Thursday, October 15, 2015

#2479: Serco's 8(a) Death Pool Dynasties – Clinton First Strike Carbon Footprints –Trudeau VIP planes in Mineta 9/11

A Request by United States Marine Field McConnell 
Images Leading To A Proof by Contradiction Of Assertions Below 
Plum City Online - (
October 15, 2015 

1. AD ASSERTS THAT SERCO AND ITS 8(A) PROTÉGÉES ARE OPERATING DEATH POOL SERVICES FOR THE DYNASTIC FAMILIES which extort concessions from governments to maintain their inter-generational wealth, power and degenerate life styles.


3. AD ASSERTS THAT THE LATE PIERRE TRUDEAU'S VIP AIRCRAFT WERE FITTED WITH E/W CLOCKS TO FIX TIMELINES DURING THE NORMAN MINETA WAR GAME OF 9/11 where Serco 8(a) agents allegedly removed evidence of death-pool murder for hire.

United States Marine Field McConnell ( is writing an e-book "Shaking Hands With the Devil's Clocks" and invites readers to e-mail him images (examples below) for a proof by contradiction of the three assertions above.

David Collenette with Clinton and Chretien after the 9/11 Mineta war game.

The Riot Club spoofs Oxford University alumnus David Cameron – the man who tipped off George Soros that the British government planned to withdraw the pound sterling from the European Exchange Rate Mechanism on 16 September 1992 – as he and his friends were groomed to develop death pools at White's Club to destroy "all governments, everywhere."

Run by Serco since 1988 after a name change from RCA GB 1929.

Run by Serco for White's Club death pools since 1953

USPTO has been run by Serco for White's Club and Clinton death-betting pools since 1994

White's Club Lewes Bombs WWII

Randolph Churchill, a White's Club assassin and former member of the SAS/Long Range Desert Group where certain reconnaissance images were supplied by Elliott Roosevelt!

The Mayfair Set episode 1- Who Pays Wins 

"Stand down 
One common view amongst many 9/11 researchers is that the hijacked planes should not have been able to reach their destinations. The air defence system would have stopped them under normal circumstances, they claim, therefore perhaps those defences had been ordered to stand down. And they point to the account of Norman Mineta as possible evidence. Here's David Ray Griffin in the updated second edition of The New Pearl Harbor:

… An interview with The Daily Californian confirms that Jane Garvey stayed in Mineta's conference room until after the second impact at the WTC, and included the detail that "the White House is only 7 minutes away" from Mineta's office:

DC: What was your day like on September 11?

NM: That morning, I was having breakfast with the Deputy Prime minister of Belgium Isabelle Durant. Mrs. Durant is also the minister of transport for Belgium. So Jane Garvey, the administrator of the FAA and I were having breakfast with her in my conference room.

My chief of staff then came in and said, 'Mr. Secretary, can I see you?' The television was on and obviously it was the World Trade Center with all this black smoke coming out of it. So I asked John, 'What the heck is that?.' And he said, 'Well we don't know. We have heard explosion, we have heard the possibility of an airplane that went into the building.' And so I said, 'Keep me posted,' and I went back into my breakfast meeting. I explained to Mrs. Durant what was going on.

Then in about five or six minutes, the chief of staff came back in and said, 'Mr. Secretary, may I see you again?' He said at that point that it has been confirmed it was a commercial airliner that went into the World Trade Center. And as I was standing there watching the television set, all of a sudden from the right side of the screen came a gray object and then it sort of disappeared and the next thing, from the left of the screen was this white yellow orangey billow of cloud coming out of the left side of the screen, so I ran into the conference room and told Mrs. Durant I was going to have to leave and take care of whatever this was about.

I told Jane to come back in with me, and soon after that, I got a call from the White House saying for me to get over there right away. So I grabbed some papers, grabbed some stuff and went to the garage. I got in my car and went over to the White House. Its only seven minutes away. I drove into the White House grounds, and everyone was running out of the White House, running out of the Executive Office Building.

And I said to the people with me, 'Is there something wrong with this picture? We are driving into the White House and everyone else is running out of it. So I went into the White House and was briefed by Dick Clark of the National Security Council and he said, 'You have to get over to the Presidential Emergency Operation Center to be with the vice president.' ...

We started to monitor what was going on. We knew that there were now two airplanes that had gone into World Trade Center 1 and World Trade Center 2, and I had a direct line set up with the FAA.

Someone came in and said, 'Mr. Vice President, there is a plane 50 miles out.' I asked our FAA people, 'Can you see an aircraft coming in 50 miles out?' and they said, 'Yeah, we're tracking it, but the transponder is off, so we don't know what the identification of that airplane is.' Pretty soon the same person came in and informed the vice president, sitting right across from me at the conference table, that the airplane is 30 miles out. I asked the FAA about it and they said, 'Yeah, we know where the plane is, but we don't know who it is.'

Then they came in and said it was 10 miles out. Soon after that, I was talking to the deputy director of the FAA, and he told me they had lost the target off the screen. Soon after that, then, the vice president was informed that there was an explosion at the Pentagon. So I was trying to relate with the air traffic controllers where that plane went to see whether it was close to the Pentagon. The radar is very difficult to pinpoint it to a ground location.

But while I was talking to the FAA, someone broke into the conversation and said, 'Mr. Secretary, we have just had confirmation from the Arlington County Police Department that they saw a commercial airliner-an American airline-go into the Pentagon.

Well, its like anything else, if you see one of something occur you consider that an accident. But when you see two of the same thing occur then you know that there is a pattern or a trend. In this instant we had three of the same thing occur, and that is a program or a plan. So I then informed the FAA to bring all the airplanes down.

I said, 'Any airplanes coming into the Eastern seaboard, turn them around and get them out of the Eastern seaboard heading west. Any planes heading west, have them go on to their destination if they are close by. But in any event bring all the airplanes down."

