Thursday, October 22, 2015

#2485: Trudeau's Fabian Privy Council – 8(a) Alberta Carbon Track – Serco's Eutectic Bible Lewes Bomb

A Request by United States Marine Field McConnell 
Images Leading To A Proof by Contradiction Of Assertions Below 
Plum City Online - (
October 22, 2015

1. AD ASSERTS THAT THE LATE PIERRE TRUDEAU EQUIPPED HIS FELLOW FABIANS IN THE CANADIAN PRIVY COUNCIL (PC) with the long-range death-pool assassination networks needed for the synchronized murder of the Fabians' many and distant enemies.

2. AD ASSERTS THAT FABIAN 8(A) HIT TEAMS TRACKED CARBON TRADER AND CLIMATE CHANGE DENIER CARLTON BARTELS THROUGH A TWO-DAY (5-6 SEP.) SIMULATION IN CALGARY, ALBERTA, then five days later to his death in a precisely-scripted arson fire in the Cantor Fitzgerald offices on the 101st floor of WTC#1 on 9/11.

3. AD ASSERTS THAT ON 9/11, FABIAN OUTSOURCER SERCO TRANSMITTED 8(A) DIAL-A-YIELD TIMING SIGNALS TO LEWES-STYLE INCENDIARY BOMBS WHICH FUSED A PIECE OF EUTECTIC STEEL FROM WTC#1 TO A BIBLE displaying words from Matthew 5:39: “But I say to you, 'Do not resist one who is evil.' But if any one strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also."

United States Marine Field McConnell ( is writing an e-book "Shaking Hands With the Devil's Clocks" and invites readers to e-mail him images (examples below) for a proof by contradiction of the three assertions above.

Lewes bomb precursor to eutectic incendiaries which liquidized WTC#1 support columns.

9/11: South Tower - Molten steel #1 (WTC) 

Run by Serco since 1988 after a name change from RCA GB 1929.

Run by Serco since 1994

Run by Serco since 1953

USPTO run by Serco since 1994

Randolph Churchill - White's Club assassin and former member of SAS/Long Range Desert Group who advised Trudeau Privy Councillors on Serco 4-minute warning and mutually assured destruction in Cold War.

The Mayfair Set episode 1- Who Pays Wins

"Bible Retool 
An intriguing tale of a Bible page located in the rubble of the World Trade Center after 9/11 is as compelling as it is sudden. 
Kim LaCapria 
Oct 19, 2015 
FACT CHECK: Did a firefighter at find a Bible page fused to a steel beam in the World Trade Center rubble after the 9/11 terrorist attacks?

CLAIM: A firefighter found a Bible page fused to a steel beam in the World Trade Center rubble after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. 

ORIGINS: On 25 September 2015, the New York Times published a short article titled "At 9/11 Memorial, an Enduring Message of Forgiveness" and described a previously little-known artifact of the 9/11 terrorist attacks that Pope Francis was slated to view during his visit to the United States: a Bible page fused to a steel beam from the World Trade Center that was uncovered by a firefighter and documented by a photographer in March 2002:

Words from Jesus Sermon on the Mount, in the Gospel of Matthew, were found permanently exposed at Ground Zero after the Sept. 11 attacks. The pages of the Bible in which they were printed had fused to a chunk of steel as the World Trade Center collapsed, to be found only months later.

The artifact is to be shown to Pope Francis when he visits the National September 11 Memorial Museum. It was given to the museum by the photographer Joel Meyerowitz, whose book Aftermath: World Trade Center Archive is the definitive pictorial chronicle of the months following the attack.

A firefighter found the fragment in March 2002, under the Tully Road, a temporary truck route that covered the last remnants of the south tower. He called out to the photographer, who happened to be nearby.

The firefighter was not identified by the Times, but the photographer who stepped forward with the Bible was identified as Joel Meyerowitz. Meyerowitz appeared in the History Channel web series Remembering 9/11. Footage from that series was the first instance we've been able to find wherein Meyerwitz (or anyone) described the finding of this artifact, which was reported sometime between 2013 and 2014):

By 2013, there wasn't much that hadn't been examined, memorialized, relived, or written into history with respect to the events of 11 September 2001. That event was seared into the American consciousness and continually referenced directly (and indirectly) in films, music, books, on television, in the news, and across the political landscape. The tiniest fragments remaining from that day have long since been swept into time capsules and museums with the oft-repeated promise to never forget, so that such a moving remnant would remain unpublicized in the years of mourning that followed is unusual but not impossible (especially given how quickly and widely other reports of responders finding Bibles and Bible pages in the WTC rubble were spread via the news media).

