Abel Danger Mischief Makers - Mistress of the Revels - 'Man-In-The-Middle' Attacks (Revised)
Prequel 1:
#1542: Marine Links Kristine Marcy 8(a) Splice of Taylor War Game to Femme Comp Hit of Captain Chic
Prequel 2:
Belief Leah Zell, Wade Rathke used market panic 9/11 to launder money through Acorn Int. credit pools; share profits with Michelle Obama, Phil Condit directors at Chicago Council on Global Affairs
Rachel Maddow: President Obama FBI Director Nominee James Comey
Anna Chapman - An alleged Marcy pedo-femme extortionist of 100 Women in Hedge Funds
Marcy’s Femme Comp Serco shtick and time-splice Captain Chic!
“"Une explosion de la pédophilie féminine" Cindy, Gloria, Jennifer, Karla… Il suffit de cliquer sur les sites Internet -américains où sont fichés les délinquants sexuels pour tomber sur des centaines de noms de femmes condamnées pour viols sur mineur et attouchements sur leurs propres enfants. En Grande-Bretagne, les portraits patibulaires de -Vanessa George continuent d’occuper la une des tabloïds. Puéricultrice à la -Little Ted Nursery de Plymouth, -Vanessa George a été jugée coupable d’agressions sexuelles répétées sur des enfants de 2 à 5 ans, de fabrication et d’échange d’images pédo-pornographiques par l’intermédiaire de Facebook.,femmes-pedophiles,20258,408762.asp ”
“Justice Department To Attempt Shut Down of 9/11 Evidence
by Tom Flocco
Sccop, New Zealand, 11 July 2002.
Centre for Research on Globalisation (CRG), , 12 July 2002
Global Outlook , Issue No 2 9-11: Foreknowledge or Deception? Stop the Nuclear Threat. Now available (for details click here) .
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On June 20, Bush Administration officials quietly informed a New York judge of their intention to commence legal actions likely to be far-reaching in their constitutional, political, and individual rights implications pertaining to current lawsuits and government secrecy related to the attacks on September 11, 2001. The moves were revealed in a letter obtained from a confidential source, with two other sources corroborating its existence, adding additional information.
U.S. Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Division Robert D. McCallum, Jr. and United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York James B. Comey advised U.S. District Judge Alvin Hellerstein, also of the Southern District of New York, that the Department of Justice (DOJ) will intervene to control access to all evidence and documents related to all private litigation before Hellerstein’s court regarding the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 -- citing “grave national security concerns” as their motivation.
The McCallum and Comey correspondence advised Judge Hellerstein of their intention to “seek [court] entry of a global discovery order [effectively controlling evidence obtained from any country],” requiring that 1) “Transportation Security Administration (TSA) be served with [have prior access to] all requests for party and non-party discovery,” 2) “defendants and non-parties submit all proposed discovery responses that may contain ‘sensitive security information’ (SSI) to the TSA prior to releasing such material to plaintiffs,” and 3) “TSA have the necessary opportunity to review such material and to withhold ‘sensitive security information’ ” [from victim-family attorneys].
Curious indications of additional Administration political machinations linked to Special Master Kenneth Feinberg and theSeptember 11th Victim Compensation Fund were also revealed in Justice’s letter to Hellerstein’s court: “The Government has been advised that the Court is developing a procedure by which all Plaintiffs in the September 11 Tort Litigation must formally acknowledge the ramifications of pursuing a lawsuit rather than filing a claim with [the Fund].”
This action will permit Feinberg to force families to listen to his attempts to convince them to give up their lawsuits -- accepting his reduced financial offers, instead of taking their chances for fair compensation in court, but also for justice and accountability. However, Feinberg might be losing his battle, as only 10 families out of 3,200 have thus far completed applications permitting him to determine their financial futures, rather than a judge and jury, according to wide press reports.
DOJ lawyers McCallum and Comey further advised Judge Hellerstein that “In making their election, plaintiffs should be fully informed of the risks that accompany litigation.” However, the Administration added that the “TSA’s vigorous enforcement of the rules governing non-disclosure of sensitive security information may present significant litigation consequences for all plaintiffs, and the Government respectfully requests that the Court include a statement to this effect in any finalized protocol,”-- clearly the letter’s most controversial statement.
Some might consider the Administration’s statement a veiled threat, warning that any victim family continuing with or thinking about suing either the airlines, security firms, or other government entities would likely lose any civil action because the Government is going to take complete control of their access to the very evidence needed to prove their cases in court.
Moreover, these and other statements in the Justice Department’s correspondence to Hellerstein could well test the legal ire of many of the families -- given the staggering individual, legal, and constitutional implications.
Constitutional separation of powers notwithstanding, the Executive Branch is also attempting additional circumnavigation of treacherous legal waters that some might consider blatant usurpation of judicial branch authority in order to control access to evidence in legitimate private lawsuits.
The Assistant Attorney General and U.S. Attorney advised that “the Government will seek to intervene in these cases, and will move to implement a consolidated litigation plan that would enable TSA to enforce both statutory and regulatory aviation safety measures effectively and efficiently.”
