Tuesday, April 6, 2021

"Oh No!"


April 5-6, 2021

So now everyone knows the MRNA corona vaxxes program the body to produce the prion for mad cow disease. Here is what is not so well known:

"Covid-19" itself has the prion for mad cow disease programmed into it. The entire time this was going on, they were saying that the protein the virus used to bind with cells was unique in a virus "So an MRNA vaccine could be made to combat the virus for that reason". What they did not say is that the protein was unique because it just so happened to be the prion from mad cow disease. THAT ended up in a virus NATURALLY . . . . . YEP. And it ended up in the virus in the worst possible spot . . . . . YEP. 

So now (reported fully down this page a ways) they claim to have "fought the virus" by creating a vaccine that genetically TELLS your body to produce the prion for mad cow disease, "because it will confuse the virus and prevent binding". . . . . YEP, and meanwhile, the shot that supposedly "made you immune to corona" gave you creutzfeldt-jakob disease and you're gonna go down like a mad cow from the shot once that prion takes hold in your brain, - right around six months to a year from what they say. 

We now have a vaccine developer for AstraZeneca who died of creutzfeldt-jakob disease (a coincidence I am sure, because that's such a common affliction) *oh, it will be* now that so many people got that shot - AND we have a virus out in the wild that uses the prion from mad cow disease to bind with the cells it's attacking. 


I'll tell you how cute: You had damn well better not have gotten this virus, because even if you showed no symptoms, you got trillions of those prions in you and if ANY of them dis-connected from the viruses you'll eventually go down from this like a mad cow once the prions take off. It might take a while, I don't know how many would actually detach from the virus but I can say that anyone who got the virus played the lottery a trillion times at least. And the media buried this, even though the prion was documented right from the beginning RIGHT HERE.
You can't tell me they did not want to kill EVERYONE with this virus if they put that prion in it. that's a major "Oh No!"


The latest figure I heard was that 40 percent of Americans have been jabbed. But reality shows that the actual number of people jabbed is approximately on par with how many actually voted Biden. New Mexico has the highest vaccination rate in the country, at 25.56%. Utah has the lowest vaccination rate, at 12.88 percent. 30 states have a vaccination rate below 20 percent. The average vaccination rate is right around 17 percent. SEE THIS. So when the prion strikes, it will be highly visible, but it won't wipe out society. We will predominantly lose people who either could not see the light or valued their job more than their life.


RIDDLE ME THIS: How did that happen? I'd bet he guinea pigged himself off the books. I MUST RESPONSIBLY TELL YOU: All the "fact checking sites" are calling B.S. on the spike protein being a prion so I am just hoaxing y'all . . . . . OOOOOPS, MAYBE NOT!!! We all know who the hoaxers are, and it's the "hoax busters"!!! Gee, how did Covid 19 end up being the ONLY VIRUS EVER DISCOVERED that has a mad cow disease prion as the spike protein it uses to bind to cells, to provide cover for the MRNA vaxxes to give everyone mad cow when those vaxxes tell everyone's bodies to manufacture that prion to get "immunity to corona"???? What a lovely "coincidence." Ouch, let's all hope mad cow disease is not delivered by that virus also. That had better stay bonded to the viral body or we are all TOAST.


YEAY!!! I can only hope Mexico pays attention to this site, and that he got tipped off to Alex from here. That's highly probable, and even if that's not how it went down, that is AWESOME NEWS. There's little question he'd have received a jab from the lower end of the spectrum of "all shots are not created equal," he's one of the few remaining good guys.

Obviously the MSM won't utter a peep about this in the U.S, but I can say Mexico will have 4 more good years. 

Gary D. Barnett - Mass Murder by Vaccine

April 6, 2021 

The stage is set, the plan is in place, and the people are still asleep. The realization that this state has declared war on the American people is unknown to most, and when the killing reaches high levels, the sheep will be told it is due to a mutated virus variant, and it is their fault for not being injected quickly enough with a poisonous 'vaccine' administered by this same criminal state.

"We live in a society that fails to see what is right before their eyes, and intentionally hides from the truth."

The Next Phase of This Fake Pandemic Will Be Premeditated Mass Murder by 'Vaccine'

by Gary D. Barnett

Make no mistake about it; you are the enemy of the state in this war against mankind. This manufactured pandemic began with lies, and was perpetuated by mass propaganda; so much so as to cause extreme fear and panic out of thin air.

This is what real domestic terrorism looks like, and it is being executed by the United States government under the control of its masters in banking, finance, and corporate America; those at the top of the pyramid of power that make up the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Group, and all the major players in science, technology, the mainstream media, medicine, and the pharmaceutical industry.

This long-planned plot to depopulate the earth and take total control over all of us could be considered ingenious but for the fact that it is pure evil.

What has been foretold and what is coming is what I would refer to as crisis management terrorism. There will be (and has already been) one fake crisis after another, all claimed to be so important and deadly as to cause the government to step in to control all aspects of human life through law, mandates, and lockdowns, with enforcement implemented at every level from the executive branch of federal government down to state and local health administrators.

This will be in essence, a total and saturated form of enforcement with little if any ability of escape. This is by design of course, so that regardless of location or isolation, all will be subject to the propaganda and the long reach of peer pressure and tyranny.

The end game sought by these totalitarian monsters is to inject each and every American with this experimental, mind-altering, body changing, genetic reshaping, and deadly operating system falsely being called a Covid 'vaccine.'

It is not a vaccine at all, but a control and depopulation tool purposely designed to cause extreme sickness and death. These adverse responses caused by these toxic injections will not be correctly blamed on the shot, but will instead be used to claim that mutated variant expressions of the non-existent Covid-19 strain are the culprit. This will allow for more fear and panic in order to set up more demand for 'vaccination.' These never-ending crises will cause a much higher percentage of Americans to voluntarily seek out and take this virulent injection, and this will of course lead to an unending array of critical dilemmas, just as the state desires.

But it will not end there, as many will still not voluntarily take this toxic poison. The next phase, which is now in the works, will be to require proof of 'vaccination' in order to gain access to normal life functions.

Currently, this is being called immunity or vaccine passports, and in New York it is already required to enter many venues, and is expanding quickly. Eventually, these passports as they are called, will be required for buying food, going into businesses, attending concerts or performances, banking, and other everyday necessities.

In other words, it could become in the near future impossible to do anything without proof of vaccine. But so-called proof is not the desired outcome, it is only a means to an end, and that end is to vaccinate every single human. Once all are vaccinated, total control will have been achieved, and depopulation by vaccination murder can continue without resistance.


While much of the country is partially opening up, this is only the dangling of a carrot for the very short term before the next planned crisis emerges. Each crisis will bring more closures, lockdowns, stricter rules, and vastly more elevated enforcement. All of this has been telegraphed far in advance, and none of this should be a surprise to anyone, but alas, it seems as if very few have been or are now paying attention. We live in a society that fails to see what is right before their eyes, and intentionally hides from the truth.

This behavior is indicative of a captured people, in what has now become a population of fools ready for their own enslavement. But this is more than enslavement, as the controllers not only want to lord over all of humanity, but they want to eliminate by vaccination murder a huge percentage of it as well. At this point, the people are making this easy to achieve.

Please go to henrymakow.com to read more. 



Revealed: Propaganda Template For Vaccine Passports

Prion for the Herd (Extinction Protocols)

A Dandelion Manifesto: A Call For A Summer of Healing And Mending

Completed projects:


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