Plum City - ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Serco's 1994 launch of a Black Hand* 9-1-1 murder-for-hire service with FAA Contract Towers to its alleged use of no-fly drone zones to prepare arson attacks on Super Bowl XLIX, the Pentagon U.S. Navy Command Center and the late Netcordia CEO Don Pyle's Christmas tree!
Saturday, January 31, 2015
Friday, January 30, 2015
#2253: Marine Links Macdonald Dettwiler No-Fly Black-Hand Drones To Serco Ad Hoc Super Bowl Bombs
Plum City - ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked no-fly Black-Hand* drone systems developed by Macdonald Dettwiler for the United States Air Force to the threat of a Serco ad-hoc waypoint bombing attack on Super Bowl XLIX.
Thursday, January 29, 2015
Social Credit: A Simple Explanation
January 28, 2015
(Left: The founder of the Social Credit movement, Major Clifford Hugh Douglas 1879-1952)
Social Credit addresses a fundamental flaw in our economic system: the gap between a plethora of products and the lack of money in purchasers' hands.
by Oliver Heydorn Ph.D. (
Social Credit refers to the ideas of the brilliant Anglo-Scottish engineer, Major Clifford Hugh Douglas (1879-1952).
January 28, 2015
(Left: The founder of the Social Credit movement, Major Clifford Hugh Douglas 1879-1952)
Social Credit addresses a fundamental flaw in our economic system: the gap between a plethora of products and the lack of money in purchasers' hands.
by Oliver Heydorn Ph.D. (
Social Credit refers to the ideas of the brilliant Anglo-Scottish engineer, Major Clifford Hugh Douglas (1879-1952).
Monetary Reform
#2252: Marine Links Serco Black-Hand Navigators To Obama No-Fly Drones, Benghazi Wrongful Death
Plum City - ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Serco's Black-Hand* Navigators to Obama’s alleged use of Air Force drones to establish a no-fly zone in Benghazi on 9/11/2012 and allow the wrongful death of U.S. Ambassador to Libya, Christopher Stevens, at the hands of contract killers hired through the Blue Mountain security team by Hillary Clinton's former aides at the Department of State.
#2251: Marine Links Super-Bowl Threat To Serco Black-Hand Navigators, Airbus No-Fly Drones
Plum City - ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked inferred threats of a coordinated attack on Super Bowl XLIX to Serco's Black-Hand* Navigators and the company's alleged use of Airbus (Cassidian) drones to enforce 9-1-1 no-fly zones and kill witnesses.
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
75,000 Syrians Headed for the U.S. - Here Come the Muslims - Weaponizing Refugees - Smashing Through Sovereignty - Empire of the Black Robes (Technocrats) - Free Trade Destroys National Self-Interest and Civilization - U.S. State Department Is a "Covert Organization" - Greece: The "hated troika of technocrats" - Civilization Rights - Large Wave of Immigrants Inbound
This article appeared
at Channeling Reality
January 27, 2015
Business ceases to become business when it becomes engaged in political decision making regardless of whether the decisions concern foreign or domestic policy. It becomes a fifth column that seeks absolute control. A person would have to be completely brain dead not to see that this is what has happened to the United States. It's being run by a fifth column that is not even American.
at Channeling Reality
January 27, 2015
Business ceases to become business when it becomes engaged in political decision making regardless of whether the decisions concern foreign or domestic policy. It becomes a fifth column that seeks absolute control. A person would have to be completely brain dead not to see that this is what has happened to the United States. It's being run by a fifth column that is not even American.
#2250: Marine Links Serco Super-Bowl Drones To Black-Hand Ammo Pyle, Airbus CSI Morgues
Plum City - ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Serco's Super Bowl drone operators to Black-Hand* ammo apparently used to incinerate the late ScienceLogic COO Don Pyle in his Annapolis mansion and the Airbus (Cassidian) use of 9-1-1 networks to disrupt crime scene investigations with phony morgue (DMORT) teams.
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Source: Mike King (Tomato Bubble)
NY Times (International): Modest Victory for Israel in Quest for International Meeting on Anti-Semitism
"All The News That Sulzberger's Propaganda Rag Saw Fit To Distort"
The Anti-New York Times
A Daily Web Page Summary of the Dirty Lies, Glaring Omissions, Half -Truths & Globalist Bias of The NY Times Front Page Headlines
NY Times (International): Modest Victory for Israel in Quest for International Meeting on Anti-Semitism
Cloud-Centric Crime Scene Investigation (C2CSI) Radio - January 29, 2015
Source: C2CSI - Abel Danger
Abel Danger Broadcast for January 29, 2015
Abel Danger Broadcast for January 29, 2015
Marine Links Airbus-Activated DMORT Crimes...
Listen: Abel Danger Broadcast
#2249: Marine Links Airbus-Activated DMORT Crimes To Serco Black-Hand Threats Of Super-Bowl Bomb
Plum City - ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Airbus (Cassidian) activation of DMORT crime scenes to Serco's apparent deployment of Black-Hand* journeymen to incinerate the body of the late ScienceLogic COO Don Pyle in his Annapolis mansion and communicate credible threats of an incendiary bomb attack on Super Bowl XVIX.
