Friday, April 30, 2021

Tucker Carlson Exposes Zionist Hypocrisy on Immigration

Editor's note: Did readers see the news from France where retired French military generals called for a coup against Rothschild's French poodle Macron over immigration into France? These French ex-generals have urged a coup against Macron if he "fails to stem Islamist hordes from the suburbs." If these French ex-generals think they are going to mount a coup against Macron, they are going to have an extremely difficult time finding enough masculine men to fight that coup and against an Islamic culture that inculcates aggressive male dominance. Iben Thranholm has a point: "European men: You are pathetic pussies."

French ex-Generals warn Macron, coup and civil war looms

Source: The Unz Review

Jewish establishment embraces immigrants but only in America


Demands for Class Action Lawsuit Against Imperial College London

Editor's note: There is talk of demanding a class action lawsuit against the Imperial College London and for it to be shut down. It was the Imperial College of London's fake Covid model and recommendation to lockdown societies based on this fake Covid pandemic. Not only a class action lawsuit against the Imperial College London but everyone must understand what these Covid injections mean and the implications. There has to be informed consent as we put an end to this medical tyranny. Get informed and do not consent. Here is how: no more jab for me.

Source: The Heritage Foundation

Failures of an Influential COVID-19 Model Used to Justify Lockdowns

May 18th, 2020 | Kevin Dayaratna, Ph.D.

1. We now know the model was so highly flawed it never should have been relied upon for policy decisions to begin with.

2. As we learn more about the new coronavirus, it is imperative to continue to update the assumptions used in these models.

3. The Imperial College model didn't meet any of these criteria. And sadly, its model was one of the inputs relied on as the basis for locking down two countries.

Thursday, April 29, 2021

Totalitarian State Installed by Big Tech

Editor's note: There should be very little doubt in anyone's mind that America is now a totalitarian state with this recent news of Nick Fuentes being placed on a no-fly list by the state Nomenklatura. At this point the state can pretty much target anyone they want to with complete impunity. This is how Bolsheviks through big tech controlling government law enforcement agencies including the DNI, DoHS, FBI and the Department of Justice can now operate depriving Americans of their right to travel and their right to speak. This is also a part of the war on whites. We are wondering if this action against Fuentes is related to predictive analytics related to expected violence and chaos erupting beginning in Europe and likely migrating to America during the July-August, 2021 time frame?

Source: The Unz Review

Nick Fuentes Put on the No-Fly List by the Feds

Conservative Twitter Forms Convoy!


Wednesday, April 28, 2021

EU Goose Steps the Covid-19 Passports Into Existence - Covid-19 Injections Induce Digitalization - Covid-19 to Covid-21 - Did German Television Make a Mistake? - EU's Ursula von der Leyen Wasn't "Snubbed" in Turkey Because She Is a Woman - Green and Digital

Editor's note: It is being alleged that German television "screwed up" and released this on Covid-19 passports by including "Covid 21" from this German source. A serious line of inquiry would be to determine what pharmaceutical companies (including the German BioNTech) are working closely (vaccine wars) with big tech companies working to monopolize artificial intelligence and digital technology that these Covid injections are part of digitizing humanity. There is no Covid-19 virus (read the paper; they are telling us the virus doesn't exist and they "did not have virus material"), there is only the digitalization of humanity. This is what is being commercialized as we see this world being transitioned from carbon to digital under cover of a global fake pandemic (it is a televised pandemic). On the lower end of the spectrum most of humanity are being brutalized by this transition. 

Source: Welt

Besonders Deutschland bereitet Brüssel Kopfschmerzen
EU-Kommissionschefin Ursula von der Leyen hat sich mit dem digitalen Impfpass für alle Mitgliedsländer viel vorgenommen Quelle: pa/Geisler-Fotopress, AP; Montage: Infografik WELT

The New World of Authoritarianism Where Nothing Is Real Anymore

Editor's note: There is nothing here that is real. We have no way of knowing anymore what is real and what is being faked. The technocratic communists through big tech have taken over and we have no way to verify if anything is real. Face masks are all part of the corporate big tech communist takeover likely also being run through the military. Joe's handler's hand picked this crowd. 

New Narrative Being Seeded

Editor's note: The general population is being prepped for the next narrative after the collapse of the Covid narrative and that is the UFO/alien agenda that is slowly being seeded into the public's psyche. 


Source: Forbes

Revealed: Why We Should Look For Ancient Alien Spacecraft On The Moon, Mars And Mercury According To NASA Scientists

March 22, 2021 | By Jamie Carter, Senior Contributor Science
From UFO crash sites on other planets and aliens “lurking” on asteroids to a permanent radio ... [+] GETTY 

Only Private Corporations Can Sign Executive Orders

Editor's note: The CEO of the US corporation Biden signed 40 Executive Orders (EO) since taking over as CEO. Only private corporations can sign executive orders. As we see from the information published below on executive orders, if you are an American who has clearly declared and recorded your correct birthright political status, you are not a British Territorial U.S. Citizen and you are not obligated to obey any "Executive Order" nor any decrees, mandates, or proclamations of any State of State Governor.

2021 Joe Biden Executive Orders

Once and For All, People....

