Sunday, April 4, 2021

Taking Back Control: a Resetting of America's Response to Covid-19

Editor's note: Read this. The people at the Rockefeller Foundation, the largest participant behind the Covid operation, think we are total idiots. This is a Covid sales campaign brochure. If you reject this Covid agenda being rolled out then you have already "taken back your life" as the Rockefeller Foundation people arrogantly proclaim about their official Covid-19 response. This document makes Covid injections appear as being scarce and they are doing everything they can to get the injections to every American. Aren't they such gracious caring people who are so concerned about a "raging out of control pandemic." The Rockefeller Center for Propaganda (eugenics operational headquarters) is attempting to convince us "100,000 Americans every month are dying from Covid." Who writes this shitte? What's worse: who believes it? After reading this you walk away with the feeling the Rockefeller Foundation is the US government.

Source: Rockefeller Foundation

Our third Action Plan lays out a new plan for the largest domestic testing scale up to date and proposes 14 executive actions for the current and incoming administrations to take in order to rapidly alter the trajectory of the pandemic in the United States. Testing all U.S. public K-12 public schools would cost $42.5 billion, or $8.5 billion per month for the remainder of the school year from February to June 2021.

The end is in sight. Yet there is a long way to go. We need to continue to ramp up Covid-19 testing and put in place policies that recognize the cascading benefits of getting back to work, going back to school and taking back control of our lives

Covid-19 vaccines have arrived, with enough supply to vaccinate as many as 50 million people by the end of January. But these initial doses will do little in the short term to arrest an epidemic that is raging out of control. The United States is now reporting more than one million new coronavirus cases every week, hospitals are nearing capacities, and daily death tolls are at record levels. More Americans are now dying every day from Covid-19 than died in the terrorist attacks of 9/11 – a rate of nearly 100,000 people per month. 

The Rockefeller Foundation's third National Covid-19 Testing Action Plan calls on the U.S. government to massively scale up Covid-19 testing to 300 million per month for students, teachers, and staff in order to reopen and keep open America's nearly 100,000 public schools by March. The Plan lays out the largest domestic testing scaleup to date and proposes 14 executive actions for the current and incoming administrations to take in order to rapidly alter the trajectory of the pandemic in the United States. Testing all U.S. public K-12 public schools would cost $42.5 billion, or $8.5 billion per month for the remainder of the school year from February-June 2021. 

Maybe Walensky's warning as the head of the CDC is legit but this is as far as she can go to inform the public without being a "whistleblower" that the public is going to get knocked down six months to a year after getting Covid injected?


 Wtf? Africa Covid Champions?

There is something about the Rockefeller Foundation that makes us think they are full of...

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