Monday, January 26, 2015
Cloud-Centric Crime Scene Investigation (C2CSI) Radio - January 27, 2015
Source: C2CSI - Abel Danger
Abel Danger Broadcast for January 27, 2015
Abel Danger Broadcast for January 27, 2015
Cloud Monitoring of Black Hand/White House...
Listen: Abel Danger Broadcast
#2248: Marine Links Serco White House Black-Hand Pyre To Airbus Notification Super Bowl Pyle
Plum City - ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Serco’s spoliation of evidence of White House crimes with Black-Hand* pyrotechnic devices to Airbus (Cassidian) notification of the phoney first responders who attended a Super Bowl XLVII power out and the incendiary bombing of the Annapolis home of the late ScienceLogic COO Don Pyle.
Japan's ISIS Crap Photoshop Grand Prix is Hitting the "ISIS™" Psyop Where it Hurts - Land of The Setting Sun - "You Can't Make This Shit Up" - British MI6 Staging Faked Beheadings - Japanese Mentally Ill Contractor Wannabe - Rita Katz & Co. Terrorist Enterprises Studio - Global War On Terrorism Is a Booming Industry - Japan's Population Required a Little "Coaxing"
This article appeared
at Neo Liberal News of the Day
January 23, 2015 by willyloman
by Scott Creighton
UPDATE: Adan Salizar wrote about the Crap Photoshop Grand Prix over at Prison Planet, selecting a few notable samples to include in his article. My "ISIS Beheads Santa" was one of them.
at Neo Liberal News of the Day
January 23, 2015 by willyloman
by Scott Creighton
UPDATE: Adan Salizar wrote about the Crap Photoshop Grand Prix over at Prison Planet, selecting a few notable samples to include in his article. My "ISIS Beheads Santa" was one of them.
The Wiki-Mandarins
by Miles Mathis
It has been said that the internet is the greatest tool for freedom in the world. In a sense, this is certainly true. It has so far allowed for a discussion of many topics that are simply not addressed by the mainstream media. As long as the internet remains free of total government control, we can expect that a part of the influence of the internet may remain a positive one.
It has been said that the internet is the greatest tool for freedom in the world. In a sense, this is certainly true. It has so far allowed for a discussion of many topics that are simply not addressed by the mainstream media. As long as the internet remains free of total government control, we can expect that a part of the influence of the internet may remain a positive one.
Sunday, January 25, 2015
#2246: Marine Links Serco Black-Hand FEMA/Illinois Task Force To MoD Key, Incinerated Pyle
Plum City - ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Serco's Black-Hand* hacks of FEMA/Illinois Terrorism Task Force's Airbus notification systems to the UK MoD's alleged use of Entrust public key infrastructure ('PKI') to authorize the incineration of any evidence of the contract killing of ScienceLogic's COO Don Pyle at or near his Annapolis home.
Saudi Arabia Exports Oil and Terrorism - American "Patriots" Profoundly Confused - Qatar's First Export: Gas; Second Export: Financing Terrorism Against Syria - The Great Game Between Britain and Russia - Zbigniew Brzezinski and the Muslim Brotherhood - Western Intelligence Made the Muslim Brotherhood - "ISIS" Erupts With a Vengeance - Coveting Syria's Resources
This article appeared at 21stCenturyWire
Butcher, Soldier, King: The Truth About ISIS, Chris Kyle and The Saudi King
January 24, 2015
Jay Dyer
In the wake of recent psy ops news (in other words, news in general), an interesting conundrum was apparent to me today, when we consider the hype surrounding Chris Kyle and his legendary sniping skills, and the death of the King Abdul Aziz of Saudi Arabia. What a quandary the average American patriot must be in here, as the same establishment lionizing Kyle as a hero is simultaneously lauding one of the chief terror exporters – the Saudi regime.
Butcher, Soldier, King: The Truth About ISIS, Chris Kyle and The Saudi King
January 24, 2015
Jay Dyer
In the wake of recent psy ops news (in other words, news in general), an interesting conundrum was apparent to me today, when we consider the hype surrounding Chris Kyle and his legendary sniping skills, and the death of the King Abdul Aziz of Saudi Arabia. What a quandary the average American patriot must be in here, as the same establishment lionizing Kyle as a hero is simultaneously lauding one of the chief terror exporters – the Saudi regime.
Saturday, January 24, 2015
The Problem of the Gas Chambers / Le problème des chambres à gaz (Robert Faurisson)
The Problem of the Gas Chambers
(Robert Faurisson, 1986 video)
#2245: Marine Links Airbus Black-Hand Oval-Office Switch To Serco’s Spy In Bag And Incinerated Pyle
Plum City - ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked the Airbus (Cassidian) installation of a Black Hand* switching network in the Oval Office to Serco operative Maureen Baginski who allegedly coordinated the torture-murder of spy-in-the-bag Gareth Williams in 2010 and the recent contract hit and incineration of the ScienceLogic COO Don Pyle in his Annapolis mansion.