By Anna Von Reitz | Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Executive Orders apply only to the Executive Branch of the Territorial United States Government.

If you are not in the military, or a military dependent, Executive Orders do not apply to you. 

EXPOSED: Facebook’s Independent COVID Fact-checker Site Funded By $1.9 Billion Vaccine Lobby

Editor's note: Thought you would get your facts straight about the Covid injections did you? The $1.9 billion injection lobby would like to "assist" you in coming to your own conclusions about injections. The CDC is a subcontracted out corporation. 

Source: Great Game India

April 28, 2021

A so-called independent fact-checker website is exposed to be funded by the same $1.9 billion vaccine lobby group that it is supposed to check. The site is a Facebook partner whose articles are used to censor critical voices on the social media platform. It is headed by the former CDC director, which is again a conflict of interest.

The Global Covid Fake Pandemic Collapses

Source: Anti-Empire

THE PLAGUE OF DEATH: In the Entire US Military (1.4 Million Men) There Have Been 24 COVID Deaths

An unconsolable 24 deaths out of 185 thousand positive PCR tests

Navy Matters | April 28, 2021
424 died of traffic accidents in 2010 

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Do Not Be Under the Illusion This Will Never Happen in America - Once Handcuffed It Is All Over

Editor's note: Why did the US Post Office go into the ammunition business and why are they running a covert operation program to monitor social media posts? These are Stasi East Germany counter measures. This data is being run through Fusion Centers. Fusion Centers come under the Department of Homeland Security (DoHS). 

The Postal Service is running a 'covert operations program' that monitors Americans' social media posts

Source: Metallicman

What the Progressive Socialist Liberals have in store for Conservatives (part 1)
This is a multi-part posting. The amount of content is enormous and the scope is too broad for a couple of paragraphs. Please follow the arrows to move between the different sections. Also note that this article covers a very politically-incorrect subject matter, and supporting photos and writings are very graphic. This is not for children or people of tender sensibilities. 

Generals Calling for Overthrow of Macron

Editor's note: Civil war could erupt globally but certainly not in America, especially with military leaders like the vice admiral "who doesn't give a shit." What has us surprised is how many Americans rely on their military to protect them when it is the US military standing behind many US corporations. The US war on terror has been swapped out for pandemic preparedness and the US military is fully on board. This is especially true with this technology being rolled out including 5G and 6G that is a "domestic military operation."

Woody Allen Epitomizes Jewish Narcissism Behind Covid Hoax

April 26, 2021

(Predator and prey: Woody Allen and Dylan Farrow)

Allen is typical of the Jewish psychopaths -- Bill Gates, George Soros, Klaus Schwab -- threatening mankind with genocide. He was incapable of basic human empathy. "He made egotism an art form," said Mia Farrow. He was the center of the universe and insisted on controlling everything.

by Henry Makow PhD

At one point during their 1993 child custody battle
, Woody Allen told Mia Farrow: "What's true doesn't matter. What people believe is all that counts."

This statement captures the essence of Jewish Cabalism (Satanism) and explains the mentality behind the covid hoax.

By controlling the narrative, no matter how absurd, they think they can reshape reality to fit their interests, amour-propre and perversions.

India Feels the Full Effects of a Bioweapon - We Are Supposed to Believe People in India Are Dying of Covid - India Under a Covid Injection Blitz - Democratic Hit List - Pyres Burn in India - Burning Bodies as They Arrive - 14.5 Crore Covid Injected - Dog Days of Covid

Editor's note: India has a population of 1.36 billion people with according to "official accounts" 145 million (14.5 crore) people in India who have been injected with the Covid "medical procedure." Because of a "resurgence" of the Covid strain in India it is being reported many people are dying. The British as compassionate and caring as they are, have sent emergency equipment including oxygen respirators to India. Aren't they kind?  Enough emergency equipment to equip several hospital emergency rooms with a population of 1.36 billion. It is likely the "surge swallowing people in India" is being caused by the Covid injections. This is similar to what happened in Gibraltar when Covid injections where introduced there. 

Reports have surfaced in recent days that people who have chosen not to receive the experimental Covid-19 injections but have been exposed to those who have received them, are suffering from what appear to be infections coming from these fully "vaccinated" (injections) people. It looks as though it is affecting mainly women who have reported menstruation difficulties, heavy bleeding, miscarriages, and reduction of breast milk. Is this what is going on in India? "Double mutant" (there is even a "triple mutant") Covid virus to cover for Covid injection triage with a spike protein.

Monday, April 26, 2021

Maria Zhakarova: "Collective west is living in fantasyland" as the west faces a crisis of hypocrisy

Editor's note: Russia's Maria Zhakarova is correct in her assessment the west is "living in a fantasyland" as we also read the real disaster that is the US establishment as they "face a crisis of hypocrisy."


Time to Put Public Employees Under Control

Editor's note: Observe how the Bolshevik Nomenklatura running through the state bureaucracies in states like Illinois and California have built lucrative fiefdoms for themselves on the backs of producers in these states. Think about that for a minute. Retire at 65 and let's say a retiree lives until he or she reaches 85-years-old and then expires. That is $100,000 a year for 20 years of pension payments, or $2 million in total pension off the state for a public employee. The only way to put public employees under control is to build State Assemblies to restore law and rationality in communities.

