Threat Warning
To the world:
At 2042 EDT I sent a Threat Warning 1313 to military intel branches of US and Russia. Within 15 minutes an office requested some background. My response was sent from CDT at 1959, 17 minutes after I advised DHS, FBI, Navy Intel and the Russian AF Air Attache on Tunlaw Road in Washington, DC NW. I saw four scenarios, none of them good for the United States and because they were set to occur on 24 October in the Chinese Year of the Snake I determined that the risk of putting 635 Congressional folks on aircraft that had the range to land at MUGM – Leeward Point FIELD
(US Naval Station Guantanamo Bay), KFLV-Sherman Army AirFIELD, or W386A Airspace where 3 of the 4 TOPOFF JETS were destroyed on 9/11 it was incumbent upon me to warn certain offices of 3 of the four unacceptably risky flights. Congress had not shut down for a funeral since 1921 and that was for an hour in the Rotunda in DC. It is my belief that the same cabal hoping to TOPOFF USA in the Year of the Snake on 9/11 was willing to give it a second ill advised and unsuccessful attempt on 24 October, 2013 in the following Year of the Snake hence our Mission: SNAKEshot 2. Below is the message that was delivered to Senate and Congress leadership between 2100 and 2127 Wednesday night, 10-23-13.
Field McConnell
715 307 8222
4 oath Oathkeeper
Christian, Marine, Patriot
Praise God from whom all Blessings flow!
ReplyDeleteI don't see the message you sent to Congress
ReplyDeleteWhere is the email??? David, where is it?