Ultra-Cheap, High-Efficiency Chinese Solar Panels: A Paradigm Shift in Energy - High-Efficiency Appliances - All Cars Can Be Huge, Luxurious, and Solar - Do Not Allow Elitist Taxes (e.g. Al Dork's Carbon Tax) to Steal This Consumer Dividend - Destroying the Rothschild–Rockefeller Energy Monopoly
Source: Jim Stone Freelance
Jan 22 2015
Could China's cheap solar panels spark world war 3?
Discuss this on the Forum
Energy is one of the key mechanisms of elite control over the world. And energy has been held back in many areas, from the banning of the closed-loop nuclear fuel cycle (which basically amounted to free energy) to the sidelining of fully viable ultra-efficient cars such as the straight-up, not-plugged-in, no-tricks-at-all, cheap-to-produce, 300-mpg Volkswagen XL-1. But there is one area of practically free energy that is progressing forward totally unabated, and it is ultra-cheap Chinese solar panels.
Jan 22 2015
Could China's cheap solar panels spark world war 3?
Discuss this on the Forum
Energy is one of the key mechanisms of elite control over the world. And energy has been held back in many areas, from the banning of the closed-loop nuclear fuel cycle (which basically amounted to free energy) to the sidelining of fully viable ultra-efficient cars such as the straight-up, not-plugged-in, no-tricks-at-all, cheap-to-produce, 300-mpg Volkswagen XL-1. But there is one area of practically free energy that is progressing forward totally unabated, and it is ultra-cheap Chinese solar panels.
Russia Today (RT) Circumventing America's Unipolar Geopolitical Strategy - U.S. State Department Is Terrified of RT News - "It's not the American people, it's the American government" - Aleksandr Dugin - Andrew Lack (Ashkenazi Jew) Moves to the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) to Counter RT - Russia-Hater Brzezinski Wants U.S. Troops Moved to the Baltics - Multi-Polar or Uni-Polar World?
This article appeared
at RT
Psaki wiggles out of RT's Ukraine ceasefire question, bluntly blames Russia (VIDEO)
January 23, 2015
at RT
Psaki wiggles out of RT's Ukraine ceasefire question, bluntly blames Russia (VIDEO)
January 23, 2015
US State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki
(Still from RT video)
Friday, January 23, 2015
Greece: Unholy Alliance Between Bankers, Developers and Media Holders - "We are going to destroy the Greek oligarchy system" - Scrounging and Sponging Off Everyone's Productive Efforts - Rent Seekers - "Triangular Sin" - Economic System in Greece is Unacceptable - Freedom of Speech Jeopardized - Sucking Energy Off Everyone
This appeared
at 4News
Yanis Varoufakis, tipped to be Syriza's new finance minister, tells Paul Mason what his party would do if it gets into government in Greece, and admits the prospect of power in Europe is "scary".
at 4News
Yanis Varoufakis, tipped to be Syriza's new finance minister, tells Paul Mason what his party would do if it gets into government in Greece, and admits the prospect of power in Europe is "scary".
#2244: Marine Links Serco Reston Murder Arson To Airbus Pyle Surveillance, Black Hand Oval Office
Plum City - ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked a murder-for-hire arson service allegedly run out of Serco's Reston HQ to the Airbus (Cassidian) mobile radios apparently used to trigger the incendiary fires which silenced ScienceLogic COO Don Pyle and may have stopped his company's surveillance of Black Hand* communications with the Oval Office.
Thursday, January 22, 2015
#2243: Marine Links Serco's Black Hand In The Middle To Privy Seal Oval Office And Airbus Nose Up Stalls
Plum City - ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Serco's man-in-the-middle attacks with Black Hand captains or journeymen to a digital privy seal allegedly used by erstwhile Oval Office identities to authorize the imputation of ad hoc waypoints into the uninterruptible autopilots which appear to have put the Airbus aircraft of AF Flight 447 and QZ Flight 8501 into their fatal nose-up stalls.
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Cloud-Centric Crime Scene Investigation (C2CSI) Radio - January 22, 2015
Source: C2CSI - Abel Danger
Abel Danger Broadcast for January 22, 2015
Abel Danger Broadcast for January 22, 2015
State Of The Corporation; Horse's Ass Of A...
Listen: Abel Danger Broadcast
#2242: Marine Links BBC Baroness Privy-Seal Snuff To Serco Rent Car, Hebdo Black-Hand Money Shot
Plum City - ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked BBC snuff-film productions – apparently authorized by Lord Privy Seal Baroness Tina Stowell – to Serco's alleged use of a Cassidian “Rent Car” 4G wireless van to transmit money-shot images of the killings by Black Hand journeymen at or near the Charlie Hebdo offices in Paris on 1/7.
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
The Richie Allen Show Interviews Field McConnell - January 20, 2015
Field McConnell - Boeing Uninterruptible Auto
Pilot Used On 9/11 Planes, Impossible To Hijack!
Pilot Used On 9/11 Planes, Impossible To Hijack!
#2241: Marine Links Privy-Seal Baroness's Killer Key To Serco’s Black-Hand Hebdo Hits
Plum City - ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Lord Privy Seal Baroness Tina Stowell's development of Entrust public key infrastructure (PKI) for contract killers to Serco (formerly RCA GB 1928) operatives and their alleged encrypted communications with the Black Hand*captains and journeymen who ‘hit’ the offices of Charlie Hebdo in Paris on 1/7.