At that point we had something like 4,836 airplanes in the air and with the skill of the air traffic controllers and the professionalism of the flight deck crew, the pilots and co-pilots and the professionalism of the flight cabin crews, they were able to bring those 4,836 airplanes down in about two hours time, safely and without incident.

Later on that morning, I talked to the Minister of Transport in Canada, David Collenette, and said, 'I have over 200 airplanes coming in from overseas points, and I need you take in these airplanes.' And they did. They took in over 200 airplanes that day. Their population went up by over 19,000 people and they very graciously and generously accommodated those airplanes and passengers. A lot of people were stuck there until Saturday."

"David Collenette on 9/11 
The former transport minister on deciding who to ground and who could fly on Sept. 11, 2001 
David Collenette 
September 7, 2011 
Wind up your speech. There has been a tragedy." This hastily handwritten note, placed on the lectern as I delivered the keynote address at a conference of international airport executives, heralded the longest day of my political life. It was Sept. 11, 2001.

I had gotten up at 5 a.m. to take a Transport Canada Citation jet to Montreal, a groggy start to another long ministerial day. The conference should have been routine. But just after 9 a.m., the audience became restless. This was not unusual for a politician giving a speech; still I was puzzled. For the most part, people had appeared quite interested.

I continued to speak while reading the note, which instructed me to talk to assistant deputy minister Louis Ranger and avoid the media. I feared the worst, probably a serious accident, which Louis did confirm: at 8:45 a.m. a plane had flown into the World Trade Center in New York. I immediately sensed some type of terrorist act had occurred, since passenger jets just don't crash into tall buildings if they are in trouble. There are all kinds of emergency procedures for pilots: landing at the nearest airport or ditching in water around Manhattan.

I left the hall and was besieged by journalists. Then I gave one of the most incoherent media scrums of my career. I groped for words because I did not have the facts and could not say what was really going through my mind. I managed to excuse myself, saying I had to catch a plane to Toronto. As we made our way to the van waiting to take us to the airport, we learned from our deputy minister in Ottawa, Margaret Bloodworth, that a second plane had hit the other tower. Before too long there would be confirmation of two more crashes, at the Pentagon and a field in eastern Pennsylvania. Departmental contacts in Washington said all airports may be closed. We knew this was a crisis and agreed to head back to Ottawa, about a two-hour drive.

Within a matter of minutes we heard again from the deputy: my U.S. counterpart, Norman Mineta, had grounded all flights. Those in U.S. airspace were required to land at the nearest airport, and any planes attempting to fly across the border would be forced to land, or possibly shot down by the U.S. Air Force. Within minutes an aerial wall had been erected around the United States of America, and Canada found itself on the front line. This was unprecedented, and I had a sinking feeling. Should we follow the American lead? What should we do about the flights in international air space that were now approaching Canada? It was a logistical nightmare: Mineta's order was issued at 9.45 Eastern Daylight Time—"rush hour" over the Atlantic. More than 500 planes with an estimated 75,000 people on board were en route to North America.

The U.S. decision was made, naturally, with great haste, and was apparently oblivious to a key fact. The International Civil Aviation Organization allocated jurisdiction over the western portion of the North Atlantic to NavCanada, our air traffic control organization, and over the eastern section to the U.K. The United States actually has no jurisdiction over the area most transatlantic flights traverse; it only controls the 12 nautical miles directly off its coast.

Nevertheless, there was no time to ponder the finer points of aviation jurisdiction: every 90 seconds an aircraft was entering Canadian airspace seeking clearance to land. Under the Aeronautics Act the transport minister is the only person with the statutory authority to issue emergency orders, but I was in a van barrelling along Highway 417 toward Ottawa, alone except for Louis and my assistant, Marie-Helen Levesque. There was fear in their eyes, and I knew then I had to set the tone and provide leadership. I was a political veteran with a lot of cabinet experience and at that point had been minister of transport for four years, yet nothing had prepared me for the ordeal we now faced.

We could only communicate with Ottawa via the three mobile phones we had between us (the BlackBerry was still a future technology), which meant that Margaret and others at headquarters were forced to come up with options, explain the ramifications to me, then get my decision, all within minutes. Under the authority of the Aeronautics Act we agreed that I would order a number of measures. All flights that had yet to take off were grounded, but unlike the U.S., we granted permission for all flights already in the air to proceed to their final destination. This provided minimum disruption to passengers.

But what about flights over the Atlantic, most originally destined for the United States and now approaching Canadian airspace? We instructed NavCanada, in conjunction with the British Civil Aviation Authority, to ascertain the geographical position of each plane to determine how many could be ordered to return to Europe. Evaluations were made with astounding speed. In little more than five minutes, more than 250 planes, most at 40,000 feet, were ordered to make a U-turn mid-ocean. But this still left another 224 that were past the point of no return.

The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration had decided they were too risky to allow into American airspace. We had no way of knowing who was on the planes, although we had started to receive intelligence reports of the possibility of terrorists on board some of them. In addition, as news of the attacks in New York was broadcast, there were bomb threats at Canadian airports. Were these real, or just coming from those playing sinister games? We could not assume anything other than the worst. Accepting these aircraft might put Canadian lives at risk, but the alternative was unthinkable: planes running out of fuel and crashing. Canada had to accept them and the risks.

As the van sped along the highway, we had to decide where these planes would land. In the east, Montreal and Toronto were the largest airports with the best infrastructure, but the possibility of more terrorists on board raised the spectre of crashes into the downtown towers of Canada’s two largest cities. Another concern was that once planes were given the direction to land at Montreal or Toronto, any hijackers on board could easily take them off course and approach nearby American cities such as Boston, Syracuse, Rochester, Buffalo, Cleveland or Detroit before fighter jets could intercept the planes.

Our only option was to land most flights at designated airports in Atlantic Canada, where the security risk was lower. Throughout the Second World War, the Maritime provinces and Newfoundland and Labrador, then a British colony, were major staging areas for troops and supplies going to Britain. There was an abundance of airports with long runways ideal for receiving a large number of planes.