Why Illinois Is In Trouble – 122,258 Public Employees Earned $100,000+ Costing Taxpayers $15.8 Billion Despite Pandemic

Nearly 80,000 California retirees are receiving $100,000 or more in pension pay, new data show

Sunday, April 25, 2021 | By Anna Von Reitz

Breaking Big Pharma

You may think that breaking the back of Big Pharma is impossible, and that we will never get sanity back into the health sector of our economy --- but it's not really that difficult. In fact, most of our problems in this area, as in other areas, derive from not doing our job and self-governing. 

These Key Similarities Between Lenin's Red Terror and America's Woke Culture Reveal Left's Blueprint For Complete Takeover

Source: revolver

April 24, 2021
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Thursday marked the 151st birthday of the most successful revolutionary of all time, Vladimir Lenin. With only a tiny cabal of diehard followers, Lenin seized control of the world’s largest country and inaugurated a reign of darkness and terror that lasted seventy years.

There are many lessons to draw from the blood-soaked life of Lenin. But one of the most important is this takeaway for the terrifying "woke" moment America is living through right now. Things are not going to naturally get better. Things will not organically "calm down." Until there is a fundamental reset of America's treasonous leadership class, today's unthinkable witch hunt is merely a prelude of an even darker globalist terror to come. 

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Taiwan Is Playing a Dangerous Political Game - TSMC in Taiwan Uses ASML Machines - The WEF-Directed 4IR Depends on the "Tool Shed" TSMC - US Tech War With China Benefits Taiwan and Israel - 3,000 Taiwan Engineers to China - ASML With Record Profits

Editor's note: Can't say we did not notice this either concerning American manufacturing. Taiwan's TSMC is the "tool shed" for the coming WEF-forced "Fourth Industrial Revolution" and without the microprocessors there will be no "revolution." It is starting to look like Taiwan is playing China off against America and it is all based on TSMC chip manufacturing capability. Needless to say, China wants TSMC's technology and manufacturing capability sitting 100 miles off China's coast. Now do people understand why the US Navy as well as Japan's JSDF are positioning military assets all over the South China Sea. 

Source: Asia Times

TSMC founder doubts US competence in chip-making

Taiwanese semiconductor giant's founder warns of rocky road for the company's new $12 billion manufacturing plant in Arizona

By FRANK CHEN | APRIL 24, 2021
TSMC founder Morris Chang is interviewed during the Cross-Strait Entrepreneurs Summit in Taipei in a file photo. Photo: Stringer / Imaginechina via AFP)

Eyebrows raised as 'PREGNANT PEOPLE' green-lighted by US government to get Covid vaccine shots

Source: RT News

April 24, 2021
FILE PHOTO. © Global Look Press / Ute Grabowsky 

American health officials have encouraged "pregnant people" to get vaccinated against coronavirus, saying shots are safe for them. However, it's not just the scientific credibility of the guidance that has been questioned. 

Saturday, April 24, 2021

BlackRock, Vanguard & Co – How the New Capitalist Players Are Acting Against Labour, Environment and International Law and How They Use the Corona-Pandemic

Source: Strategic Culture Foundation

By Werner RÜGEMER | April 23, 2021

The unregulated shadow banks are now the owners of even the regulated big banks, but also of, for example, all the big digital corporations. At the same time, BlackRock & Co have managed to remain virtually unknown to the general public.

BlackRock Corporation is currently a co-owner or a shareholder, in 18,000 banks, companies, and financial service providers, primarily in the U.S. and Canada, in the European Union, and in Western-oriented nations. Such a numerous simultaneous presence of a single owner has never been seen before in the history of capitalism.

Yet BlackRock is only the tip of the current, newly formed capitalist iceberg. The next largest capital organizers of this new kind are Vanguard, State Street, Capital Group, Amundi, Wellington, Fidelity, T Rowe Price, Pimco, Norges. BlackRock is exemplary for these currently determining players of US-led Western capitalism. Smaller new capital players with related, also hardly regulated business models such as private equity investors ("locusts"), hedge funds, investment banks and venture capitalists are also part of the current phase of the newly formed capitalism at the latest since the banking crisis of 2007 – they here are only briefly referred to. (1) 

Friday, April 23, 2021

Reject Covid Passports - The Anvil Is About Half Way Down

Editor's note: Reject Covid passports. They cannot be enforced if you know your rights and hold your ground. The right to travel is a human right and not a privilege. If you don't understand this then go ahead and take the passport. We all better get a grip on what is going on here before these biometric identity Covid-19 certificates come online locking you into the data digital matrix - permanently - turning you into a data commodity. Covid passports benefit no one except the technocratic oligarchs and the central bankers. These Covid passports mean the end of liberty in the western world. The Covid passports are the first block on the way to digital chattel slavery and we do not consent to any of this. Our futures are being stolen by automation, artificial intelligence, ubiquitous surveillance, and synthetic biology.  