France's First False Flag: The Dreyfus Affair
Source: Henry Makow
January 19, 2015
(Image: Real spy Esterhazy – of course, a non-Jew.)
The Dreyfus Affair (1894-1906) traumatized and transformed France, much like Charlie Hebdo is doing today. Edmond de Rothschild arranged for an innocent Jew, Captain Alfred Dreyfus, to be charged with spying. This aroused anti-Semitism so Jews would go to Israel, as is happening today. Later, when the real spy, Ferdinand Esterhazy, a secret Rothschild agent, confessed, Jews were vindicated and Patriotic France was disgraced.
January 19, 2015
(Image: Real spy Esterhazy – of course, a non-Jew.)
The Dreyfus Affair (1894-1906) traumatized and transformed France, much like Charlie Hebdo is doing today. Edmond de Rothschild arranged for an innocent Jew, Captain Alfred Dreyfus, to be charged with spying. This aroused anti-Semitism so Jews would go to Israel, as is happening today. Later, when the real spy, Ferdinand Esterhazy, a secret Rothschild agent, confessed, Jews were vindicated and Patriotic France was disgraced.
Netanyahu's Paris Appearance Was a PR Disaster
Source: Global Research
Benjamin Netanyahu finds out he missed the bus: An uncomfortable look at the prime minister's embarrassing trip to France.
By Asher Schechter 12.01.15 Haaretz
Global Research, January 14, 2015
Benjamin Netanyahu finds out he missed the bus: An uncomfortable look at the prime minister's embarrassing trip to France.
By Asher Schechter 12.01.15 Haaretz
Global Research, January 14, 2015
Monday, January 19, 2015
Mind control: the attempt to program life - Horrific Technology - Devices Being Prepared for Brain Implantation - DARPA and MedTronics - Interface With the Central Nervous System - Insertion of Electronic Signals Directly Into the Central Nervous System - "Is Technology a Death Trap For Humanity?" - Universities Receive Grants From the National Science Foundation - Criminal Infiltration
Source: Jon Rappoport
Mind control: the attempt to program life
by Jon Rappoport
January 19, 2015
"The targets of modern mind control are always described in terms of medical treatment, alleviation of suffering, and healing. What else would you expect? A stark mission statement about population control and intentional shrinking of brain function? No, this op inevitably falls under 'greatest good for the greatest number'. The promoted premise is: less effort, less pain, more happiness. A gift given to the essentially passive human being. That formulation itself is a version of mind control. The hero and the rebel are replaced by the semi-satisfied and quiescent android." (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)
Mind control: the attempt to program life
by Jon Rappoport
January 19, 2015
"The targets of modern mind control are always described in terms of medical treatment, alleviation of suffering, and healing. What else would you expect? A stark mission statement about population control and intentional shrinking of brain function? No, this op inevitably falls under 'greatest good for the greatest number'. The promoted premise is: less effort, less pain, more happiness. A gift given to the essentially passive human being. That formulation itself is a version of mind control. The hero and the rebel are replaced by the semi-satisfied and quiescent android." (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)
#2240: Marine Links Serco Black-Hand Crime-Scene Clock To Ted Heath’s Telstar JFK, Skynet Pentagon Bomb
Plum City - ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Serco’s (formerly RCA GB 1928) development of a crime-scene clock for Black Hand* captains to the late homosexual pedophile Lt. Col. Edward Heath – the former commander of the Honourable Artillery Company – whose Black Hand journeymen allegedly used Telstar to time the JFK and Jack Ruby assassinations in 1963 and Skynet to time the Pentagon bombs on 9/11.
Sunday, January 18, 2015
This is an Organized Criminal Syndicate: The US Senate - No-Bid Contracts for Insiders - Diane Feinstein Estimated Worth: US$70 Million - Feinstein's Husband Bags US$1 Billion - US Postal Service Dumps 56 Buildings - Richard Blum's Company CRBE Picks Up an Easy US$19 Billion - When the Psychopaths Rule
This article appeared
Sen. Feinstein's husband to make $1B off new insider deal
January 18, 2015
More shady deals emerge despite the $18T national debt
Sen. Feinstein's husband to make $1B off new insider deal
January 18, 2015
More shady deals emerge despite the $18T national debt
#2239: Marine Links Serco 4-Minute Warnings To Black Hand Telstar JFK And Skynet East Africa Embassy Bombs
Plum City - ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Serco (formerly RCA GB 1928) operatives of the United Kingdom's four-minute warning system to the Black Hand* captains who allegedly used Telstar to coordinate the JFK and Jack Ruby murders in Dallas in 1963 and used Skynet to synchronise the 1998 East Africa U.S. Embassy bombings.
