identities of the perpetrators of hate crimes against Asian-Americans are overwhelmingly white: 74.6 percent of these crimes are committed by white assailants. Importantly, according to the methodology in the study, there is a ~20-fold difference in the cases of hate crimes reported against African-Americans (5,463) compared to Asian-Americans (329), which explains the large difference in percentage of non-white assailants by race.
(Anyone who can figure out that last sentence there gets a shiny new no-prize.)

When reading this, I saw the link to the study, and immediately clicked it, reading in the abstract that it was data from 1992-2014. I chuckled, then went back to the Newsweek piece – and was shocked to find that Harvey admitted that the study was from these years.

I would be very skeptical of the claim that from 1992-2014, whites were attacking Asians in hate crime attacks. But even if it were true, using a dataset that goes back nearly 30 years in order to prove something about what is happening right now is so ridiculous as to appear to be some kind of humorous gag.

Furthermore, that study is about 10,000 words long, and I don't believe that the "working scientist" Craig Harvey read it.

If anyone actually wanted to know the statistics of recent attacks, they wouldn’t need a study – they could just go through the Times' list of anti-Asian hate attacks from the last year.

I clicked through randomly on that list, and did not find a single case where a white man was identified as the perpetrator of an anti-Asian attack. As far as I was able to tell, 100% of violent attacks listed there, as well as apparently 100% of rude verbal attacks (which as I understand it are not actually crimes), were done by blacks.

The Times article does not mention the words "black" or "white" with regards to the attacks. Obviously, the Times is not going to publish the fact that, as far as I was able to tell, every single attack on their list was done by a black person. Furthermore, the Times linked to a wide variety of sources in their list, and it seemed to me that they went through and tried to purposefully choose sources that didn't show a picture of the suspect.

Nonetheless, a large number of the articles did include pictures.
Or videos.

And they were all black.

Not mentioning this fact is crazy enough.

Coming out and claiming that it isn't a statistical fact, and citing a data set from 1992-2014 as "proof" that 2021 attacks on Asians are not being done by blacks, is some form of very serious fraud.

If I had time, I would go through the entire New York Times list of crimes. But here's the thing: if any of them had been done by a white man, we would hear about it.

We know, as a matter of fact, that when a white man commits a crime against someone of another race, it is not simply mentioned in the article – it is the lede.
The Handjob Massacre was framed as some kind of anti-Asian attack, however, when you read the actual stories, it is admitted that this is not what it was. Moreover, the shooter has not even been charged with a hate crime, meaning that the feds themselves are so convinced that it wasn't a "racially motivated attack" that they are not even going to try to bring charges.

The media continues to use this high-profile mass shooting as a way to frame the ongoing attacks on Asians by blacks – which are clearly motivated by a black hatred for Asians, at least in large part – as some kind of white supremacy conspiracy.

I don't usually like to hop on "conspiracy theories." But listen: I'm just going to tell it to you straight. I personally believe that the Handjob Massacre was somehow staged by the intelligence agencies. I am not saying it didn’t happen, or that no one died, or whatever, but I do personally believe that somehow, the shooter – who is admittedly mentally ill – was compelled to do this shooting by something other than his own conscience.

I don't have any evidence of that. But it is just almost too convenient, is it not?

There is an ongoing series of attacks on Asians by blacks. The media is downplaying it, because according to the media, blacks are always victims and basically incapable of violence. Then, all of a sudden, a mentally ill white man kills a bunch of handjob artists, because he says they were tempting him (despite the fact that these handjob facilities are very low-key, and do not tempt anyone). The media then uses this event to frame the situation every single time a black attacks an Asian.

What exactly are the odds of this? Do the media overlords have some sort of very powerful lucky charm?

The fact is, we know that there is such a thing as hypnotism, and hypnotic suggestion. The Handjob Shooter was in therapy. The MK Ultra program used mental health facilities as a base of operations for their mind control research.

Please go to The Unz Review to read more. 

Communists socially agitating:


Here is something to ponder:

We had all better sit down and have a very long talk...

Malcom X was right...and we haven't improved our circumstances one damn bit in over a half a century:


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