Source: bmjopinion

Covid-19 vaccine passports will harm sustainable development

March 30, 2021

Vaccine passports create a structural barrier to sustainable development, benefiting only the few at the expense of so many, say these authors

FTC Takes Censorship To A Whole New Level: Charges Man For Questioning Vaccines And Promoting Zinc And Vitamin D

Source: Humans Are Free

April 23, 2021 | by Lance D Johnson

As the covid-19 scandal continues, authorities are increasingly using censorship and intimidation tactics to control the narrative and shut down the truth.
Credit: KSDK

Look Who Is Paying Think Tanks (Wonks are Wankers) for Potential War With China

Editor's note: We republished these two stories to give readers more background compared to each article standing on their own about what is going on between China and Taiwan. A huge component of what is involved here and is not being generally discussed, is Taiwan's TSMC manufacturing firm. TSMC is the most valuable microprocessor manufacturing firm in the world and China would like nothing more than to fully access TSMC's technology. TSMC is looked at as the "tool shed" for the coming Fourth Industrial Revolution that is how important TSMC is to the chip industry. This is especially critical now considering there is a world wide chip shortage. Despite all the war rhetoric though, why would these thank tanks risk a war when the world is critically dependent on microprocessors for high tech and for the prosecution of war and industrial survival?


Source: Mint Press News

Tanks and Think Tanks: How Taiwanese Cash is Funding the Push to War with China

Twenty years ago, a group of neoconservative think tanks used their power to push for disastrous wars in the Middle East. Now, a new set of think tanks staffed with many of the same experts and funded by Taiwanese money is working hard to convince Americans that there is a new existential threat: China.

by Alan Macleod | April 22, 2021 

Dazed and Confused

Editor's note: A little music to go along with your Covid injection. Who likes flux and chaos?

German Microbiologist: "They are Killing People with these COVID Vaccines" to Reduce the World's Population

Shedding Woo Too! Contagious Vaccinosis!

Thursday, April 22, 2021

A F*cking Doctor Shuts Down an Entire Country and Economy (There is no 'virus'. There are only bankers.)

Editor's note: Saint Fauci of Gain of Function isn't really a doctor. He's a banker coming out of the Swiss aristocratic viper monarchy of the Abys banking family. 

Source: Armstrong Economics

We Are in Real Trouble

Corporate Socialist Fascism Backed by the US Military Takes Power With Mussolini Joe - Boycott "Woke" Corporations

Editor's note: This is vile and disgusting. This means that Russia (don't ever expect peace) has been made the excuse to go after Americans who are dissenters or opposed to the corporate military fascist state that now exists in what was once "America." It is bad enough in the US the media is a weaponized tool to smooth over the fascist control operating in the shadows of these institutions including the Pentagon. Gee, maybe we can "vote" them out of office? Now it is anyone's guess how vicious the state will now become compared to the polar opposite of what Russia is transitioning to. 


Source: American Thinker

Executive Order Canceling the Constitution

By Leo Goldstein | April 20, 2021

On April 15, President Biden signed an Executive Order on Blocking Property with Respect to Specified Harmful Foreign Activities of the Government of the Russian Federation. Contrary to its title, this EO is not about Russia. It is designed to allow the Biden administration to deprive American citizens and organizations of their rights and property by arbitrarily linking those persons to real, imagined, or vaguely defined activities of the Russian government

Nothing Surprising Here From the UK

Editor's note: This isn't surprising in the least. Anyone who has been researching this fake global Covid pandemic with any integrity knew from the very first initial reports, it was commercial warfare and that elite insiders would get first dibs on profit potential off the supply chains because they knew the fake "deadly" pandemic was coming. Records weren't kept because they didn't want anyone poking around looking at dirty payouts. Tory connected insiders doling out lucrative deals to each other on PPE contracts worth £4billion while British elite are groveling in shitte over the death of Prince Philip.  

Source: The Sun

'DIRTY DEALS' Nearly £4billion worth of Covid PPE contracts appear to be corrupt, bombshell report reveals

Kate Ferguson, Deputy Political Editor | 22 Apr 2021

NEARLY £4 billion worth of Covid PPE contracts appear to be corrupt, a bombshell report reveals.

A staggering one in five of all contracts doled out in the pandemic "raise one or more red flags" for being dodgy, a major new study found.
NHS workers in Cambridge wear various forms of PPE (stock image) Credit: AFP 

"Its nothing to do with politics..." "It's all about power and profits." "People have got to get the politics out of their mind with this."

Editor's note: AOC a military intelligence vetted asset? Looks like AOC auditioned for the job and got it. It is likely she doesn't even realize it. Here is the evidence.

Source: Washington Examiner

AOC says 'trampling' of 'indigenous rights' and 'racial justice' is a cause of climate change

by Jake Dima | Breaking News Reporter | April 20, 2021 
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez faulted the rejection of "indigenous rights" and "racial justice" on Tuesday as causes of climate change.

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Germany Just Can't Seem to Get Out of That "Nazi" Mode

Editor's note: What did Schwab say over at the WEF initiating the "Great Reset" for his wealthy oligarch stakeholder friends? Something about "preparing for an angrier world?" This has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with a virus no worse than the flu. 

We Decided There Will be No Covid Passports (Data Grab) - Covid Is the Catalyst to Transition From Carbon to Digital - Israel "Shows the World How Injections Are Done" - Global Digital Imperative: Covid Injections - Saint Fauci of Gain of Function and Sister Chelsea Go to the Vatican - World Bank's i-Bonds and Blockchain - Have You Had Your Holy Sh*t Moment Yet?