We also had to deal with the Pacific. The volume of air traffic at that time of day was not as high but there were still 90 flights en route to North America and many did not have the fuel to get back to Asia. There was significant risk to landing planes in Vancouver, given the population density and the proximity of the airport to the downtown area. But other West Coast airports had relatively short runways and minimal infrastructure. Vancouver that day took in 33 planes, the third-largest number next to Gander and Halifax, which received 38 and 40 respectively.

The decisions I took that morning were arbitrary and without reference to my colleagues or the prime minister, an extreme oddity given the normally turgid "machinery of government." The context was bizarre, to say the least—thousands of lives were being turned upside down by the one person with authority to act, who was communicating these decisions via cellular phone while travelling past the gentle foothills of the Laurentians! At one point I looked out at the beautiful countryside and thought, "This is surreal, what is going on here? Who was behind these attacks, and why?"

When I arrived in Ottawa, I was briefed by the deputy, who asked me to meet with the crisis team. At the time, Transport Canada and National Defence were the only two government ministries with operations centres. In 1994, Transport Canada also opened a state-of-the-art Situation Centre to provide emergency communications and coordination of disaster response. It had been deployed after the 1997 Swissair crash off the coast of Nova Scotia and the ice storm of 1998. Usually "Sit Cen" had minimal staff, but within the past two hours Margaret had seconded a number of key officials from the aviation and security branches of Transport Canada. They were joined by staff from NavCanada, National Defence, the RCMP and the Canadian Security and Intelligence Service. Telephone links had been set up with Immigration and Citizenship Canada, the Canada Customs and Revenue Agency, and the Federal Aviation Authority in Washington. An observer from the U.S. Embassy was present. The Sit Cen’s mission had quickly been named Operation Yellow Ribbon.

As I entered the room, I was amazed at the orderly, efficient buzz of activity, yet there was tension, too, and strained looks. My message was brief: we were all part of one team facing an enormous challenge, the government counted on their professionalism, and they had my full support. Just before 1 p.m. I went back to my office. My executive assistant, Sue Ronald, said I should watch the news. As the first crash appeared on the screen, my chest tightened at the sight of the impact, followed by the unbelievable belching up of fire and smoke. Then the second tower was hit, followed by the image of both towers crumbling in one last gasp to the ground. I looked out the window of my office toward the Parliament Buildings and the majestic Peace Tower and tears welled up. I abruptly switched the television off. It would be wrong to be caught up in the emotion. I needed to make dispassionate, reasoned judgments. There would be time to grieve later.

We had closed Canadian airspace to all but emergency and humanitarian flights, but officials in the Sit Cen were called upon to authorize exceptions. In most cases, such as enabling medivac flights or those required to transport federal government personnel to Atlantic communities to assist with the processing of thousands of stranded passengers, the decisions were straightforward. Others were not. The head of a Chicago-based company whose responsibilities included supplying grief counsellors to those affected by aviation tragedies, was grounded in Newfoundland.

Canadian permission for his company plane to fly was granted, but the U.S. was making no exceptions. Flights crossing into American air space would be shot down, no questions asked. So we cleared his plane to Sarnia, where he took a car to Chicago. Later we learned 200 of the company’s staff in its World Trade Center office had died in the attacks.

A number of requests ended up on my desk. Some were from those in the business community trying to work political connections. Others were from colleagues on both sides of the House of Commons who wanted to get back to Ottawa using chartered aircraft. One senior Liberal wanted permission for a chartered jet to land at Montreal; it was carrying the body of a close family member from New York City who had died unexpectedly in Israel. The Americans refused permission to land at Newark and my friend wanted to take the casket by car from Montreal to New York. Despite the family’s anguish, I had to say no.

But I also made some exceptions. Foreign minister John Manley, who was on an Air Canada flight en route from Frankfurt to Toronto, would be needed to deal with the wider issues that were coming into play.

Robert Milton, CEO of Air Canada, was stranded in London at a critical time, when more than 300 of the airline’s planes were grounded, many overseas. My instinct was to grant permission.

At about 1:20 p.m., the prime minister called. He was supportive of the difficult decisions we were making, but did surprise me with his assumption that flights could be running later in the day. I told him it was going to be no easy task to restart things. First, we had to examine all of our safety and security measures to determine if the calamitous events warranted immediate rule changes. Second, we would have to reopen the skies in concert with the U.S. A number of Canadian aircraft were locked down at American airports; in addition, some long-haul domestic flights to Eastern and Western Canada routinely fly over U.S. territory. I am not sure the PM liked my answer, but said I should do my best to return to normal schedules.

I asked if he was going to have a cabinet meeting. He said no. Events were moving too fast and I had the authority to continue making transportation decisions. Besides, there were not enough ministers in Ottawa to have a quorum, something he was not too happy about and something that he would deal with in the future. I told him I had approved John Manley's return as well as that of Lawrence MacAulay, the solicitor general, who was coming back to Ottawa from Nova Scotia on an RCMP aircraft. Jean Chrétien was always businesslike, so he ended the conversation quickly, saying I should get back to work.

At about 4 p.m. an emotional Norman Mineta called. He and his colleagues, including president George W. Bush, were acting with lightning speed. The stress was easy to detect in his voice. He thanked me for the efforts of the Canadian government and was deeply grateful to the thousands of Canadians who had turned their lives inside out by welcoming so many strangers stuck at our airports. I felt an immense pride in what Canada was doing to help our American friends.

But the stranded passengers, many of whom were confined to aircraft for up to 16 hours or more, created a huge logistical challenge. They could not be allowed off the aircraft until normal immigration and customs procedures were followed; given the security concerns, this entailed more stringent screening, including more extensive interrogation and searches. Large numbers of immigration, customs, RCMP and security intelligence officers had to be transported to Atlantic Canada—in most cases via DND and Transport Canada, which had the largest fleets. The stress placed on communities and on various provincial governments forced to accept thousands of unexpected visitors was enormous, yet no one complained or argued about financial compensation. Canadians were pulling together in a remarkable way.