Saturday, January 17, 2015
JFK to 911 - Black Hand - Captain McConnell Says "Clear the Skies" - Illegal Modifications to Airliners - 1404 Innocent Victims - RICO Trebling Rendering $6.93B
Mike and Brian and U K Column:
When I speak at Telford, UK on 1 March, 2015 what I would wish to do is address questions from the audience regarding the contents of this 3 hour documentary concerning the JFK assassination:
When I speak at Telford, UK on 1 March, 2015 what I would wish to do is address questions from the audience regarding the contents of this 3 hour documentary concerning the JFK assassination:
JFK to 911 Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick
#2238: Marine Links JFK 4-Minute Warning To Serco Black Hand Journeymen, Sniper Team Edward Heath
Plum City - ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked a four-minute warning system apparently used by Telstar- NBC 'actors' to dress and clear the JFK crime scene in Dealey Plaza on November 23, 1963 to a Serco (formerly RCA GB 1928) deployment of Black Hand Journeymen including a JFK sniper team allegedly assembled by the late pedophile commander of the Honourable Artillery Company Lt. Col. Edward Heath.
Friday, January 16, 2015
Cloud-Centric Crime Scene Investigation (C2CSI) Radio - January 17, 2015
Source: C2CSI - Abel Danger
Abel Danger Broadcast for January 17, 2015
Abel Danger Broadcast for January 17, 2015
Operation RANCH HAND, TRAIL DUST, (redacted)
Listen: Abel Danger Broadcast
#2237: Marine Links Serco Red-Switch President’s No-Fly Visa Frauds To Black Hand ISIS Journeymen
Plum City - ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Serco's fraudulent use of President Obama's Defense Red Switch Network privileges and a phoney "No Fly" database at the National Visa Center to the Black Hand* captains who have allegedly deployed an estimated 20 sleeper cells of between 120 to 180 journeymen/women for contract killing operations attributed to ISIS in France, Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands.
U.S. and Saudi Arabia Cutting Deals on Terrorism™ - Americans Accuse Russia of Fascism - America is Building Fascist Systems - Zbignew Brzezinski Despises Russia - Geopolitics: The Eurasianists Versus The Atlantists - Russia's Aleksandr Dugin's Philosophy: National Self-Interest; Cultural Values; No Single Power Holds Sway - Disingenuous Glenn Beck
Thursday, January 15, 2015
#2236: Marine Links Serco 4-Minute Black-Hand Warning To Obamalaw 9-1-1 At Crime Scene Captain Chic
Plum City - ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Serco's Black Hand* 4-minute warning system to Obamalaw 9-1-1** agents at the Pentagon crime scenes where the late Captain Chic Burlingame – duty officer of the U.S. Navy Command Center – was murdered on 9/11 as he sought authorization to engage the incoming because the Pentagon's automatic fire control system had been fooled by a "friendly" transponder beacon.
#2235: Marine Links Sidley Obamalaw 9-1-1 To Serco Black-Hand Journeymen For PanAm 103
Plum City - ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Sidley Austin's apparent use of Obamalaw 9-1-1* principles to reward crisis actors for spot fixing the body counts at mass-casualty events to Serco's alleged deployment of Black-Hand** Journeymen for a controlled outcome of the PanAm 103 crime-scene investigations.
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
#2234: Marine Links Serco Black-Hand No Fly Visas To Journeymen's Hebdo Airbus Cassidian Kill (HACK)
Plum City - ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Serco's Black-Hand* No Fly visa services to captains and their journeymen hackers who appear to have coordinated the killings at the Charlie Hebdo offices in Paris through a backdoor into the Serco Paradigm partner and Airbus subsidiary, Cassidian CyberSecurity.
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
#2233: Marine Links Serco Black-Hand Murders For Cameron PFI To Alps / Hebdo / Aurora And The Cassidian Dark Knights’ Crime
Plum City - ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Serco payments to the Black Hand* captains who have allegedly been engaged in murder-for-hire through David Cameron's Public Finance Initiatives (PFI) to the spoliation of evidence in the French Alps, Hebdo offices and Aurora Theater of crimes involving contract hits executed by Cassidian's Dark Knights.
Unlike Muslims, Zionist supremacists enjoy immunity from mockery
In Britain and Europe, Zionist supremacists enjoy immunity from the mockery to which Muslim subordinates are subjected
By Michael Hoffman
In Britain and Europe, Zionist supremacists enjoy immunity from the mockery to which Muslim subordinates are subjected
By Michael Hoffman
Stephen Whittle and Simon Sheppard in jail in
Britain for distributing Tales of the Holohoax cartoons
Britain for distributing Tales of the Holohoax cartoons
Monday, January 12, 2015
Hypocrites ("Leaders") March in Paris - "Defense of Free Speech?" Really? - Turkey Imprisons More Journalists Than Any Other Country - King Abdullah Of Jordan Sentences Journalist to 15 Years
Source: World Mic
One Student's Epic Tweets Call Out the Biggest Hypocrites Marching for Free Speech In Paris
One Student's Epic Tweets Call Out the Biggest Hypocrites Marching for Free Speech In Paris
Cloud-Centric Crime Scene Investigation (C2CSI) Radio - January 13, 2015
Source: C2CSI - Abel Danger
Abel Danger Broadcast for January 13, 2015
Abel Danger Broadcast for January 13, 2015
Cameron's Riot Club PFI, Black-Hand Time-L...
Listen: Abel Danger Broadcast
#2232: Marine Links Sister, Holder No-Fly Zones To Cameron-Serco Visa Fraud For Hebdo Black Hand Bitch
Plum City - ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked his sister Kristine 'Con Air' Marcy and Eric Holder's development of No Fly Zones for the 9/11 war games to Cameron-Serco visa frauds which allegedly allowed the Black Hand* Bitch Hayat Boumeddiene to remotely-coordinate the hit team attack at the offices of Charlie Hebdo on 7/1/2015.