On the heels of its strict enforcement intentions, Ashcroft’s Office requested “that the Court -- on its own motion [acting by itself] -- stay [suspend] all discovery in the September 11 Tort Litigation pending the July conference.” McCallum and Comey then asked the Judge to “permit the Government to address these and other issues at the upcoming July status conference,” -- taking the unprecedented action of halting legal evidence discovery in all September 11 tort litigation. The undisclosed victim litigant told Scoop Media that the conference will be held on Friday.”
“Two of A Kind
U.S. Attorneys Patrick Fitzgerald of Chicago and James Comey of Manhattan are both tough-minded career prosecutors. They're also best friends.
By Alison Frankel All Articles
The American Lawyer
December 11, 2008
By 1987 Comey was an assistant in the Southern District of New York. Fitzgerald joined him in 1988, five months before the famous malfunctioning tape recorder episode. Four years later, the two tried the case that served as a prelude for the support they give each other in the jobs they have now. Comey was by then the deputy chief of the criminal division but was preparing to move his family to his wife's native Virginia. Fitzgerald had just agreed to take on a major prosecution, the trial of four defendants from the Gambino organized crime family. The indictment was the result of a five-year investigation, and the trial would involve dozens of witnesses from across the United States and Sicily--a perfect fit for Fitzgerald, with his uncanny memory for names, places, and events. But Fitzgerald would need cocounsel. One day he called Comey at home to talk about who should try the case with him. Comey's wife motioned at him to hang up. He did, and Patrice said, "You should do it." The move to Virginia was postponed, and Comey and Fitzgerald spent most of the next year together.
There was no textbook for presenting mass murderers as cooperating witnesses, so the two held long strategy sessions. "The advantage of trying the case with a close friend," Comey says. "[is that] you can talk about things without worrying about how you're going to look in front of the other guy. We each knew that we're both fools inside.... We'd talk through everything and make each other laugh."
The trial lasted six months. Comey and Fitzgerald thought it had gone well for the government, but the jury deadlocked, and a mistrial was declared. (Press accounts at the time speculated about jury tampering.) The prosecutors were devastated. "We lay down on the floor in my office," Comey says. "I felt like I'd been punched in the stomach."
There was no textbook for presenting mass murderers as cooperating witnesses, so the two held long strategy sessions. "The advantage of trying the case with a close friend," Comey says. "[is that] you can talk about things without worrying about how you're going to look in front of the other guy. We each knew that we're both fools inside.... We'd talk through everything and make each other laugh."
The trial lasted six months. Comey and Fitzgerald thought it had gone well for the government, but the jury deadlocked, and a mistrial was declared. (Press accounts at the time speculated about jury tampering.) The prosecutors were devastated. "We lay down on the floor in my office," Comey says. "I felt like I'd been punched in the stomach."
In Washington, Comey had an angel. Mary Jo White had agreed to stay on as U.S. attorney in Manhattan until the conclusion of the embassy bombing trial. New York's Republican governor, George Pataki, and senior senator, Democrat Charles Schumer, were at an impasse over whom to recommend to succeed White. In the fall of 2001, Comey got a call from the White House. "I thought it was one of my wise guy friends," Comey says. "He said, 'How'd you like to be the U.S. attorney for the Southern District?"'
Comey says he still doesn't know just who in the Department of Justice or the Office of the White House Counsel promoted him for the job, but he wasted no time accepting the offer. Comey and his wife, who had told him this was the only job she'd be willing to leave Virginia for, packed up their five children and moved back to New York.”
Comey says he still doesn't know just who in the Department of Justice or the Office of the White House Counsel promoted him for the job, but he wasted no time accepting the offer. Comey and his wife, who had told him this was the only job she'd be willing to leave Virginia for, packed up their five children and moved back to New York.”
“Here's The Real Role Anna Chapman Actually Had At The Hedge Fund Navigator
Courtney Comstock | Jul. 1, 2010, 12:26 PM | 9,133 | 21
So what did accused Russian spy Anna Chapman really do in finance?
Her LinkedIn profile says she worked in i-banking at Barclays, she worked at the hedge fund Navigator, and that she worked at KIT Fortis Investments. And in a video that's shown up, ie here the Mirror, Anna said that she could afford an apartment for herself because she knew how to save from her work an investment banker.
"I was also an investment banker at that time and I knew the business model which would be best."
She's also said that she worked for Warren Buffett (See video below).
So let's see how her claims are panning out in reality so far:
Claim: i-banking at Barclays Reality: Barclays told Dealbreaker that Anna didn't work in i-banking at Barclays, she was in the retail sales division.
Claim: worked at Navigator Reality: she was the personal assistant of Nicholas Camilleri, chief executive of the Mayfair-based hedge fund company Navigator Asset Management Advisers. (Wayne Sharpe, who is CEO of Bartercard, a trading exchange firm told the Guardian that he met Chapman through her work at Navigator.)
Claim: worked for Warren Buffett Reality: we'll see
Claim: worked at KIT Fortin Investments Reality: we'll see
In conclusion: Not particularly well. But we'll see! More news keeps coming out about this lady.”
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