Meyerowitz was not a late entrant to 9/11 memorialization efforts; indeed, his work as a photographer was linked to recovery efforts at Ground Zero long before Remembering 9/11 aired more than a decade later. However, a Google search restricted to content published prior to the airing of Remembering 9/11(wherein Meyerowitz seemingly disclosed the existence of the fused Bible page for the very first time) yielded no hits for any previous occasions on which he mentioned the item even in passing. A brief and unverified CNN iReport dated 11 September 2011 referenced a Bible page matching the description of the one Meyerowitz later discussed but included no mention of his name and involvement.

Around the same time in 2011, Meyerowitz spoke at the 92nd Street YMCA about his work during 9/11:

Meyerowitz was profiled by the New Yorker in September 2011 to mark the ten-year anniversary of the attacks; that article also did not mention the Bible page discovered and given to him by a nameless firefighter back in 2002:

5. Is there one image or scene that evokes that day for you?

Because I was in the position of making images of the aftermath, I am loaded with image moments of my own, but when I think back to that day there was an image, maybe a video, of a cloud of dust squeezing its way through a side street, like the biggest tsunami of dirt ever made, and that image, for some reason, holds a special power for me.

In short, it's neither impossible nor implausible that Meyerowitz did document a "heart-shaped Bible [page] fused to a steel beam" found in the WTC rubble after 9/11 and given to him by a firefighter. However, we haven't yet found any mention of that story appearing prior to 2013 or 2014, despite the fact that his body of work is strongly associated with the aftermath of 9/11. And as far as we know, the firefighter from whom Meyerowitz received the relic has never been identified, nor has he stepped forward to corroborate the discovery.

We've attempted to contact Meyerowitz in order to obtain more details about the 9/11 Bible page discovery; we will update this page if he responds."

"In 1900 the Society produced Fabianism and the Empire, the first statement of its views on foreign affairs, drafted by Bernard Shaw and incorporating the suggestions of 150 Fabian members. It was directed against the liberal individualism of those such as John Morley and Sir William Harcourt.[17] It claimed that the classical liberal political economy was outdated, and that imperialism was the new stage of the international polity. The question was whether Britain would be the centre of a world empire or whether it would lose its colonies and end up as just two islands in the North Atlantic. It expressed support for Britain in the Boer War because small nations, such as theBoers, were anachronisms in the age of empires.[17] In order to hold onto the Empire, the British needed to fully exploit the trade opportunities secured by war; maintain the British armed forces in a high state of readiness to defend the Empire; the creation of a citizen army to replace the professional army; the Factory Acts would be amended to extend to 21 the age for half-time employment, so that the thirty hours gained would be used in "a combination of physical exercises, technical education, education in civil citizenship...and field training in the use of modern weapons".[18] ….

In the Middle East, the theories of Fabian Society intellectual movement of early-20th-century Britain inspired the Ba'athist vision. The Middle East adaptation of Fabian socialism led the state to control big industry, transport, banks, internal and external trade. The state would direct the course of economic development, with the ultimate aim to provide a guaranteed minimum standard of living for all.[25] Michel Aflaq, widely considered as the founder of the Ba'athist movement, was a Fabian socialist. Aflaq's ideas, with those of Salah al-Din al-Bitar and Zaki al-Arsuzi, came to fruition in the Arab world in the form of dictatorial regimes in Iraq and Syria.[26] Salāmah Mūsā of Egypt, another prominent champion of Arab Socialism, was a keen adherent of Fabian Society, and a member since 1909.[27]"

"[Copyright] 2001 Climate Change Central; LLC; Dr. Robert Oxoby, University of Calgary A Tribute to Our Friends and Colleagues at Three of our friends and colleagues from our headquarters inside Cantor Fitzgerald on the 101st floor of One World Trade Center, New York, are lost following the disaster that struck on Tuesday 11 September 2001. Carlton Bartels, Adam White and John Willett were instrumental in planning and executing this Trading simulation. is a small, tightly knit team who all count each other as friends. This appalling event has left a huge hole our hearts. We have received hundreds of enquiries, offers of support and tributes from friends and colleagues of John, Adam and Carlton, which stand as a true testament to them. We thank you for your kind support. Please continue to visit as they move forward with their business in honour of those who worked so hard to help create it ..