As the afternoon wore on I became concerned that there had been no official reaction from the government. When the prime minister did give a news scrum he expressed sympathy to our American friends for the horror that had taken place, but the situation was evolving so quickly that questions became more technical than he was briefed to answer. Unfortunately, the general nature of his comments drew unfair criticism from some quarters. At Transport Canada, we were being inundated with calls from media outlets. We argued with the communications people in the Prime Minister's Office that someone needed to give a detailed response not only to the media but to families of stranded travellers. There was considerable push back. By 6 p.m., we had received more than 225 requests, and we needed to get answers out. Finally, we told them we were going ahead and sent out a news release in time for evening newscasts and morning newspapers.

Looking back at the Canadian response, I continue to be amazed at how the behemoth that is government acted so nimbly. Experts, notwithstanding their rank, gave orders to top brass and were obeyed. In a culture that invented the "paper trail," we adopted a paperless model. Nothing was written down. All briefings were oral. We relied on personal relationships to get things done. Everyone shared knowledge. No one held back. The informal relationships and comradeship developed and nurtured over the years carried the day.

At the time of the attacks, Transport Canada had a solid organizational structure, with well-tested rules and reporting relationships. Yet within minutes we were in unknown territory, where decisions had to be made quickly. To paraphrase former U.S. president Harry Truman, the buck on that day did stop with us.

Thank God we got it right."

"David Michael Collenette, PC (born June 24, 1946) was a Canadian politician from 1974 to 2004, and a member of the Liberal Party of Canada. A graduate from York University's Glendon College in 1969, he subsequently received his MA from in 2004. He was first elected in the York East riding of Toronto to the House of Commons on July 8, 1974, in the Pierre Trudeau government.

Collenette served as a Member of the Canadian House of Commons for more than 20 years. He was elected five times and defeated twice. He served in the Cabinet under three prime ministers - Pierre Trudeau, John Turner and Jean Chrétien. He held several portfolios:

Minister of State-Multiculturalism (1983–84); 
Minister of National Defense (1993–96); 
Minister of Veterans Affairs (1993–96); 
Minister of Transport (1997–2003) and 
Minister of Crown Corporations (2002–03). 

During the constitutional debates of the early 1980s, he served as Parliamentary Secretary to the Government House leader and was assigned by the government to Westminster to represent Canada's interests."

"Mutual assured destruction, or mutually assured destruction(MAD), is a doctrine of military strategy and national security policy in which a full-scale use of high-yield weapons of mass destruction by two or more opposing sides would cause the complete annihilation of both the attacker and the defender (see Pre-emptive nuclear strike and Second strike).[1] … The MAD doctrine assumes that each side has enough nuclear weaponry to destroy the other side and that either side, if attacked for any reason by the other, would retaliate without fail with equal or greater force.

The expected result is an immediate irreversible escalation of hostilities resulting in both combatants' mutual, total and assured destruction. The doctrine requires that neither side construct shelters on a massive scale, such as there are in Switzerland. If the US were to construct a similar system of shelters, it would violate the MAD doctrine and destabilize the situation, because it would not need to fear the consequences of a Soviet second strike.[2][3] The same principle is invoked against missile defense.

The doctrine further assumes that neither side will dare to launch a first strike because the other side will launch on warning (also called fail-deadly) or with surviving forces (a second strike), resulting in unacceptable losses for both parties. The payoff of the MAD doctrine was and still is expected to be a tense but stable global peace.

The primary application of this doctrine started during the Cold War (1940s to 1991) in which MAD was seen as helping to prevent any direct full-scale conflicts between the United States and the Soviet Union while they engaged in smaller proxy wars around the world. It was also responsible for the arms race, as both nations struggled to keep nuclear parity, or at least retain second-strike capability. Although the Cold War ended in the early 1990s, the MAD doctrine continues to be applied.

Proponents of MAD as part of U.S. and USSR strategic doctrine believed that nuclear war could best be prevented if neither side could expect to survive a full-scale nuclear exchange as a functioning state. Since the credibility of the threat is critical to such assurance, each side had to invest substantial capital in their nuclear arsenals even if they were not intended for use. In addition, neither side could be expected or allowed to adequately defend itself against the other's nuclear missiles.[citation needed] This led both to the hardening and diversification of nuclear delivery systems (such as nuclear missile silos, ballistic missile submarines, and nuclear bombers kept at fail-safe points) and to the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty.

This MAD scenario is often referred to as nuclear deterrence. The term "deterrence" was first used in this context after World War II; prior to that time, its use was limited to legal terminology."
"Super Serco bulldozes ahead 
By DAILY MAIL REPORTER UPDATED: 23:00 GMT, 1 September 2004 
SERCO has come a long way since the 1960s when it ran the 'four-minute warning' system to alert the nation to a ballistic missile attack. Today its £10.3bn order book is bigger than many countries' defence budgets. It is bidding for a further £8bn worth of contracts and sees £16bn of 'opportunities'. Profit growth is less ballistic. The first-half pre-tax surplus rose 4% to £28.1m, net profits just 1% to £18m. Stripping out goodwill, the rise was 17%, with dividends up 12.5% to 0.81p.

Serco runs the Docklands Light Railway, five UK prisons, airport radar and forest bulldozers in Florida.

Chairman Kevin Beeston said: 'We have virtually no debt and more than 600 contracts.'

The shares, 672p four years ago, rose 8 1/4p to 207 1/4p, valuing Serco at £880m or nearly 17 times earnings.

Michael Morris, at broker Arbuthnot, says they are 'a play on UK government spend' which is rising fast."

"The Small Business Office at the Air Force Nuclear Weapons Center, Kirtland Air Force Base, is responsible for implementing DOD and Air Force small business policies, programs and procedures.

Specific programs include:

* Small Business
* Veteran and Service Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business
* Small Disadvantaged Business including: - 8(a) - American Native Corporation - Alaska Native Corporation - Hawaiian Native Corporation
* Historically Underutilized Business Zone
* Woman-Owned Small Business
* Historically Black Colleges and Universities/Minority Institutions

The Small Business Office performs the overall contractor relations function for Kirtland AFB and also serves as the liaison with the Small Business Administration at the local and national levels.