Editor's note: The City of London and its "forward fire base" in Israel are main drivers of the global rollout of Covid injections and the related Covid passports the techno elites are aggressively structuring. The Covid injections and the Covid passports are both part of this massive data grab with data being the new commodity under this global fake Covid pandemic. If we want to win we better learn the rules of the game here: We are being transitioned from carbon to silicon based and the stakes are enormous for the future of life on earth. Put your eyes clearly on Israel. This country is leading the world in the digitalization of humanity. There is now talk in Israel of Covid injecting children under 16 and that adults will be required to have not just two Covid injections, but now three Covid injections. These systems have to be rolled out rapidly because the fear now is if the global Lilliputians become alerted as to what is really going on there will be major backlash.

Source: Jewish News

Michael Gove arrives in Israel for 'vaccine passport talks'

UK Cabinet Office minister, who travelled with Deputy Chief Medical Officer Jonathan Van-Tam, was rumoured in recent days to be planning a visit

By MICHAEL DAVENTRY | April 19, 2021
Michael Gove, pictured in 2019 (Photo: Blake Ezra Photography Ltd) 

CIA Partners with Google, Amazon and IBM in Latest Big Tech Procurement Drive

Source: Covert Geopolitics
NOVEMBER 25, 2020

The vaunted "17 intelligence agencies" that comprise the U.S. intel community will be sharing a network of private-sector cloud computing service providers which includes Microsoft, Google, Oracle, IBM, and Amazon Web Services (AWS) as part of a 15-year contract said to be worth tens of billions of dollars. 

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Man found in Hudson River identified as cryptocurrency mathematician

Editor's note: Here we go. The control over cryptocurrencies, artificial intelligence and central bankers involved in whether or not civilization will be "freed" or locked into a digital tyranny. It is likely we will start seeing the death of technicians and programmers working on blockchain as well. Because as this tech war heats up this technology is either going to enslave us or "free us." There will be no middle of the road on this. Centralized or decentralized control. The choice is ours. What will you do to help neutralize the techno fascists? This death is extremely suspect considering the sensitivity of what Shuvro Biswas was working on and who may be interested in controlling this technology. Technology is power. 

Source: New York Post

By Reuven Fenton, Tina Moore and Aaron Feis | April 14, 2021

Remove the Bolshevik Nomenklatura Waters

Editor's note: The Bolshevik Waters needs to be impeached and immediately removed for inciting violence and domestic terrorism. The US is moving rapidly to an all out race war and at this point almost seems impossible to prevent. We need to be defusing it at every juncture. The media that is run by the CIA (the ruling elite) in America have been relentless in their drive to exploit racial differences setting the dynamics up for a race war. The Bolshevik Waters (politburo chief) is just one tool in the ruling elites's tool shed used to drive division and potential violence (see Blood Libel Against White Americans). The stage is being set by the ruling elite.

News update for 21 April 2021: Maxine Waters Slapped With Major Karma

Source: New York Post

Impeach and remove Maxine Waters

By Post Editorial Board | April 18, 2021

Nuremberg Trials for the Covid Scam - "Did You Get the Vaccine?" "F*ck No!" - Saint Fauci Goes to the Vatican

Editor's note: The best way to fight this is to go after those responsible for injecting people with AstraZeneca's concoction with massive lawsuits for injuries and damage as we have previously posted. In an interesting video clip that was made available, a nurse can be seen giving a Covid injection to actor Anthony Hopkins, but then appears to empty the syringe after removing the needle from Anthony Hopkins' arm. If this is in fact what is going on it proves these people giving the injections, well some of them anyway, know they are destroying people. 

Source: Vaccine [Injection] News

Poll reveals confidence in AstraZeneca's coronavirus vaccine plummets amid reports of jab increasing clotting risk

January 20, 2021 / By Zoey Sky
Big Pharma claims that approved coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines are safe for public use. Unfortunately, they are often linked to negative side effects that make daily life difficult for people who have been vaccinated.

Monday, April 19, 2021

Blacks Bless the Benighted West

Source: The Unz Review

The Sacred Central Principle of Modern Western Politics and Culture

Whitey in the Woodpile: The eleven members of the Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities

Sunday, April 18, 2021

The Monumental Stupidity of Challenging Russian Military Power on Russia's Doorstep

Editor's note: With British intelligence working closely with Kiev and the "backing by the US military" in Ukraine, the Ukrainians (especially the Ukronazis) are going to find themselves attacking Russia while not involving the US in a shooting war with Russia. It is likely the British are behind getting Russian diplomats expelled from Czechia. The skull insignia patch on this US Air Force colonel's arm only encourages the Ukrainian army on. "Defense of democracy." Certainly, that includes a skull patch and constantly provoking Russia. The US is more concerned about Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity than they are with the US's own borders. 


Source: Reporter

Colonel of the US Armed Forces with a skull on her sleeve arrived in Donbass
April 9, 2021 

Ireland Goes Full Covid-19 Retard

Editor's note: It is the same with all countries under British control including New Zealand, Australia, Canada and Ireland. All these countries are going full out Covid-19 retard.

