Wednesday, April 28, 2021

EU Goose Steps the Covid-19 Passports Into Existence - Covid-19 Injections Induce Digitalization - Covid-19 to Covid-21 - Did German Television Make a Mistake? - EU's Ursula von der Leyen Wasn't "Snubbed" in Turkey Because She Is a Woman - Green and Digital

Editor's note: It is being alleged that German television "screwed up" and released this on Covid-19 passports by including "Covid 21" from this German source. A serious line of inquiry would be to determine what pharmaceutical companies (including the German BioNTech) are working closely (vaccine wars) with big tech companies working to monopolize artificial intelligence and digital technology that these Covid injections are part of digitizing humanity. There is no Covid-19 virus (read the paper; they are telling us the virus doesn't exist and they "did not have virus material"), there is only the digitalization of humanity. This is what is being commercialized as we see this world being transitioned from carbon to digital under cover of a global fake pandemic (it is a televised pandemic). On the lower end of the spectrum most of humanity are being brutalized by this transition. 

Source: Welt

Besonders Deutschland bereitet Brüssel Kopfschmerzen
EU-Kommissionschefin Ursula von der Leyen hat sich mit dem digitalen Impfpass für alle Mitgliedsländer viel vorgenommen Quelle: pa/Geisler-Fotopress, AP; Montage: Infografik WELT 
Von Christoph B. Schiltz

Die EU hat die Mammutaufgabe übernommen, die Voraussetzungen für einen europäischen Impfpass zu schaffen. Gelingt das zum Stichtag 1. Juni, ist das eine Meisterleistung. Wie weit ist Brüssel, und was muss noch passieren? Die wichtigsten Fakten im WELT-Check.

Das EU-Parlament will am Donnerstag über das europäische Impfzertifikat abstimmen. Dieses Dokument soll einfacheres Reisen ab dem Sommer ermöglichen. Es könnte zu einem Meilenstein werden bei der Rückkehr zu alten Freiheiten. Ist das realistisch? Die EU steht nach dem Impfchaos schon wieder vor einer Bewährungsprobe. WELT beantwortet die wichtigsten Fragen. 

Beyond this Welt (World) has a pay wall.   

Are we watching a show with us on the stage being played or scripted for Covid 19 and now Covid 21 with these Covid passports?

If a translator is needed try this:


The European banking aristocracy want a green and digital economy and Covid injections are part of this plan:

Contrary to what is being reported, EU Commissioner Ursula von der Leyen wasn't snubbed because she is a woman while meeting with Turkey's Recep Tayyip Erdogan but because Turkey rejected the politicization of Covid-19 cooperation (injection wars). Turkey started mass Covid injections with China's Sinovac.

China, Turkey reject politicization of COVID-19 vaccine cooperation

The European Commission driving this agenda works in close cooperation with the World Bank. These globalist organizations also work closely with the World Economic Forum (WEF) under Klaus Schwab to implement their global technocratic strategies. The imperative is to inject the entire world's population with experimental injections so that the species can be engineered to digital standards for data extraction.

European Commission and World Bank Group Renew Agreement to Strengthen Development Cooperation

Keynote speech by President von der Leyen at the World Economic Forum

World Bank Financing for COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout Reaches $2 Billion

There is very close cooperation between big tech and the WEF to roll out the digitalization of humanity and as globalist organizations the rhetoric of equality is rolled out to make it seem more palatable.

More on the German thing (believe the big LIE):

Germany's BioNTech wants three Covid injections for a virus that does not exist based on one of the most prominent papers available stating "no virus material was available to deploy a diagnostic methodology". Furthermore, if no virus material was available to develop methodologies for detecting Covid-19 with a PCR test what are they talking about with these "mutant strains?"

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