The office works to enhance acquisition opportunities for small businesses in support of the Air Force mission.

The Small Business Office is the initial point of contact for businesses seeking contracting opportunities within the installation.

Every second Tuesday of the month, Small Business Office Director Scott Cook meets with local business associates providing them information about contracting with the base.

On August 23, 2012 Cook will co-host a small-business seminar, sponsored by the Albuquerque Hispano Chamber of Commerce. The Air Force, along with other New Mexico-based government agencies, will be on hand. This daylong event will begin with a morning session to inform interested small business operators on the needs of the agencies, followed by one-on-one breakouts, allowing individuals to meet directly with agency representatives.

Merle Stroder 
Small Business Office 
Air Force Nuclear Weapons Center 
Kirtland AFB, New Mexico 
(505) 846-4113" 

"The Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE) is responsible for the design, manufacture and support of warheads for the United Kingdom's nuclear deterrent. It is the successor of the Atomic Weapons Research Establishment (AWRE), and has its main site on the former RAF Aldermaston

The establishment is the final destination for the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament's annual march from Trafalgar Square, London. The first Aldermaston March was conceived by the Direct Action Committee and took place in 1958. There is currently a monthly women's peace camp held outside the Establishment to protest against its existence. AWE has become the target of a campaign, Action AWE[1] of protest specifically aimed curtailing its production at the next UK elections.[2]

AWE plc is responsible for the day-to-day operations of AWE, and is owned by a consortium of Jacobs Engineering Group, Lockheed Martin UK, and Serco through AWE Management Ltd who hold a 25‑year contract (until March 2025) to operate AWE. All AWE sites remain owned by theUK government who also hold a golden share in AWE plc.[3]

The company is based close to Aldermaston, with major facilities at Burghfield."

"Snowden leaks: Five Eyes alliance, Australian involvement detailed 
Technology Reporter 
THE Australian government is employing specialist surveillance officers to ready ourselves for the next generation of warfare, which will be fought with computers rather than guns.

Working with the US, UK, Canada and New Zealand as part of the not-so-secret 'Five Eyes,' the group has even bugged UN leaders Kofi Annan and weapons inspector Hans Blix.

New leaks published by Spiegel, using information leaked from Edward Snowden, show how wars will be fought in cyberspace.

And we're not talking about a few stolen files or leaked movies, it will be the full take down of power plants, phone networks and transport systems.

Five Eyes was originally an alliance between the US and the UK at the end of WW2 — an agreement to share intelligence.

Australia, Canada and New Zealand joined the alliance in 1955, and since then intelligence data and facilities (such as Pine Gap in central Australia) have been shared between the nations.

In the 1970s the group was involved in the CIAs orchestration to overthrow Chile's President Salvador Allende — something documents show Australia was heavily involved in.

Since the September 11 attacks the capabilities of Five Eyes have been significantly increased, with the group spying on everyone from world leaders, to students on their Facebook accounts.

A spokesperson from ASIO told that the alliance was crucial in providing protection to Australia.

"Responding effectively to the transnational nature of security threats demands international cooperation between security and intelligence agencies," they said.

Adding, "Effective liaison relationships with international partners have proved to be vital in protecting Australia from the threat posed by foreign fighters returning from conflicts in the Middle East." “Phase 0" From the eyes of the military, mass digital surveillance of the internet is just “phase 0”. This mass surveillance includes anything from private Facebook messages, to internet browsing history and even what has been purchased online. The surveillance will apparently be used to detect vulnerabilities in enemy computer systems, to then infiltrate and gain permanent access.

Once that is done, words like "dominate," "control" and "destroy" get thrown around to describe what Five Eyes will do after a successful phase 0.

"The next major conflict will start in cyberspace" One of the leaked NSA presentations claims that our next major war will be fought digitally. Because of that, the US government is arming itself for network warfare. Almost every part of modern life is vulnerable — from hospitals needing power to the computerised cars we all drive. The leaked documents eloquently word it as "the ability to control/destroy critical systems and networks at will through pre-positioned accesses (laid in Phase 0)."

The documents show there is little differentiation between targets and civilians, with any internet user a possible victim. It's through certain viruses that are injected in everyday internet tools like Facebook chat that the group can intercept content on your computer and take complete control of it.

Let's not forget what the US was able to do with Israel back in 2010 when it caused physical damage to Iran's nuclear capabilities by deploying a virus that destroyed much of the country's ability to enrich uranium. That was 2010, now the NSA and Five Eyes are even deadlier.

And they will use their tools against anyone who isn’t a part of the Five Eyes alliance.

"I drink your milkshake" One of the major revelations in the new documents is the Five Eyes’ ability to exploit the methods used by its enemies, to "steal their tools, trade craft, targets, and take." This is what the NSA calls "fourth party collection," and is something that appears so successful that agents of the NSA and England’s GCHQ security agency have a whole set of jokes written about it, including a reference to Daniel Day-Lewis's infamous "I drink your milkshake” speech in There Will Be Blood.

One GCHQ presentation on fourth party collection reveals how the UK used a tool called "BADASS" to steal personal information sent between users' devices, mobile networks and analytic firms. That's the same metadata which George Brandis says does not contain personally identifiable information.

The GCHQ then go on and joke about their tools, including one slide that boasts: "We know how bad you are at Angry Birds."

As it stands now, any country who isn't a part of the Five Eyes can be a target, even those that have traditionally been allies. In a new age of digital warfare, it appears that the Five Eyes won’t be taking a risk with anyone."

Clinton received help from George Soros to run shadow gov't 
by WAYNE MADSEN | INFOWARS.COM | OCTOBER 8, 2015 The real scandal surrounding Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton's private email system may be that she was running, in concert with a private consulting firm tied closely to George Soros, an outsourced and parallel State Department answerable only to her and not President Obama, the Congress, or the American people.