Mass Shootings Are Asymmetric Warfare on the American People

Editor's note: These mass shootings aren't going to stop. In fact, there is one being planned right now. These mass shootings are scientifically designed to psychologically traumatize and mentally break down resistance to removing guns from American society.

Saturday, April 17, 2021

Start Making Babies Or You'll Be Cleaning Chinese Boots

Editor's note: Seems as though the Russians have a solid grasp of historical consequences. 

Monopoly: An Overview of the Great Reset - Follow the Money

Editor's note: BlackRock also owns roughly $6 billion in Pfizer stock. The latest disclosed ownership shows BlackRock owns 396,973,512 Pfizer shares, or 7.10% ownership of Pfizer. The private equity firms Dodge & Cox, SSgA Funds Management, BlackRock, Mawer Investment or The Vanguard Group, have huge positions with pharmaceutical companies rolling out the Covid-19 injections. When the following discussion is viewed at Forbidden Knowledge, keep in mind what you are viewing are the corporations represented at the WEF and Davos. These are the ruling oligarchs. Covid has been extremely lucrative for them. 

Source: Forbidden Knowledge 

If you've been wondering how the world economy has been hijacked and humanity has been kidnapped by a completely bogus narrative, look no further than this video by Dutch creator, Covid Lie. 

Covid Lie

What she uncovers is that the stock of the world's largest corporations are owned by the same institutional investors. They all own each other. This means that "competing" brands, like Coke and Pepsi aren't really competitors, at all, since their stock is owned by exactly the same investment companies, investment funds, insurance companies, banks and in some cases, governments. This is the case, across all industries. As she says: 

Kissinger warns Washington to accept new global system or face a pre-WWI geopolitical situation

Editor's note: British intelligence asset and double agent Henry Kissinger is up to some new tricks here. The US empire/power game is winding down, so why is Kissinger making himself out to be the only guy in town with the answer? Kissinger was fired from the Defense Policy Review Board back in November, 2020 while Trump was still in office. Kissinger thinks the US cannot handle Covid-19 on its own, so the only solution according to Kissinger is globalist control. May as well toss in Saint Fauci too because their goal is total world control all under cover of Covid-19. What other conclusion is there when Kissinger is working closely with Gates' outfit? As the "world's oldest living war criminal," Kissinger received the biggest endorsement from Biden.

Source: BRICS
April 5, 2021 | Paul Antonopoulos, independent geopolitical analyst

Wernher von Braun Warned to Beware Fake Alien Threat from Space

Tucker Carlson reacts to video of UFO confirmed by Pentagon: 

Biden's Handlers

Friday, April 16, 2021

Thomas Paine & Thomas Jefferson Time, Y'all.

Editor's note: The age is rapidly changing, so enjoy the turbulence, everyone. We should deal with it squarely, lucidly, and from a space of love not fear, spiritually not materialistically.

Blood Libel Against White Americans

Editor's note: here is the evidence. And the violence against whites is only going to get far worse - unless you fight back. Black Lives Matter (BLM) is a Bolshevik revolution hiding behind this Marxist woke culture.

33 Whites Die (And ONE White-On-Black Murder!): MARCH 2021—Another Month In the Death of White America

Exclusive report identifying Ashli Babbitt's killer as US Capitol Special Agent David Bailey — the same man who let US Rep. Steve Scalise get shot nearly to death in 2017. Media has uncovered evidence confirming our previous reporting through self-incriminating Facebook posts, and revealing Agent Bailey as a Brazilian immigrant who has pledged his allegiance to the deadly Black Lives Matter movement — even going so far as vowing to murder Trump supporters. A Brazilian immigrant who is black has a job as a US Capital Special Agent murders a white American woman. Some capable vetting for federal employment there in Washington no doubt. Don't forget, Bailey is still on the payroll. 

Ashli Babbitt lawyer releases blistering statement (be sure to read the comments) 

Some Thoughts On The Great Reset, Gold, and Bitcoin

Source: Real Currencies

by Anthony Migchels | April 15, 2021

The reset of the financial system seems imminent. Debt can't grow any longer, debt service is unaffordable. Something MUST be done, and soon. It will likely be preceded by some sort of crash, or even 'cyber attack'.

(for readability it's worth noting that this article started as a letter to

BTC is and remains a totally bogus item. I hate to say it, but I agree with the likes of [Christine] Lagarde and others who say BTC is just a 'speculative asset', and not a means of exchange.

Market Cap is a Trillion now. If there is 10 billion worth of real, commercial trade in BTC, it'll be a lot. This means that 1 BTC circulates……….every hundred years. That's insane, that has nothing to do with 'money'.

Thursday, April 15, 2021

AstraZeneca Is It?

Russian Professor Valery Golubkin Gets Arrested

Editor's note: Russia's hypersonic PRS-1M missile is alleged to be unstoppable. Not any longer it isn't. NATO now has at least a few inside secrets. What else does Russia have that we don't see public demonstrations of? More: Russian Professor Valery Golubkin Arrested For Leaking Top Secret Hypersonic Plane Files To NATO

Saint Fauci of Gain of Function

Editor's note: More: "Here’s How it Works, Dr. Fauci, I Get to Ask You the Questions!" – Rep. Jim Jordan Puts Arrogant Fauci in His Place (VIDEO)

Violence Is Reemerging

Editor's note: This is going to spread rapidly across the European continent then into the US. As this monetary and economic system collapses violence is reemerging and is going to escalate.