The Alberta GHG Trading Simulation was delivered in Calgary on September 5-6, 2001. Approximately 100 key representatives from industry, government and research institutions participated in the two-day trading simulation. The simulation tested regulatory scenarios chosen by Climate Change Central and Alberta Environment. The goal was to simulate realistic regulatory scenarios so as to provide insight for public and private sector participants into feasible carbon-constrained futures. Two different domestic scenarios were modelled – a cap-and-trade system on Day 1 and a rate-based system on Day 2. Data used in the simulation mirrors the GHG positions of potential buyers and sellers in the western Canadian marketplace.’s simulation platform allowed for the creation of a realistic market simulation experience. Generally speaking, the simulation was highly successful in meeting its objectives in that: • by providing participants with some experience and appreciation for how potential GHG markets might work, and • by providing policy makers an opportunity to garner insight into the potential nuances that might be important in the implementation of legislative frameworks required for GHG markets to develop."

"Trudeau & His Economic Illiteracy

Trudeau's economic policy was a disaster. Small wonder, since he adored the Fabian socialist ideas of Harold Laski.

Let us list the economic results under Trudeau:

-The national debt rose 1,100% under Trudeau, from $18 billion when Trudeau took office in 1968, to a debt that stood at $200 billion in 1984. If comparisons to the U.S. and their deficit spending are made, the comparison should also take into the account that the U.S. wasted billions of dollars in VietNam. Canada did not. Trudeau's economic illiteracy combatted this by raising taxes and spending.

-Trudeau oversaw the worst peacetime inflation in Canadian history. $100 of goods in 1968, when Trudeau took office, would cost $324.09 in 1984, when he left office. That represents an annualized inflation rate of 7.63%. Trudeau's economic policy focused on the effect, rather than the cause, of inflation. He legislated wage and price controls. Not only is this a terrible policy from the standpoint of individual rights (since it denies the liberty of contract), but it is terrible economic policy. It destroys the signals that prices send to the economy. For example, the wage rates are high in Alberta ($25/hr to deliver pizzas in Calgary right now) because there is an excess of demand relative to the supply of labor. Then again, if Trudeau couldn't see the oceans of blood spilled by Stalin as his economic mentor Laski couldn't, why would we expect for him to see the effects of supply and demand?

-Unemployment nearly tripled under Trudeau, from just over 4% to peaking at around 12% to falling just above 11% before Trudeau exited. Trudeau's response? He raised unemployment benefits, which decreased the incentive to find work; increased taxes and regulations, which decreased the incentives to create jobs; gave greater power to the unions, which increased the stickiness of wage rate changes. The result was that Canadian unemployment rates significantly diverged from U.S. unemployment rates, based largely on Trudeauvian policies.

-Economic growth struggled in Canada under Trudeau. This is a combination of Trudeau's statist expansion of the government into the economy and his protectionist bent. His protectionist policies not only included the F.I.R.A., which killed investment into the energy industry in Alberta, but also included the adherence to the status quo favoritism given to Eastern manufacturers. A most famous example of Trudeau expanding the state into economy has to be the National Energy Program. The National Energy Program controlled free market prices, which caused the energy industry to be devastated in Alberta. The economic growth in Alberta was destroyed. Albertan homeowners defaulted en masse as they became unemployed and the value of their homes decreased - all thanks to Trudeau and his N.E.P.

Trudeau was an economic illiterate. His policies saw debt and taxes rise, inflation rise, unemployment rise and economic growth falter; these results were the logical consequence of his illogical ideas.

Trudeau the Pampered Elitist

Trudeau was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, and evolved from spoiled child to professional student to world traveler on his father's dime. His spoiled childhood consisted of being driven to school by a chaffeur, and starting a childhood club with the moniker "Les Snobs." Before he became involved in federal politics, his career consistented of remaining separated from reality by working as an associate professor and working for labor unions in Quebec.