The media has tried to separate two dubious operations of Mrs. Clinton while she was at the State Department. The first is the private email server located in her Chappaqua, New York residence. The second is the fact that her government-paid State Department personal assistant, Huma Abedin, wife of disgraced New York "sexting" congressman Anthony Weiner, was simultaneously on the payroll of Teneo, a corporate intelligence firm that also hired former President Bill Clinton and former British Prime Minister Tony Blair as advisers. Abedin has been linked to the Muslim Brotherhood, which has recently buried the hatchet with longtime rival Saudi Arabia and common cause against the Assad government in Syria, the Houthi rebels in Yemen, and Iran.

It is clear that Mrs. Clinton used her private email system to seek advice on major foreign policy issues, from her friend and paid Clinton Foundation adviser Sidney Blumenthal providing private intelligence on Libya's post-Qaddafi government and possible business ventures to Clinton friend Lanny Davis seeking favors from Mrs. Clinton. It should be noted that Davis was a paid lobbyist for the military junta of Honduras that overthrew democratically-elected President Manuel Zelaya in 2009. It also should be noted that Mrs. Clinton voiced her personal dislike for the late Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi, when, after he was assassinated by U.S.-armed jihadist rebels, boasted, "We came, we saw, he died!"

It was highly unusual for Abedin to receive a U.S. government paycheck while also receiving a consultant’s salary from Teneo. Teneo was founded in 2011 by Doug Band, a former counselor to Bill Clinton. Teneo, which is as much a private intelligence firm as it is an investment company and "governance" consultancy, has its headquarters in New York and branches in Washington DC, Brussels, São Paulo, London, Dublin, Dubai, Hong Kong, Beijing, and Melbourne. With the exception of its investment arm, Teneo closely resembles the former CIA-connected firm where Barack Obama worked after he graduated from Columbia, Business International Corporation (BIC). Teneo's marketing claims match those made by BIC during its heyday: Teneo works "exclusively with the CEOs and senior leaders of many of the world's largest and most complex companies and organizations."

Teneo has staked a position in the international news media with its recent purchase of the London-based firm Blue Rubicon, formed in part by the former home news editor for Channel 4 News in the United Kingdom. Teneo also recently acquired London's Stockwell Group, which provides consultancy services to the National Bank of Greece and Pireaus Bank. It appears that Mrs. Clinton's friends are cashing in on the global banking austerity being levied against Greece.

The head of Teneo Intelligence is Jim Shinn, a former assistant secretary for Asia for the Defense Department. What is troubling is that Teneo has been offering statements to the media designed to heighten tensions between NATO and Turkey on one side and Russia on the other over Russia's military attacks on the Islamic State in Syria. Shinn's intelligence chief in Teneo's London office, Wolfgango Piccoli, who has worked for the Soros-linked Eurasia Group consultancy, told CNN that Russia's "reinforcement of the Assad regime and the consolidation of separate areas of control is more likely to prolong the conflict by forcing a stalemate." The Teneo statement came in a CNN report that suggests members of the Bashar al Assad government in Syria and Russian President Vladimir Putin and his government could be charged by international or "national" tribunals for war crimes in a manner similar to those convened on members of the Yugoslavian and Serbian governments.

The entire International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague and in Africa has fallen under the control of George Soros and his operatives. Soros has made no secret of his support for overthrowing Assad and Putin and he has resorted to a "weapon of mass migration" of Syrian, Iraqi, and other refugees into Europe in order to destabilize the entire continent and endanger its Christian culture and social democratic traditions. Mrs. Clinton and Soros extensively used Mrs. Clinton's private email system to exchange, among other things, information on the political situation in Albania, a country where Soros's operatives are plentiful and powerful. Soros is a major donor to the Clinton Foundation and Mrs. Clinton’s presidential campaign.

Soros also pressed Mrs. Clinton for State Department support for his American University of Central Asia, which, as seen with Soros’s Central European University in Budapest and its graduate ranks of pro-U.S. leaders throughout central and eastern Europe, is designed to manufacture a new generation of pro-U.S. leaders in the Central Asian states of the former Soviet Union. The "wiping" of Mrs. Clinton's email systems' hard drives appear to be part of a classic case of an intelligence operation destroying data after being exposed.

The Clinton outsourcing of U.S. foreign policy not only involves Teneo but also the Clinton Foundation, for which Mrs. Clinton solicited donations from foreign sources while she served as Secretary of State. Moreover, in a classic example of racketeering, Bill Clinton was paid by Teneo as an adviser while his Clinton Foundation hired Teneo as as a consultant. The Clinton Foundation is directed by Bill and Hillary Clinton, along with their daughter Chelsea Clinton Mezvinsky. Mrs. Clinton’s private email use also extended to Clinton Foundation chief financial officer Andrew Kessel and longtime Bill Clinton friend Bruce Lindsey.

One of the emails sent via Mrs. Clinton's private system was from her State Department counsel Cheryl Mills to Amitabh Desai, the head of foreign policy for the Clinton Foundation. Mills wanted Desai to arrange a meeting between Rwandan dictator Paul Kagame with the Democratic Republic of Congo strongman Joseph Kabila during Kagame's visit to Kinshasa in 2012. This effort was conducted outside the State Department with the sole exception that Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Johnnie Carson, a close friend of Mrs. Clinton, was involved in the email exchange with Mills and Desai. Other private email use involved Hollywood magnate Haim Saban, Loews heir Andrew Tisch, and Lynn de Rothschild, all of whom were peddling Israel's interests to Hillary and Bill Clinton in return for sizable donations to the Clinton Foundation and Mrs. Clinton’s presidential campaign.

Under the Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership, the Clinton Foundation received generous financial support totaling some $31 million from Frank Giustra, a Canadian uranium mining magnate. Giustra relied on the Clintons to use their influence to open up lucrative uranium exploitation opportunities in places like Kazakhstan and Africa.

Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) has been stonewalled in his attempt to obtain more information about Teneo's relationship with Mrs. Clinton, the Clinton Foundation, and Bill Clinton.