Sunday, January 11, 2015
#2231: Marine Links Cameron’s Riot Club PFI To Black-Hand Time-Line Hebdo Hack, Serco Cassidian Airbus Track
Plum City - ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked David Cameron's 1993 launch of "Riot Club" private finance initiatives (PFI) to a Black Hand* hack of time lines for various Hebdo "crisis actors" apparently tracked through Serco-customized white vans by the Airbus-owned Cassidian tasked with "Defending world security ".
Saturday, January 10, 2015
Paris Terror Scam - Hoax, Not Blowback - "Dead" Vicsims - Audio Soundtrack Is an Obvious Studio Job - Prepositioned Camerapersons - Mind the Cue Lines! - Hollywood-Style Script for Max Effect - Tasteless Satirical Rag "Charlie Hebrew" Produced Anti-Islamic Cartoons - I Am NOT Charlie - « Charlie Hebdo, C'est de la Merde ! »
Source: Jim Stone Freelance
Jan 9 2015
Another smoking gun
DEAR CHARLIE: You cannot screw up a cue line in a world where people know you lie and then proceed to look for the obvious!
Inconsistency #984 (in addition to inconsistency #983, the cue line)
Jan 9 2015
Another smoking gun
DEAR CHARLIE: You cannot screw up a cue line in a world where people know you lie and then proceed to look for the obvious!
Inconsistency #984 (in addition to inconsistency #983, the cue line)
#2230: Marine Links Serco White-Van Black-Hand Surveillance To Cassidian Gladio Hebdo Hit
Plum City - ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Serco's trademark deployments of customized white vans for Black Hand* surveillance teams at prospective crime scenes, to the Airbus Cassidian system allegedly used by Serco operatives to order the removal of a police van before the Gladio-style hits on the Charlie Hebdo offices in Paris and to authorize and film the subsequent murder of Muslim police officer Ahmed Merabet in Boulevard Richard Lenoir (Richard The Black!).
Last Message from Colonel Mu’ummar Qaddafi
Source: Pakistan Defense
Message from Colonel Mu'ummar Qaddafi 13.04.2011
Gaddafi Unplugged and Uncensored
Translated by Professor Sam Hamod, Ph.D.
Recollections of My Life: Col. Mu'ummar Qaddafi, The Leader of the Revolution. April 5, 2011.
Message from Colonel Mu'ummar Qaddafi 13.04.2011
Gaddafi Unplugged and Uncensored
Translated by Professor Sam Hamod, Ph.D.
Recollections of My Life: Col. Mu'ummar Qaddafi, The Leader of the Revolution. April 5, 2011.
Friday, January 9, 2015
#2229: Marine Links Jarrett’s Red-Switch White-Van Parking To Black Hand Serco, Witness Hebdo
Plum City - ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Valerie Jarrett surveillance signature at Red-Switch White-Van Parking* crime scenes to the Black Hand** Serco operatives who silenced witnesses to the Charlie Hebdo attack in Paris.
Thursday, January 8, 2015
#2228: Marine Links Dishonourable Black Hand City To Serco Hebdo Snuff Film, White Van Red-Switch Hack
Plum City - ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked the City of London's Dishonourable* Black-Hand Crime-Scene Captains to a live 7/1 broadcast of a Serco-Hebdo snuff film through an apparent hack of the Defense Red Switch Network by the occupants of a white Rent A Car (?!) van parked on Boulevard Richard-Lenoir.
Paul T. Hellyer - The Money Mafia: A World in Crisis - Monetary Reform is the Single Biggest Issue We Can Confront - We Must Make Immediate Changes Now - Bank For International Settlements (BIS) - Over One Trillion One-Hundred Million in Interest Paid Back to Banks - Grand Larceny - Signing Treaty with European Union is High Treason - This is Not a Partisan Issue
Billionaire Degenerate Jeffrey Epstein's Underage Sex Slave Scandal Taints Hillary and Jeb - Clinton–Bush Pedophilia Coverup - Mossad Blackmail Influence Over Leading Politicians - Robert & Ghislaine Maxwell - Jane Doe 102 - Epstein's Sweetheart Deal: Celebrity Lawyers Alan Dershowitz, Kenneth Starr, Roy Black - "Little St. James": The Name of Jeffrey Epstein's "Egg-Shaped Penis"?
#2227: Marine Links Cameron Serco-Airbus Red Switch To Dishonourable Naudet Hebdo Snuff
Plum City - ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked David Cameron's decision to outsource Defense Red Switch Network operations at RAF Oakhanger to Serco and Airbus to the Dishonourables* deployment of snuff-film crews to capture money shots at the Naudet/Hebdo crime scenes in New York on 9/11 and Paris on 1/7.
Wednesday, January 7, 2015
Lukashenko of Belarus Triggers Death Agony of IMF Globalization with 30% Tax on Flight Capital; Purges Cabinet of Neoliberal Operatives Including Central Bank Boss; Measures Can Serve as Pilot Project for Russian Exchange and Capital Controls, Defeat of Kasyanov and Kudrin
Alexander Lukashenko
Not afraid of the IMF and Federal Reserve – Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko defends country and currency with war dirigism. Will Putin follow?