Belfast violence of a scale not seen in recent years - PSNI


Editor's note: The soulless ghouls are in charge. Another example of the parasitical class hiding behind "moral justifications" and "greater health benefits." Don't be fooled by "philanthropy" either. It is predatory philanthropy. 

by Miles Mathis

First published April 9, 2021

This isn't actually about vampires. Not strictly. Not technically. But it got you in. It is about the recent Newsweek article on blood transfusions from young to old, to battle aging. I was alerted to it at Infowars, where Alex Jones is now bragging he was proved right again. Several years ago he claimed the rich were doing this, but was shot down by the mainstream as a conspiracy theorist. Newsweek doesn't admit this has been going on for a long time. In fact, they try to sell it as a new thing. Despite that, smart money would be on the fact that this has been going on for a very long time, from long before Jones came on the scene. That same smart money would also be on the probability that Jones is wrong: this has nothing to do with child trafficking, child murder, ritual murder, or Satanism. 

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Easy Sleazy

ONE Tsar Bomba and the Netherlands

Editor's note: Yes, the following material is all related in one way or another, if looked at deeply enough. Thought we would add an amusing perspective at the beginning of this post rather than at the end by tossing in a clip of Russia's Tsar Bomba. Provided of course nuclear weapons actually exist. Perhaps a salvo of these devastating thermobaric weapons Russia has been developing would work just as well without all the messy nuclear side effects. The seat of tyranny "wants the white race destroyed." This clip looks manufactured but it will have to do...

Vaccine Passports Were Planned Even Before The Pandemic Began

Editor's note: It is likely more than 70 percent of the population will go along with these planned Covid passports as well as accept the Covid injections. If you do not consent what options are there? Most people will simply be warn down through attrition because life will become so inconvenient they will eventually succumb to the Covid injections and Covid passports. This is a future being planned and set up for you and your children and you have absolutely no say so in any of this. The data will be extracted to drive the analytics to monitor behavior and compliance. It is digital slavery in an open air prison. After a careful read of the following what other conclusion is there?

The Most Remarkable Aspect of the Unprecedented Lockdowns: The Widespread Compliance

Source: Great Game India

Most of us have heard about 'Vaccine Passports' only after the pandemic, when different governments started emphasizing the requirement of 'Vaccine Passports' for traveling to other countries or even for going to public places.

However, the planning for executing the concept of 'Vaccine Passports' began 20 months prior to the outbreak of the pandemic. What these roadmap talk about is not just some document that would restrict your entry or movement to certain places. What they envision is an entire COVID eco-system, a future where each and every aspect of your life is monitored and regulated as per the whims and fancy of these Pharma Overlords. 

Will America Survive?

Editor's note: The guy in this Twitter post is a woke BLM fund raiser: Marxist BLM leader buys $1.4 million home in ritzy LA enclave

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Steven Fishman - People Who Administer Covid Vaccines ARE Liable

Editor's note: The bottom line here is that if you take the Covid injection you are compromised. The worst case scenario is the Covid injection is going to kill off swaths of people. See material republished below on what is going on in Israel. If you are personally giving Covid injections beware. You are liable for injuries and potential deaths.

Two open letters from a Doctor concerning COVID vaccines [Video]

April 13, 2021

The health care workers, pharmacy workers, grocery workers, and mass distribution workers [Wal-Mart] [collectively referred to herein as "vaccine inoculators"] are liable if they failed to obtain Proof of Informed Consent by each and every person that has been vaccinated/inoculated.

Presumably this will include politicians who authorized the jabs and media who frightened people into receiving them.

by Steven Fishman

Moderna, Astra-Zeneca, and Pfizer are protected by 42 U.S.C. 300aa-22 are VACCINE MANUFACTURERS.

Woke US Military Going Up Against an Unwoke Russian Military

Source: The American Conservative

Facing The Facts Of War With Russia

The Biden administration appears willing to get us into a fight we're not ready for.
Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin (L) and US Vice President Joe Biden (2nd R) meet on March 10, 2011 with their delegations in Moscow. (ALEXEY DRUZHININ/AFP via Getty Images) 


CNN (Communist News Network) Is Not News

Editor's note: This is good. Man tells CNN to shove it.

Monday, April 12, 2021

Thomas Merton: Enemy of the Warfare State

Editor's note: The deep state (corporate militarized state) wiping out interlopers on its way to power. Don't get confused. Being critical of the US is one thing but being anti-American is quite different. Always understand that we are all enemy combatants and that the corporate military have taken over absolute control. There seems to be some questionable activities of Merton's background that need discovery. We are looking forward to digging them out like for example accusations against him of "alcohol abuse and womanizing" and his relationship with a 19 year old girl named Margie. 

Source: Memory Hole Blog

February 3, 2021 | By MHB Report

America Is an Oligarchy

Editor's note: Inclusive capitalism which is what these oligarchs have created is engineered inequality and now it has transitioned to civilization-destroying (savage nation) financial events.