Wayne Madsen is an investigative journalist who consistently exposes cover-ups from deep within the government. Want to be the first to learn the latest scandal? Go to subscribe today!"

Founder Of New Bitcoin Assassination Market Wants It To Destroy 'All Governments, Everywhere'  
Nov. 18, 2013, 4:44 PM 
Feel like buying some murder with your Bitcoin [Backed by White's Club death-pool-betting alumnus, David Cameron]? Well, that's the idea behind Assassination Market, a Bitcoin-fueled crowd-funding website that will let users anonymously donate to see the heads of political leaders roll. Basically, Assassination Market is like a deranged Kickstarter or IndieGoGo for political murder.

Forbes reporter Andy Greenber talked to Kuwabatake Sanjuro, crypto-anarchist and founder of Assassination Market (not his real name, naturally), who believes that the site will change the world for the better by destroying "all governments, everywhere."

Sanjuro's idea is that once a few politicians get killed, the "war on privacy" that they are apparently waging will end. So far, there are six leaders up for assassination on the site, including chairman of the Federal Reserve Ben Bernanke and Barack Obama. Bernanke's got the most money in his "dead pool" right now, with a listing of 124.14 Bitcoin, or about $71,000 at current exchange rates.

To collect the money after a kill, a would-be assassin must prove that they are responsible for the death by predicting the date of killing ahead of time and embedding it in a donation of one bitcoin or more. Sanjuro will collect 1% of the payout for himself as a commission fee.

Although Bitcoin is meant to be untraceable, the FBI seized the popular drug market Silk Road earlier this year along with its Bitcoin stash.

Forbes contacted the FBI and Secret Service for the piece, but both declined to comment."

"The Leap Second
The rotation of the Earth on its axis and its orbit around the Sun have served as the basis for timekeeping since the dawn of history. The day was divided into 24 hours, each of 60 minutes, each of 60 seconds. Because the length of the apparent solar day (as shown, for example, by a sundial) varies in a regular way during the year it became necessary to average-out this effect and define a mean solar day.

This explains the name Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), a time scale in which the mean position of the sun at noon, averaged over the year, is above the Greenwich meridian (longitude zero).

Over the centuries the accuracy of time measurement has steadily improved and it was realised that there were irregularities in the Earth's rate of rotation. In effect, the length of the seconds of Universal Time (UT1, as GMT is now officially known) varies slightly to keep in step with the changes in the Earth's rotation. In 1955 the first atomic clock that was much more regular than the Earth itself, or indeed any other type of clock then in existence, was brought into operation at the National Physical Laboratory. Constructed by Louis Essen and Jack Parry, it was based on measurements of a particular vibration of the caesium-133 atom. Over the next few years the frequency (or rate) of the NPL caesium clock was compared with the astronomical second calculated by the United States Naval Observatory (USNO), and as a result of this work in 1967, by international agreement, the second was defined in the International System of units of measurement (SI) as the duration of 9,192,631,770 periods of the chosen vibration of the caesium-133 atom.

The SI second, which is believed to be of constant duration under fixed conditions, is used to make a time scale called International Atomic Time (TAI), which is a simple count of SI seconds labelled conventionally using minutes, hours and days. As TAI is not linked to the Earth's rotation, a clock and calendar based on TAI gradually become more and more out of step with UT1. So TAI is of little use to anyone who wishes their clock to keep in step with the heavens. Traditional navigation, using observation of the sun, moon and stars, is one application that requires knowledge of UT1 to within a few seconds. Another is the use of UT1 by astronomers as a measure of the Earth's rotation angle, allowing them to point their telescopes at any desired object.

The solution adopted was to construct a second atomic time scale called Coordinated Universal Time, which is abbreviated in all languages as UTC, as the basis of international timekeeping. It combines all the regularity of atomic time with most of the convenience of UT1 (or GMT), and many countries have adopted it as the legal basis for time. UTC is adjusted regularly by small amounts to keep it close to UT1. From 1 January 1972, the seconds of UTC have been exactly the same length as those of TAI, and they occur at the same instants. UTC is kept always within 0.9 seconds of UT1 by the insertion of extra seconds as necessary (known as positive leap seconds). It could happen that seconds would need to be removed (negative leap seconds), but so far all leap seconds have been positive.

When a leap second is inserted, it is done in the last minute of either December or June, or exceptionally March or September, immediately prior to midnight or 00:00:00 hours UTC. The decision as to whether a leap second is required is taken by the Earth Orientation Center of the International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service (IERS), approximately 6 months in advance.

There are 61 seconds in a minute containing a positive leap second. A leap second occurs at the same instant throughout the world, when the familiar 'six pips' radio time signal gains an extra pip before the long pip marking the hour, to become a 'seven pip' signal. A mid-year leap second falls during summer time in the UK, one hour ahead of UTC, so the extra second is inserted at 01:00 BST on 1 July.

A cumulative record of leap seconds since the offset (TAI-UTC) was set to exactly 10 seconds on 1972-01-01 is given below. Each date listed is the UTC day immediately after the leap second, and the figure after the date is the number of seconds difference between TAI and UTC during the period from that date until the subsequent leap second, in the sense (TAI-UTC). The positive difference means that TAI is 'ahead' of UTC. Last Updated: 6 Jan 2015 Created: 19 May 2011"

"1. What information is collected (e.g., nature and source)? 
Serco Services Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Serco Inc. and formerly known as SI International, Inc. (Serco) Pre-Grant Publication Classification Services (PGPCS) system processes information collected by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) under Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Collection Number 0651-0031, Initial Patent Applications. Bibliographic data (Inventory name, Inventor address, Citizenship, Correspondence address, Employer name and address, Telephone number[s], and E-mail address) are collected from the applicant or applicant's legal representative and attached to the electronic patent application files sent to Serco for pre-grant publication classification. Once publication by USPTO has occurred, this data is publicly available. No individually identifiable payment-related information or other PII related to the Privacy Act (such as Social Security number) is transmitted to Serco or processed by PGPCS."