As Colby Cosh succintly and poignantly states: "[M]aybe someone can explain to me what Trudeau's "successful career" outside of politics consisted of. As I understand it, he spent a lot of time swanning about the world on his father's chequebook, then eventually started doing legal and administrative work for Quebec labour unions.... in Quebec, labour unions are political institutions."

Let's not pretend that Trudeau was a self-made man that rose from the ashes of poverty. Unlike a Bill Clinton, he was born into wealth, and was raised utilizing his family's wealth. It is unarguable that that was his family's privilege. It is arguable whether this affected Trudeau in many ways, such as being connected to any sort of economic reality, or perhaps being an elitist.

Trudeau's understanding of economics is treated above. Was he an elitist? Undoubtedly. He was part of a childhood group called "Les Snobs." His political style consisted of avoiding the distasteful task of building consensus, but rather imposing his will on the public. He had no problem acting like a modern day Marie Antoinette, giving the finger to protesting masses while sitting in his private luxury rail car. His treatment of Alberta is entirely consistent with Trudeau's elitism - in this case, central Canada being the elite master. So was his execution of the official bilingualism, with French speakers granted a heightened status by fiat in any quest to become a civil servant. Trudeau mocked Lougheed by saying he "revealed his own ignorance" by not understanding how to market energy. Fact is, the Alberta economic flourished under Lougheed (until Trudeau intervened) and the Canadian economy struggled under Trudeau. Trudeau's attitude is nothing more than elitist claptrap. Perhaps the Kool-Aid drinking zombies West of Manitoba wouldn't be so hypnotized if they were talked down to as Albertans were."

"Education and the Second World War[edit]
Trudeau earned his law degree at the Université de Montréal in 1943. During his studies he was conscripted into the Canadian Army as part of the National Resources Mobilization Act. When conscripted, he decided to join the Canadian Officers' Training Corps, and he then served with the other conscripts in Canada, since they were not assigned to overseas military service until after the Conscription Crisis of 1944 after the Invasion of Normandy that June. Before this, all Canadians serving overseas were volunteers, and not conscripts.

Trudeau said he was willing to fight during World War II, but he believed that to do so would be to turn his back on the population of Quebec that he believed had been betrayed by the government of William Lyon Mackenzie King. Trudeau reflected on his opposition to conscription and his doubts about the war in his Memoirs (1993): "So there was a war? Tough ... if you were a French Canadian in Montreal in the early 1940s, you did not automatically believe that this was a just war ... we tended to think of this war as a settling of scores among the superpowers."[10]

In an Outremont by-election in 1942 he campaigned for the anticonscription candidate Jean Drapeau (later the Mayor of Montreal), and he was thenceforth expelled from the Officers' Training Corps for lack of discipline. After the war Trudeau continued his studies, first taking a master's degree in political economy at Harvard University's Graduate School of Public Administration. He then studied in Paris, France in 1947 at the Institut d'Études Politiques de Paris. Finally, he enrolled for a doctorate at the London School of Economics, but did not finish his dissertation.[12]
Trudeau was interested in Marxist ideas in the 1940s and his Harvard dissertation was on the topic of Communism and Christianity.[13] Thanks to the great intellectual migration away from Europe's fascism, Harvard had become a major intellectual centre in which he profoundly 
changed.[14] Despite this, Trudeau found himself an outsider – a French Catholic living for the first time outside of Quebec in the predominantly Protestant American Harvard University.[15] This isolation deepened finally into despair,[16] and led to Trudeau's decision to continue his Harvard studies abroad.[17]

In 1947 Trudeau travelled to Paris to continue his dissertation work. Over a five-week period he attended many lectures and became a follower of personalism after being influenced most notably by Emmanuel Mounier.[18] He also was influenced by Nicolas Berdyaev, particularly his book Slavery and Freedom.[19]Max and Monique Nemni argue that Berdyaev's book influenced Trudeau's rejection of nationalism and separatism.[19] The Harvard dissertation remained unfinished when Trudeau entered a doctoral program to study under the renowned socialist economist Harold Laski in the London School of Economics.[20] This cemented Trudeau's belief that Keynesian economics and social science were essential to the creation of the "good life" in democratic society.[21]

