Monday, April 26, 2021

Time to Put Public Employees Under Control

Editor's note: Observe how the Bolshevik Nomenklatura running through the state bureaucracies in states like Illinois and California have built lucrative fiefdoms for themselves on the backs of producers in these states. Think about that for a minute. Retire at 65 and let's say a retiree lives until he or she reaches 85-years-old and then expires. That is $100,000 a year for 20 years of pension payments, or $2 million in total pension off the state for a public employee. The only way to put public employees under control is to build State Assemblies to restore law and rationality in communities.

Why Illinois Is In Trouble – 122,258 Public Employees Earned $100,000+ Costing Taxpayers $15.8 Billion Despite Pandemic

Nearly 80,000 California retirees are receiving $100,000 or more in pension pay, new data show

Sunday, April 25, 2021 | By Anna Von Reitz

Breaking Big Pharma

You may think that breaking the back of Big Pharma is impossible, and that we will never get sanity back into the health sector of our economy --- but it's not really that difficult. In fact, most of our problems in this area, as in other areas, derive from not doing our job and self-governing. 
Self-governance is something we rarely talk about. It's the exercise of our own volition -- our own mind, our own will -- to rule our own lives, first and foremost.

Secondly, it's the joining together of other self-governing people in State Assemblies to organize and restore our lawful American Government.

Third, it's taking the meaningful actions necessary to control our public employees --- get them back in line and actually providing services according to our priorities -- not theirs. When it comes to health there isn't a single word about health in the only contracts that we have with either one of the Federal Service Providers, or their State of State franchises. Not a single word about health in any constitution anywhere.

That's right. They have no authority to say one word to any American about their personal health, no "emergency powers" allowing them to mandate masks, no excuses for invading our privacy or shutting our businesses down.

When it comes to vaccines or, to put it bluntly, genetic modification experiments--- it really is: "My body, my choice."

In view of what we have uncovered about the lies and omissions that have been used to undermine our lawful government, evade constitutional obligations, and privateer against innocent Americans---- can you trust "your" government?

Your own government, the one that you staff and control---- yes.

The foreign paid-for employees, no. They've been misdirected for decades and it will take more than a few minutes to get them back on track.

In the same way, can you trust Big Medicine and Big Pharma?

Absolutely not! Since Tricky Dick Nixon enabled health providers to incorporate as for-profit corporations, costs of health care have skyrocketed and actual progress toward the goal --- health for more people for longer --- has tanked.

Health care costs hundreds of times more and sadly, is overall less effective than it was in the 1970's when this craziness began. Millions more American suffer from chronic diseases than ever before, and there is no significant progress on nailing down the causes and the cures. Why? Go figure. Chronic illness is Big Business. There is no motivation to provide cures and health, when these businesses are being so handsomely rewarded for providing pain and more illness.

On top of this, 106,000 Americans die every year simply because prescription drugs are not safe.

Like the recent situation with my dog, doctors and vets, both, are prescribing drugs and using us as the guinea pigs. Heads you win, tails you lose---- big time.

Taking many of these drugs, much less combining them, is like playing the slots. Yet millions of Americans just like me-- people my age-- trust their doctors and swallow these pills, slather on these creams, and hope for the best without knowing the risks.

If you love yourself, if you love your loved ones--- think about the burgeoning problem we have with Big Pharma and Big Medicine. Both.

Here is just one example. Taking any kind of prescription sleeping pill astronomically increases your risk of death -- over five times more likely to kick the bucket, bite the big one, and pack it away.

Sleeping pills, even when not used often, can harm your health as if you were smoking two packs a day.

I don't know about you, but when I want to sleep, I also want to wake up.

So how to get off this merry-go-round? Remember how we got on it.

Start holding medical corporations of all kinds accountable. Liquidate those that harm the people they are supposed to help.

Reverse Nixon's wrong-headed decision to turn our health services into profit-driven juggernauts with a captive clientele.

Tell the politicians and their hired security services where to get off and stay off. Study, test, and share alternative health answers from people who don't make their money off of disease or selling drugs.

Join other Americans who are already in high gear ---- go to The Healthy American website and weigh in. Queue up Leigh Dundas' latest rant exposing the vaccine industry and our own mindless acquiescence to quasi-science that makes us, Americans, likely victims of medical malpractice of every kind.

As you join your State Assemblies, realize that these organizations are inherently able to change your world for the better in ways that are only limited by your own awareness and creativity and willingness to work together.

You can break the stranglehold of unaccountable drug manufacturers. You can put common sense back into the health sector of our economy. You can make your own difference. Join your State Assembly, form a Corporate Accountability Committee, and get going.



And now onto federal employees. The FDA is a subcontracted out corporation:

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