"[Freescale patented and embedded clock devices] QorIQ Qonverge BSC9131 Device Features 
• Power Architecture e500 core at up to 1 GHz 
• StarCore SC3850 DSP at up to 1 GHz 
• MAPLE-B2F baseband accelerator platform 
• DMA engine Security acceleration engine handling IPsec, Kasumi, Snow-3G DDR3/3L, 32-bit wide, 800 MHz, with ECC IEEE 1588 v2, NTP and interface to GPS sync support 2G/3G/4G sniffing support Secured boot support Interfaces: 2x Ethernet 1G RGMII, 3x JESD207/ADI RF transceiver interfaces, USB 2.0, NAND/NOR flash controller, UART, eSDHC, USIM, I2 C, eSPI"

"Since then, the 'White's Club S**t' has entered club slang to mean the worst sort of nasty, selfish, pompous show-off [and death-pool gamblers per Randolph Churchill].

Still, in its 300-year history, the club has played host to some illustrious members and a glittering array of politicians. Among its old members are the Duke of Wellington, the Regency dandy Beau Brummell, George IV, William IV, Edward VII and Winston Churchill's son, Randolph. Prince Charles is a member and held his Bollinger champagne-fuelled stag night at the club before his wedding to Lady Diana Spencer.

Prince William is said to be a member.

The club has also attracted its fair share of rogues.

White's was implicated in the great 'Cambridge Spies' scandal. Some have claimed that the recruitment and subsequent movements of Guy Burgess, Donald Duart Maclean, Kim Philby and Anthony Blunt were orchestrated from the club's bar.

Meanwhile, in his novels Evelyn Waugh used the club as the model for 'Bellamy's,' the home of 'grandee and card sharper, duellist and statesman.'

Certainly, gambling has always been part of the fabric of White's. In William Hogarth's 1733 series of cautionary paintings – The Rake's Progress – the rake is driven mad by losing his fortune at the gaming tables of White's."

"Defence Serco supports the armed forces of a number of countries around the world, including the United Kingdom, United States and Australia, working across land, sea, air, nuclear and space environments. Our mission is to deliver affordable defence capability and support to the armed forces. We work in partnership with our customers in government and the private sector to address the cost of defence, both financial and social, delivering affordable change and assured operational support services.

In the UK and Europe:

Serco manages the UK Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE) as part of a consortium with Lockheed Martin and Jacobs. AWE is one of the most advanced research, design and production facilities in the world, developing the sophisticated materials, quantum physics and computer modelling vital to the safe and effective maintenance of the UK's nuclear deterrent. AWE experts also play a leading role in nuclear non-proliferation and international nuclear security.

We enable the Royal Navy to move in and out of port at HM Naval Bases Faslane, Portsmouth and Devonport for operational deployment and training exercises. Managing a fleet of over 100 vessels, we operate tugs and pilot boats, provide stores, liquid and munitions transportation and provide passenger transfer services to and from ships for officers and crew.

We provide facilities and information systems support to the MoD's Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl), the UK government's leading defence research establishment, including a £400m programme to rationalise the Dstl estate. We also provide facilities management services to the Defence Estates in support of the UK military presence in Gibraltar.

Serco provides extensive engineering and maintenance support to UK military aviation, including to the Fleet Air Arm and Royal Air Force, working on over 16 military aircraft types, in addition to the logistical support services at RAF bases across the country, including Brize Norton, Lyneham and High Wycombe, the Headquarters of Air Command.

Our space and security specialists provide spacecraft operation and in-theatre support to the Skynet 5 secure military satellite communications network; we maintain the UK's anti-ballistic missile warning system at RAF Fylingdales and support the UK Air Surveillance and Control System (ASACS); Serco also supports the intelligence mission of the MoD and US Department of Defence at RAF Menwith Hill.

Serco enables the training of national security personnel through its services at the Defence Academy of the United Kingdom, the MoD's world class institute responsible for educating the military leaders of tomorrow; we train all of the RAF's helicopter pilots at the advanced training facility at RAF Benson; and we manage the Cabinet Office's Emergency Planning College, the government's training centre for crisis management and emergency planning.

In the UK, we also developed an approach that combines the introduction of windfarm friendly radar technology at RRH Trimingham, Staxton Wold and Brizlee Wood that has enabled >5GW windfarm development projects, which are equally important to the Department of Energy and Climate Change to meet its commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and the Ministry of Defence"
"8(a) Business Development Program[edit]

The 8(a) Business Development Program assists in the development of small businesses owned and operated by individuals who are socially and economically disadvantaged, such as women and minorities. The following ethnic groups are classified as eligible: Black Americans; Hispanic Americans; Native Americans (American Indians, Eskimos, Aleuts, or Native Hawaiians); Asian Pacific Americans (persons with origins from Burma, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Brunei, Japan, China (including Hong Kong), Taiwan, Laos, Cambodia (Kampuchea), Vietnam, Korea, The Philippines, U.S. Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands (Republic of Palau), Republic of the Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, Samoa, Macao, Fiji, Tonga, Kiribati, Tuvalu, or Nauru); Subcontinent Asian Americans (persons with origins from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, the Maldives Islands or Nepal). In 2011, the SBA, along with the FBI and the IRS, uncovered a massive scheme to defraud this program. Civilian employees of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, working in concert with an employee of Alaska Native Corporation Eyak Technology LLC allegedly submitted fraudulent bills to the program, totaling over 20 million dollars, and kept the money for their own use.[26] It also alleged that the group planned to steer a further 780 million dollars towards their favored contractor.[27]"

Yours sincerely,

Field McConnell, United States Naval Academy, 1971; Forensic Economist; 30 year airline and 22 year military pilot; 23,000 hours of safety; Tel: 715 307 8222

David Hawkins Tel: 604 542-0891 Forensic Economist; former leader of oil-well blow-out teams; now sponsors Grand Juries in CSI Crime and Safety Investigation

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