Early career[edit]

From the late 1940s through the mid-1960s, Trudeau was primarily based in Montreal and was seen by many as an intellectual. In 1949 he was an active supporter of workers in the Asbestos Strike. In 1956 he edited an important book on the subject, La grève de l'amiante, which argued that the strike was a seminal event in Quebec's history, marking the beginning of resistance to the conservative, Francophone clerical establishment and Anglophone business class that had long ruled the province.[22] Throughout the 1950s Trudeau was a leading figure in the opposition to the repressive rule of Premier of QuebecMaurice Duplessis as the founder and editor of Cité Libre, a dissident journal that helped provide the intellectual basis for the Quiet Revolution.
From 1949 to 1951 Trudeau worked briefly in Ottawa, in the Privy Council Office of the Liberal Prime Minister Louis St. Laurent as an economic policy advisor. He wrote in his memoirs that he found this period very useful later on, when he entered politics, and that senior civil servant Norman Robertson tried unsuccessfully to persuade him to stay on."

cartoons by Roy Peterson; introduction by Peter Newman
Pierre Elliott Trudeau appeared out of nowhere.... He was the product of a crammed, precisely plotted education... He entered active politics at the age of forty-six....Trudeau travelled the world in solitary quest to taste new cultures and languages. The exact chronology of that time is unclear....His known ports of call included Belgrade, Vienna, Budapest, Istanbul, Warsaw, much of the Middle East, India and Pakistan. He was expelled from Yugoslavia as an Israeli spy and penetrated Palestine aboard a truck of renegade Arabs, just before Partition in 1948. Trudeau returned to Canada in 1949....joined the Privy Council office in Ottawa, under Louis St Laurent...Most French Canadians at that time occupied token positions within the fedreal bureaucracy and French was used mainly be elevator operators and maitre d's....During the 1950s, Trudeau founded the intellectual review Cite Libre, and resumed his globe-trotting. Once again, his Montreal publishing activities and travels would be retroactively condemned by critics....

* The Charge & Facts: editor of Cite Libre he featured works of Professor Raymond Boyer (convicted of Soviet espionage in the Gouzenko case)....; and Pierre Gelinas, the Quebec director of the Communist Party's agitation and propaganda section.... Raymond Boyer did contribute two articles to Cite Libre -- in December 1952 and May 1955, one dealing with a study of the death penalty...and another with a history of torture through the ages; as well, he wrote some literary reviews....The Gelinas article was published in 1952 as part of a review of a recent provincial election campaign in which he described Communist Party involvement.

* The Charge & Facts: ...In 1952 Trudeau [joined] a delegation of Communists to the International Economic Conference in Moscow... He caused a minor riot in Moscow's Red Square when he started to heave snowballs at the then-hallowed statue of Joseph Stalin....

* The Charge & Facts: ...In 1960 Trudeau [joined] a Communist delegation to Peking for a Red victory the company of Jacques Hebert, the Montreal publisher. The story of their journey was published in a benign travel book, Deux Innocens en Chine Rouge [Two Innocents in Red China]...

* The Charge & Facts: ...In 1952 Trudeau was barred entry into the United States as an inadmissable person....Under USA immigration regulation, all individuals who had travelled behind the Iron Curtain later than 1946 were barred entry....

During the mid-1950s, Trudeau's Cite Libre became an important agent in rallying intellectual dissent....He also founded a pseudo-political movement named Le Rassemblement....
end quoting from Drawn-Quartered: Trudeau Years"
"Members of the Queen's Privy Council for Canada use the title The Honourable if they are ordinary members. Prime Ministers, Governors General and Chief Justices automatically are given the title The Right Honourable. While Governors General have the right to the title Right Honourable upon being sworn into office they are not inducted into the Privy Council until the end of their term unless they were previously members of the council by virtue of another office. Other eminent individuals such as prominent former Cabinet ministers are sometimes also given the title Right Honourable. Leaders of opposition parties and provincial premiers are not automatically inducted into the Privy Council. Opposition leaders are brought in from time to time either to commemorate a special event such as the Canadian Centennial in 1967, the patriation of the Constitution or, in order to allow them to be advised on sensitive issues of national security under the Security of Information ActPaul Martininaugurated a practice of inducting parliamentary secretaries into the Privy Council but this has not been continued by his successor, Stephen Harper. [HRH The Duke of Edinburgh (1957)… HRH The Prince of Wales (2014)]

"Defence Serco supports the armed forces of a number of countries around the world, including the United Kingdom, United States and Australia, working across land, sea, air, nuclear and space environments. Our mission is to deliver affordable defence capability and support to the armed forces. We work in partnership with our customers in government and the private sector to address the cost of defence, both financial and social, delivering affordable change and assured operational support services.