How American Corporations and the Super-Rich Steal From the Rest of Us
Main Street is going broke. Wall Street is cashing in.
By Paul Buchheit / AlterNet
December 28, 2014
The Merriam-Webster definition of 'steal' is to take the property of another wrongfully and especially as a habitual or regular practice. Much of our country's new wealth has been regularly taken by individuals or corporations in a wrongful manner, either through nonpayment of taxes or failure to compensate other contributors to their successes.
By Paul Buchheit / AlterNet
December 28, 2014
The Merriam-Webster definition of 'steal' is to take the property of another wrongfully and especially as a habitual or regular practice. Much of our country's new wealth has been regularly taken by individuals or corporations in a wrongful manner, either through nonpayment of taxes or failure to compensate other contributors to their successes.
#2226: Marine Links Bullingdon Black-Hand Crime-Scene Captains To Serco's Red-Switch Blue-Air QZ Stall
Plum City - ( : United States Marine Field McConnell has linked the apparent extortion of Bullingdon Club alumni by Black-Hand Crime-Scene Captains to the Serco air traffic controllers who allegedly used the National Command Authority's Defense Red Switch Network to bypass Captain Iriyanto – the Airbus pilot of QZ8501 – and trigger a Blue Air stall between the TAVIP and RAFIS waypoints.
Tuesday, January 6, 2015
A "Peace Plan" for Syria - Splitting Syria in Two - The Yinon Plan - Gunrunning Libyan Stockpiles of MANPADS Into Syria - "Approximately 20,000 MANPADs" - Clinton's MANPADs Teams - Slush Fund to Move MANPADS - Pentagon Rebrands ISIS to 'Daesh' - Alternative Media Kicks Establishment's Ass
Source: Voltaire Network
The incredible US "peace plan" for Syria
by Thierry Meyssan
The Syrian people have won two successive wars in four years. Yet the country does not yet know peace. Not only are Washington "liberal hawks" doing everything in their power to prolong the crisis, but they have devised a plan to prepare a third war. Thierry Meyssan reveals here how they intend to use to their advantage the peace conference planned to be held in Moscow in late January 2015.
The incredible US "peace plan" for Syria
by Thierry Meyssan
The Syrian people have won two successive wars in four years. Yet the country does not yet know peace. Not only are Washington "liberal hawks" doing everything in their power to prolong the crisis, but they have devised a plan to prepare a third war. Thierry Meyssan reveals here how they intend to use to their advantage the peace conference planned to be held in Moscow in late January 2015.
#2225: Marine Links Ship Jumper Dave’s Black-Hand Broker Banker To Serco's Red-Switch Waypoints For Airbus Blue-Air Stalls
Plum City - ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked ship-jumper David Cameron's deployment of Black Hand Captains for the broker banker JLT-HSBC to Serco's alleged use of the U.S. Defense Red Switch Network to impute ad hoc waypoints into Airbus aircraft targeted for destruction in Blue Air stalls (cf. AF447, QZ8501).
Monday, January 5, 2015
Illegal Modifications - BUAP Capture - End the Killings Using Aircraft - QRS-11* GyroChip Gyroscope With Military Applications - "Clear the Skies" - Abel Danger: With Grave Concern
Dear Jakarta Post:
Yes I posted the comment you refer to and have copied the comment below. I first told FAA, FBI and ALPA of these illegal modifications on 10 December, 2006. That letter is posted below your story.
On the same day MH370 was taken a YouTube entitled BOEING UNINTERRUPTIBLE AUTO PILOT was posted to YouTube. It got noticed by MAS and representatives of present and past governments of Malaysia. Later in March Malaysia requested I fly from Minneapolis MN USA to Kaula Lumpur, Malaysia. I was in KL arriving 17Apr14 departing 20April14.
Yes I posted the comment you refer to and have copied the comment below. I first told FAA, FBI and ALPA of these illegal modifications on 10 December, 2006. That letter is posted below your story.
On the same day MH370 was taken a YouTube entitled BOEING UNINTERRUPTIBLE AUTO PILOT was posted to YouTube. It got noticed by MAS and representatives of present and past governments of Malaysia. Later in March Malaysia requested I fly from Minneapolis MN USA to Kaula Lumpur, Malaysia. I was in KL arriving 17Apr14 departing 20April14.
Cloud-Centric Crime Scene Investigation (C2CSI) Radio - January 6, 2015
Source: C2CSI - Abel Danger
Abel Danger Broadcast for January 6, 2015
Abel Danger Broadcast for January 6, 2015
Operation BLACK HAND Job
Listen: Abel Danger Broadcast
#2224: Marine Links Jarrett Black-Hand Transit Murders To Serco Red Switch Waypoint, Airbus Blue Air Stall
Plum City - ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Valerie Jarrett's alleged development of a Black Hand murder-for-hire operation at the Chicago Transit Board to Serco's apparent use of the Defense Red Switch Network to impute ad hoc way points into target aircraft and trigger Blue Air (unexpected!) stalls of the Airbus planes flown as AF447 and QZ8501.