Source: The Economic Collapse

The Number Of Billionaires In America Has Absolutely Exploded During The Pandemic

April 8, 2021 | by Michael Snyder

For the wealthy and the ultra-wealthy, happy days are here again. Even though we have just been through one of the most difficult 12 months in our history, the number of billionaires has increased dramatically during this pandemic. That seems rather odd, but there is no denying that the rich have gotten even richer during this crisis. In fact, Forbes revealed this week that the number of billionaires has risen by about 30 percent over the past year… 

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Johns Hopkins University confirms: You can be vaccinated with a PCR test, even without knowing

Editor's note: The synthetic man. This is no longer science fiction. The techno elitists want a new human. Here is what you need to know about this medical tyranny that is being built. This medical tyranny includes a mutation of the species (male-female US presidency and vice presidency); government as cover, smart tech; carbon is the enemy; biotechnology, smart dust; global mass depopulation; nanotechnology-loaded Covid injections; experimental injections; DNA therapy. What did Klaus Schwab at the WEF say? He said "we must prepare for an angrier world." Angrier world? Those of us archiving this are enraged.

Source: Tap News

11 April 2021 | by Weaver

In January 2019, the WHO defined the growing number of vaccination critics as one of the top ten threats to global health, and since the unprecedented Corona vaccination fiasco, the number of vaccination refusers has truly multiplied.

Meanwhile, resistance is forming even within the orthodox medical establishment. But the masterminds of the WHO continue to insist on an unrealistic vaccination coverage rate of at least 70 percent.

"Biggest source of chaos in the world today" - President Xi Jinping

Editor's note: Article: Chinese official's speech exposes Xi Jinping's opinion of U.S. If it isn't already obvious, the American people need to organize to boycott all major media sources in the US. Either boycott them or destroy their credibility at every opportunity.

Saturday, April 10, 2021

There is No "Covid". There Are Only Bankers (Death Cult)

Source: The Epoch Times

US Grant to Wuhan Lab to Enhance Bat-Based Coronaviruses Was Never Scrutinized by HHS Review Board: NIH
The P4 laboratory building at the Wuhan Institute of Virology is shown in Wuhan, China, on May 13, 2020. (Hector Retamal/AFP via Getty Images) BY THE DAILY CALLER NEWS FOUNDATION April 6, 2021 

An oversight board created to scrutinize research that would enhance highly dangerous pathogens did not review a National Institutes of Health grant that funded a lab in Wuhan, China, to genetically modify bat-based coronaviruses. 

Friday, April 9, 2021

Obituary: Phil Is Dead - Celebrate

Editor's note: Obituary: Prince Philip has died aged 99, Buckingham Palace announces The prince said he wanted to "be remembered as an "individual" but the peasant/slave class get "human rights."

Check these deaths out too. Take note, Chuck. Time for a "Great Reset" - for the WEF - we figure:

Czech Billionaire Is Among 5 Killed in Heli-Skiing Crash Near Alaska Glacier

Sir Richard Sutton death: Suspect released from hospital

Number of COVID Vaccine Injuries Reported to VAERS Surpasses 50,000, CDC Data Show

Editor's note: The following republished article by The Defender was hyper linked in the article The Vaccine speaks: "I tried to surrender to the authorities."

Source: The Defender

VAERS data released today showed 50,861 reports of adverse events following COVID vaccines, including 2,249 deaths and 7,726 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020 and March 26, 2021.

By Megan Redshaw | April 2, 2021
Data released today by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on the number of injuries and deaths reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) following COVID vaccines revealed steadily rising numbers, but no new trends. VAERS is the primary mechanism for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S. Reports submitted to VAERS require further investigation before a causal relationship can be confirmed. 

Irreconcilable Differences = Revolution

Editor's note: Bear this in mind: The entire American Revolution was born over illegal searches by the king.

These federal subcontracted out corporations like the ATF always demeaning the American people at every opportunity:

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Hemmed in to Take the Covid Jab - Crossing the Threshold - Stakeholders Don't Want You Around - No Benign Explanation - Please Come for Your "Top Up" Injection - Covid Continues "Mutating" (How Convenient) - From the Pharmaceutical Lab Computer Straight Into Your Arm

Editor's note: Moderna ramping up production on their Covid injections. Moderna: "Making digital a reality." There is no benign explanation for any of this. Do you read this blog? If you do forward with intensity...

Source: Moderna

Moderna Provides Storage Update & Announces the U.S. FDA Authorizes Up To 15-Doses Per Vial of its COVID-19 Vaccine

April 1, 2021 at 9:45 PM EDT

U.S. EUA label allows for vaccine vials to remain at room temperature conditions for a longer period (total of 24 hours from previous 12 hours) 

Label update also allows for two vial presentations (maximum of 15 doses and maximum of 11 doses) 

CAMBRIDGE, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Apr. 1, 2021-- Moderna, Inc. (Nasdaq: MRNA), a biotechnology company pioneering messenger RNA (mRNA) therapeutics and vaccines, today announced that based on submitted stability data, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has authorized the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine to be kept at room temperature conditions once removed from the refrigerator for administration for 24 hours, an increase from the previous 12 hours. 
Looking into our circumstances...