In the UK and Europe:

Serco manages the UK Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE) as part of a consortium with Lockheed Martin and Jacobs. AWE is one of the most advanced research, design and production facilities in the world, developing the sophisticated materials, quantum physics and computer modelling vital to the safe and effective maintenance of the UK's nuclear deterrent. AWE experts also play a leading role in nuclear non-proliferation and international nuclear security.

We enable the Royal Navy to move in and out of port at HM Naval Bases Faslane, Portsmouth and Devonport for operational deployment and training exercises. Managing a fleet of over 100 vessels, we operate tugs and pilot boats, provide stores, liquid and munitions transportation and provide passenger transfer services to and from ships for officers and crew.

We provide facilities and information systems support to the MoD's Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl), the UK government's leading defence research establishment, including a £400m programme to rationalise the Dstl estate. We also provide facilities management services to the Defence Estates in support of the UK military presence in Gibraltar.

Serco provides extensive engineering and maintenance support to UK military aviation, including to the Fleet Air Arm and Royal Air Force, working on over 16 military aircraft types, in addition to the logistical support services at RAF bases across the country, including Brize Norton, Lyneham and High Wycombe, the Headquarters of Air Command.

Our space and security specialists provide spacecraft operation and in-theatre support to the Skynet 5 secure military satellite communications network; we maintain the UK's anti-ballistic missile warning system at RAF Fylingdales and support the UK Air Surveillance and Control System (ASACS); Serco also supports the intelligence mission of the MoD and US Department of Defence at RAF Menwith Hill.

Serco enables the training of national security personnel through its services at the Defence Academy of the United Kingdom, the MoD's world class institute responsible for educating the military leaders of tomorrow; we train all of the RAF's helicopter pilots at the advanced training facility at RAF Benson; and we manage the Cabinet Office's Emergency Planning College, the government's training centre for crisis management and emergency planning.

In the UK, we also developed an approach that combines the introduction of windfarm friendly radar technology at RRH Trimingham, Staxton Wold and Brizlee Wood that has enabled >5GW windfarm development projects, which are equally important to the Department of Energy and Climate Change to meet its commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and the Ministry of Defence"
"8(a) Business Development Program[edit]

The 8(a) Business Development Program assists in the development of small businesses owned and operated by individuals who are socially and economically disadvantaged, such as women and minorities. The following ethnic groups are classified as eligible: Black Americans; Hispanic Americans; Native Americans (American Indians, Eskimos, Aleuts, or Native Hawaiians); Asian Pacific Americans (persons with origins from Burma, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Brunei, Japan, China (including Hong Kong), Taiwan, Laos, Cambodia (Kampuchea), Vietnam, Korea, The Philippines, U.S. Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands (Republic of Palau), Republic of the Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, Samoa, Macao, Fiji, Tonga, Kiribati, Tuvalu, or Nauru); Subcontinent Asian Americans (persons with origins from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, the Maldives Islands or Nepal). In 2011, the SBA, along with the FBI and the IRS, uncovered a massive scheme to defraud this program. Civilian employees of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, working in concert with an employee of Alaska Native Corporation Eyak Technology LLC allegedly submitted fraudulent bills to the program, totaling over 20 million dollars, and kept the money for their own use.[26] It also alleged that the group planned to steer a further 780 million dollars towards their favored contractor.[27]"

Yours sincerely,

Field McConnell, United States Naval Academy, 1971; Forensic Economist; 30 year airline and 22 year military pilot; 23,000 hours of safety; Tel: 715 307 8222

David Hawkins Tel: 604 542-0891 Forensic Economist; former leader of oil-well blow-out teams; now sponsors Grand Juries in CSI Crime and Safety Investigation

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