What is the FBI? - The FBI Acts as Congress' Militia - First, Let's Go Through Some Definitions - The Commercial Pogrom - Judicial System is Generating Revenue to Offset Congressional Bankruptcy - Paternal Power of the State - The Creation of Terrorism™ to Generate Revenue - Winner of the ‘War On Terror’ Financed Dream Home
This article appeared
at Farsnews
Report: FBI Took Massive Bribe to Delist MKO Terror Group
at Farsnews
Report: FBI Took Massive Bribe to Delist MKO Terror Group
TEHRAN (FNA)- The anti-Iran terrorist group, Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO, also known as MEK, NCRI and PMOI), bribed former FBI Director Louis Freeh to facilitate its removal from the US blacklist of terrorist organizations, a recently-released report revealed.
Sunday, January 4, 2015
5,000 Acres of Stunning Bush Country - Queensland, Australia Gas Industry - UK Politicians Waxing Lyrical About Gas Industry - Entire Areas of Queensland Being Turned Into a Wasteland - The Coal Seam Gas Rush - The Opposition is Very Powerful - Take The Money and Run
Queensland's Fracking Nightmare ...
"It started with just ONE WELL!"
"It started with just ONE WELL!"
#2223: Marine Links Andrew’s Black-Hand Captain Crashes At Blue-Air Places And Times To Serco QZ Fraud On Lloyd’s
Plum City - ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked threats of bodily harm to Prince Andrew and the Royal Family from Black-Hand Captain crashes at Blue-Air places and times to the diversion of QZ8501 onto an unauthorised schedule with ad hoc waypoints in a Lloyd's insurance fraud by Serco shareholders HSBC and Allianz.
Saturday, January 3, 2015
Putin's Gambit - US Sabotage of Russia–Western Europe Rapprochement - Atlanticist Press Lies and Delusions - Unilateral "Sanctions" (Economic War) Have Unintended Consequences - Russia Upsetting the Diplomatic Chessboard - NATO's Miscalculation - Erdoğan's Double Game
Source: Voltaire Network
How Vladimir Putin Upset NATO's Strategy
by Thierry Meyssan
Russia is reacting to the economic war which NATO is waging against her in the way she would have reacted in a conventional war. She allowed herself to be hit by unilateral "sanctions" in order to better lead the opponent to a battleground of her own choosing. Simultaneously, she has signed agreements with China to safeguard her future and with Turkey to disrupt NATO. As long ago, against France or Germany, her initial defeat could be the guarantee of her victory in the end.
How Vladimir Putin Upset NATO's Strategy
by Thierry Meyssan
Russia is reacting to the economic war which NATO is waging against her in the way she would have reacted in a conventional war. She allowed herself to be hit by unilateral "sanctions" in order to better lead the opponent to a battleground of her own choosing. Simultaneously, she has signed agreements with China to safeguard her future and with Turkey to disrupt NATO. As long ago, against France or Germany, her initial defeat could be the guarantee of her victory in the end.
The Prince and the Pedophile - How Deep and Dark Does This Go? - Prince Andrew and Alan Dershowitz Named in US Lawsuit - Underage 'Sex Slaves' - Epstein's Personal Revellers - Denial, Denial, Denial... - Prince Andrew's Painfully Short List of Achievements: High Life and Unsavory Company
This article appeared
How Prince Andrew's follies have shown the royal family who its friends are
2 January 2015
by Fraser Nelson
This is an archive piece from 12 March, 2011:
How Prince Andrew's follies have shown the royal family who its friends are
2 January 2015
by Fraser Nelson
This is an archive piece from 12 March, 2011:
#2222: Marine Links Jarrett’s Blue-Air Black-Hand Red-Switch Crime Scenes To Serco's Extortion 17
Plum City - ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Valerie Jarrett's spoliation of Black-Hand Red-Switch Blue-Air crime scenes to Serco's alleged use of Boeing C4I systems to synchronize the ambush of a Boeing CH-47 Chinook military helicopter – call sign Extortion 17 – in Afghanistan on 6 August 2011.
Friday, January 2, 2015
#2221: Marine Links Serco Edge Of Logic Waypoints To Blue Air Drop Zone Crime, Black Hand Airbus Climb
Plum City - ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Serco's imputation of "edge of logic" waypoints into target aircraft to drop-zone crimes which hide evidence of insurance frauds in a poorly-observed "Blue-Air" space and the Black-Hand captain who/which allegedly sent the Airbus A320-216 of QZ8501 into a climb of 6000ft to 9000ft per minute and then dropped it at 11,000ft a minute with bursts of up to 24,000ft.
Thursday, January 1, 2015
#2220: Marine Links MH/QZ Blue Air Crimes To Black Hand Ship Jumper Dave, Five Eyes’ Dirty Serco Bank
Plum City - ( United States Marine Field McConnell has linked the waypoint crimes which diverted Malaysia Airlines (MH) and Air Asia (QZ) planes into poorly-observed "Blue-Air" space to the Black-Hand cover ups where ship-jumper David Cameron outsourced Five Eyes' tracking and telemetry functions to Serco's dirty banker HSBC.
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